Li Mu looked at Xiaolan like this, her heart was full of shyness, and she clasped her murderous body with both hands.

  "Yuan... Yuanzi, can you not look at it, it's too... too embarrassing."

  Li Mu ignored the shy Xiaolan, lowered his head and did what he wanted.

  For a time, the whole room was filled with the joyful singing and laughter of Li Mu and others.

  On the other side, Conan looked at the sled on the ground, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

  "Hey, don't you want me to move this up, can I do it?"

  Although this car looks small, it is not something that a child like me can do.

  "Forget it, let's inform the doctor. Without the adults, we can't get this sleigh car at all."

  Conan picked up the phone and was ready to call.

  "Ah, doctor?" Yuan Tai said with a bitter face: "Conan, we called you just because we didn't want to inform the doctor. Is there nothing you can do?"

  "Yeah, Conan, can you not inform the doctor and them?"

  Conan looked at the three people and reluctantly retracted the phone.

  "I know, don't inform the doctor, then we will only inform tomorrow. Now let's find a way to go back."

  Conan looked at the dark night nearby and covered his forehead helplessly.

  "But, on this big night, will anyone else appear here?"

  But as soon as the voice fell, a car slowly drove over from a distance.

  Conan reacted, walked up quickly, waved his hand, and let the people in the car see him.

  In fact, the driver also paid attention to Conan, stopped the car immediately, and left with Conan.

  Not long after, Conan and the others returned to the hotel under the leadership of the car's owner, Mr. Muto.

  After arriving at the hotel, Mr. Muto informed Conan's family. Except for Li Mu and Xiaolan, everyone else went out.

  As for Li Mu, naturally someone came to call him, but this night, he was still in the vertical and horizontal, who has the time to go out.

  And Xiaolan Yuanzi also made an excuse and did not go out.

  After all, Xiaolan is being 'beaten' by Li Mu in all directions. It's too late to enjoy, and there is still time to go out and take care of Conan.

  In the living room, Conan didn't see Xiaolan, and looked around curiously.

  "Strange, what about Sister Xiaolan?"

  Conan doesn't know yet, Xiaolan and Li Mu are very happy now.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1415 Conan being scolded (one more)

  Conan glanced around and didn't notice Xiaolan and Li Mu, his heart suddenly tightened.

  If either Li Mu or Xiaolan were here, he wouldn't be so entangled.

  But the two of them were not here, and Conan was worried in his heart.

  "Dr. Li, where are Sister Xiaolan and Brother Li?"

  "Ah..." Dr. A Li was stunned for a moment, but still replied instantly: "Xiao Lan and Li Mu have both gone to rest, what's the matter?"

  "" Conan thought for a moment, and said angrily, "Damn, it must be like that."

  Conan didn't even think about it, he just left and wanted to find Xiaolan and Li Mu.

  But just two steps away, Conan was grabbed by Kogoro Mouri's arm and picked up at the same time.

  "Damn, you little bastard, you didn't listen to me anymore. You trouble other people at night, but you're so kind~ Thought wants to run away."

  "Damn, uncle, let go of - me."

  Conan's mind is full of Xiaolan at the moment, and he doesn't care about Mori Kogoro.

  Maori Kogoro had a dark face, and this guy couldn't forgive him for making trouble for him.

  Bang bang bang!

  Mouri Kogoro slammed Conan a few times, and then there was anger in his eyes.

  "Boy, are you awake now? Do you want me to help you wake up?"

  When Conan was about to say something, Dr. A Li interrupted Conan and said secretly, "Hey, Shinichi, you have angered Detective Mouri, you will be in trouble in the future, and don't forget, today is your fault."

  Conan woke up in an instant, and when he looked at Mouri Kogoro's furious gaze, his heart shivered.

  "Sorry, Uncle Maori, I was wrong."

  The hero does not suffer immediate losses, and he will deal with Maori Kogoro first, otherwise, his life in the future will be haha.

  When Mouri Kogoro saw that Conan had made a mistake, his face came back, and he was not so angry anymore.

  "Hmph, it's good to know the mistake, but instead of apologizing to me, I apologize to them."

  Conan turned his head quickly and bowed his head to apologize to Mr. Muto and several others in the distance.

