Chapter 1416 I slept with Xiaolan last night (two more)

  The next morning, when Li Mu woke up, he looked at the pure white snow outside and stretched.

  "Another bright day."

  Li Mu sighed and walked out of his room happily.

  After leaving the room, Li Mu happened to bump into Conan who came out of the next room.

  Conan also saw Li Mu, and asked curiously, "Brother Li, it's you, where were you last night, why didn't I see you?"

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, with a strange smile on his face.

  "Well, I can tell you, but you can't say it, okay?"

  Conan looked at such a strange Li Mu, and his heart was suddenly covered with curiosity.

  "Brother Li, I will never tell anyone else."

  Li Mu leaned on Conan's side and said softly, "Last night, I was in Xiaolan's room with Xiaolan."


  Conan exclaimed, and immediately grabbed Li Mu's clothes, his eyes filled with unquenchable anger.

  "Damn, what did you do to Sister Xiaolan?"

  "Is this?" Li Mu deliberately paused and said strangely: "So what? It doesn't seem to be your business. I just did what the two of us should do."

  After speaking, Li Mu laughed and left.

  "Damn, this bastard didn't say anything. I'll go to Sister Xiaolan and ask for it."

  But just two steps away, Conan suddenly stopped, remembering Li Mu's weird smile.

  "I think about it, last night, Yuanzi was in Li Mu's room. Maybe Li Mu heard it and was mad at me on purpose. You can't be fooled."

  After finishing speaking, Conan nodded, convincing himself.

  The dreaded Conan, he was clever but was mistaken by his cleverness.

  Li Mu shook his head and said nothing more.

  In the morning, after breakfast, Li Mu, Maori Kogoro and others walked with Mizuki on the snow.

  Of course, it wasn't just Li Mu who accompanied him, the young detective team and others all followed behind.

  Walking on the snowy ground, Li Mu was speechless.

  To be honest, Li Mu didn't really like to watch the scenery. If he was looking at the beautiful scenery, it would be different.

  But in general, Li Mu felt that traveling and watching the scenery were very boring.

  Walking on the snow, Li Mu suddenly saw a black dot in the distance, and quickly pointed to the distance and said, "Hey, what is that? Is it a corpse?"

  "Corpse?" The others also looked in the direction Li Mu pointed, but saw nothing, let alone a corpse.

  Miss Shuishu took a look at the telescope hanging in front, and then her face became solemn.

  "Where is someone, you must have read it wrong?"

  Although Maori Kogoro's eyes are particularly good, but after all, he is only an ordinary mortal, so it is naturally impossible to see.

  "No, there are people there, and it seems to be a glacier."

  Miss Shuishu ran over quickly. Although the others didn't see it, since someone said it, they naturally followed.

  After walking many steps, Maori Kogoro also saw a black spot, and said excitedly: "Really, what is that, is it really a corpse?"

  After walking in, everyone discovered that it was indeed a corpse.

  "This guy, his eyes are so powerful."

  Conan looked at Li Mu in astonishment, seeing a corpse from such a distance was no ordinary person.

  These eyes are comparable to telescopes.

  But then, Conan remembered that there was a corpse here, and hurried over to observe it carefully.

  Mouri Kogoro touched Mr. Glacier's neck and said with some uncertainty: "It seems that he died of a heart attack, but I don't know the specifics."

  Conan touched Mr. Glacier's body, pretending to be a child and said, "Alas, this uncle's electric baton is gone. It's obviously something he often wears, why is it gone?"

  "Maybe he forgot to bring it, it's nothing."

  Li Mu glanced at Maori Kogoro, how did this guy, so stupid, become a famous detective.

  Oh no, Conan can make him a famous detective, he is really capable, and he must be very tired at ordinary times.

  Li Mu looked at Mr. Glacier's corpse and said to himself, "I've seen it, this guy should have been killed by someone else."

  "A case of homicide?" Maori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously, "You said this is a case of homicide, do you have any evidence? No evidence is not enough, and what's the matter with the nearby footprints, there is only one footprint."

  "It's very simple, at the beginning, there were two footprints, but then it snowed and covered one footprint, and he just had to leave with his own footprints.

  The proof is that even if he cleaned the snow off Mr. Glacier's clothes, there was still some snow left. "

  Maori Kogoro listened to Li Mu's words and felt that it made sense.

  "Well, let's notify the police now. As for the rest, let the police handle it, including the death investigation."