  "I'm sorry, uncles and aunts, I will never dare again."

  "I'm so sorry." The teenage detective team apologized.

  "Okay, it doesn't matter."

  Mr. Muto and others did not blame Conan and others, but smiled.

  After seeing these people, Conan looked at Kogoro Mouri with a smile and said, "Uncle Mouri, can I go back to rest now?"

  "Hmph, don't rest early or late, rest now."

  Although Mouri Kogoro was dissatisfied, he still said: "Okay, you go to rest, remember, don't be so naughty in the future."


  Conan touched the back of his head, then immediately left the living room and went to the resting place.

  Outside Xiao Lan's room, before Conan spoke, he heard a subtle voice inside.

  Ang Ang...

  This voice sounds a bit seductive, like the voices of men and women in a blockbuster.

  That's right, he had accidentally downloaded this kind of movie and glanced at it secretly, and naturally he knew what the sound was.

  In an instant, Conan collapsed a little.

  The man he liked was actually in the room with Li Mu, and it was even rumored.

  After a while, Conan reacted, knocked on the door and shouted, "Sister Xiaolan, sister Xiaolan, what are you doing? Is there anyone else in your room?"

  In the room, Xiao Lan heard Conan's voice, and subconsciously grasped Li Mu, her feet also pinched Li Mu's waist.

  After Xiao Lan woke up, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and said shyly, "Brother Li, Conan heard that, it's okay."

  Li Mu complained to Conan a few words in his heart, but he still racked his brains.

  In the end, how should I find a way to let Conan leave in peace and not get angry.

  Suddenly, a light flashed in Li Mu's mind, and he hurriedly said something in Yuanzi's ear.

  After listening, Yuanzi nodded, then took a deep breath and shouted, "Damn it, what are you going to do if you don't sleep at night, you darn bastard."

  The sudden shouting startled Conan.

  Conan looked at the door in front of him and said in surprise, "Sister Yuanzi, you...are you in Sister Xiaolan's room?"

  "Or what do you think? Is it possible that I can't rest with Xiaolan? Who do you think you are, why do you care about me." Yuanzi complained dissatisfiedly.

· · 0 flowers · · ·

  Conan also heard clearly, Sonoko was in Xiaolan's room, and the boulder in his heart fell.

  As long as Li Mu is not in Xiaolan's room, it doesn't matter who else is in it, even Yuanzi.

  And he didn't believe that it was Li Mu who was inside. After all, it was impossible for Xiaolan to be with Li Muyuanzi.

  As for that voice, Conan subconsciously thought that he had heard it wrong, or that Sonoko Xiaolan peeked at that kind of movie.

  Although a little embarrassed, but I also watched this movie, of course I can't force Sonoko Xiaolan not to watch it.

  After he figured it out, Conan touched the back of his head and said with an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, sister Xiaolan, sister Yuanzi, maybe I heard it wrong, sorry, I'll go first."

...... 0

  In the room, Xiao Lan's face was slightly red.

  What was wrong, it was clearly her voice.

  Fortunately, she was fooled, otherwise she would be in trouble by accident, and she would be in trouble.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, it's done, he's gone, let's continue."

  Xiaolan's cheeks were slightly red, she grabbed Li Mu's arm with both hands, and said softly, "Brother Li, be gentle, what if Conan hears it."

  "It's okay, there's nothing to be afraid of. Don't pay attention to him, that kid."

  Yuanzi made fun of Xiaolan, then put a hand on Xiaolan's body and pressed it hard.

  Xiao Lan exclaimed, quickly grabbed Yuanzi's hand, and gasped, "Yuanzi, if you do this again, I'll be angry."

  "You're angry, so what if you're angry, I'm not afraid of you."

  Yuanzi kept grabbing Xiaolan with both hands, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi started fighting like this.

  The room was filled with the sound of singing and dancing.

  Li Mu did not hesitate and continued.

  Outside the house, Conan listened to the noise inside, with a bitter face, and he has scolded Sonoko many times in his heart.

  Fighting is fighting. Why does the voice sound like the voice of a man and a woman doing indescribable things? He misheard it.

  Although speechless, Conan went back to his room to rest.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!At.

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