  Subsequently, Mouri Kogoro notified the police.

  The police came as soon as possible, took notes for Li Mu and others, and investigated people related to Mr. Glacier.

  Unfortunately, in the end, nothing was found, let alone the murderer.

  Leaving the interrogation room, Li Mu patted the back of his head and complained, "Seriously, this police officer's speech is likely to scare people to death. If you call the police in the future, it may be a waste of time."

  Xiaolan smiled awkwardly, reached out and patted Li Mu lightly.

  "Okay, Brother Li, it doesn't matter. After all, he is a policeman."

  Conan looked at the cute Xiaolan, and felt a little jealous. Why was Xiaolan and Li Mu so happy, and he was actually a little devil.

  Suddenly, Conan had an untimely idea in his heart, such as making Li Mu smaller.

  But then, Conan didn't think too much, after all, he was also a detective, how could he let Li Mu eat poison.

  But if it didn't kill people, it is estimated that Conan would have thought of a way to poison Li Mu long ago.

  But then, Conan thought of something, and said to himself triumphantly: "I need some special medicine when I go back, so that she can eat a little bit of misery."

  Think about it, Conan's face is full of broken smiles.

  Li Mu stole a glance at Conan and sneered inwardly.

  If you want to make yourself suffer, you will suffer when you go back.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1417 Huiyuan Sorrows Biting People (Three Shifts)

  Although someone was killed, Li Mu had no interest in investigating who the murderer was.

  With this spare time, Li Mu might as well let Conan go to the front and steal jade and incense behind him.

  And Li Mu was indeed successful. In order to investigate this case, Conan was very busy all day. He didn't have time to be with Li Mu at all, and naturally he couldn't monitor Li Mu.

  On Li Mu's side, after watching Conan leave, he came to Haiyuan Ai's place, and took Haiyuan Ai's little hand and left.

  Hai Yuanai didn't hesitate and followed Li Mu directly.

  After coming to a place where no one was there, Hai Yuanai held her arms fiercely, and said a little arrogantly: "Tell me, I have something to do with the eldest lady. After agreeing, the reward is not ordinary."

  Li Mu looked at Hui Yuanai who looked like an eldest young lady, picked her up, pressed her face against her face, and rubbed her hard.

  "What's the matter, you seem arrogant, do you want me to bully you at night?"

  Hui Yuan's sad face instantly turned red, and he pushed Li Mu's arm in dissatisfaction, struggling lightly.

  "Quick, let me go, or I'll be angry."

  Li Mu didn't continue, put down Hui Yuanai, and then looked at Hui Yuanai seriously.

  "Okay, let's get down to business. If Conan wants any medicine from you, such as laxatives, remember to tell me, and I'll be ready for a 637."

  Hai Yuanai was stunned for a moment, and looked at Li Mu in confusion.

  Why did Conan ask him for this medicine, and what happened that she didn't know.

  But then, Haiyuan Ai figured it out and joked: "I see, is it that Conan wants to trouble you, so you came to me?"

  "As expected, it's my family's Xiao Ai, but she's very smart."

  Li Mu squeezed Hui Yuanai's little face, but somehow, it felt very good when he squeezed it.

  Hui Yuanai struggled to break free of Li Mu, and said shyly, "Hmph, why should I help you, and where were you last night?"

  "What? Are you jealous?"

  "Who... who is jealous."

  Haiyuan Ai shouted, although she didn't see it, she had roughly guessed it.

  Last night, Li Mu must have been at Xiaolan's place, and he must have done something embarrassing.

  Thinking of this, Haibara Ai felt jealous.

  Li Mu could see the vinegar smell of Hui Yuanai, reached out and hugged Hui Yuanai, pulling her into his arms.

  "Okay, don't be angry anymore. The big deal is tonight. I'll let you go to my room, and then I'll make you happy too."

  Hai Yuanai's cheeks reached to the base of her ears, instantly rosy, but she did not refuse, and she was even more looking forward to it.

  "Let's go, let's go out and play."

  One day passed again, Li Mu did not go out to investigate the case, and was very happy with everyone, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

  In the evening, Conan came back exhausted and happened to meet Li Mu, Xiao Lan and others.

  Thinking of how serious his investigation was, while Li Mu and Xiaolan were so happy, Conan only had his mother to sell.

  Haiyuan Ai noticed Conan and looked at Li Mu and the two of them, feeling the same taste in his heart.

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