But instead of eating it on his own, it's better to let Conan eat it, and then be happy for a moment.

  "Hey, what's the matter, are you very unhappy, the one you like, with other people."

  Conan turned his head and looked at the smiling Haibara Ai, dissatisfied: "It's none of your business, this guy, I will definitely teach him a lesson."

  "Teach him a lesson?" Haiyuan Ai looked at Conan, then shook her head, her eyes filled with disdain.

  "Hey, what do you mean, are you looking down on me?"

  Conan was suddenly dissatisfied, his eyes seemed to say that he couldn't do it.

  How can a man say no.

  "No, no, that's not what I meant, what I meant was..." Haiyuan grieved for a moment, then teased, "Are you? You don't seem as handsome as him, and (cada) doesn't have him either. Rich, his reasoning ability is not as good as him, and his football is not as good as him, alas."

  Conan has black lines all over his head.

  Although I really don't go to Li Mu, but do I need to say it?

  But thinking about it carefully, it seems that he is really inferior to Conan, no matter what aspect, he is inferior to Conan.

  For a time, Conan was desperate.

  Fortunately, Conan's recovery ability is very fast, and in just a moment, he regained his fighting spirit.

  "Hmph, even if I am not as good as him, I will never give up, and I will never lose to him!"

  "That's up to you, I'm leaving."

  Conan glanced at Hai Yuanai's back, and then put his eyes on Li Mu again, his eyes filled with jealousy.


  At night, the sky calmed down again, and the night shrouded the sky.

  After Hui Yuanai left his room, he came to Li Mu's room while others were not paying attention.

  Li Mu hugged Hui Yuanai, and then came to the bed.

  Hui Yuanai stretched out a small hand and placed it in front of Li Mu.

  "What's wrong, is there something wrong?" Li Mu asked in surprise.

  "What's the matter, what about the medicine? Did you bring the medicine? Could it be that you want me to start like this? You pervert."

  Haiyuan Ai seemed to have thought that Li Mu had taken a fancy to her young body, and quickly covered her own body with a frightened expression.

  This look is like looking at a pervert.

  Li Mule was delighted and said with a smile: "You shouldn't take medicine here, right? If you finish eating, everyone will hear your shouting when you recover."

  Huiyuan Ai's face instantly turned red, but she was still a little shy: "But, but I... how can I be like this, is it possible that you... do you have to be like this? This... this might hurt a lot. "

  "It's okay, you can actually..."

  Li Mu said something in Hui Yuanai's ear, and Hui Yuanai's face turned red.

  "Okay, let's get started."

  Hai Yuanai looked at the serious Li Mu, although she was a little shy, she was still looking forward to it.

  She gave herself a sigh of relief in her heart, and Hui Yuanai patted her extremely rosy little face, then slowly lowered her head, resting her head on Li Mu, and then swayed slightly up and down.

  Li Mu closed his eyes, although Hui Yuanai's body didn't get bigger and couldn't do things between men and women, but at least he could have a good time.

  For example, what can make Haibara Ai bite, yes, bite, but you have to read it separately.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1418 Reservoir explosion (one more)

  The next day, after Li Mu got up, Hui Yuanai had already secretly returned to her own room.

  After getting up, Li Muhe only saw Xiaolan and Yuanzi and other adults when he came out.

  On the contrary, Conan and the people from the boy detective team have disappeared, and obviously they are going to do important things again.

  Li Mu didn't care either. It had nothing to do with him anyway. If you have time, it would be better to chat with Xiaolan and the others. ~ Very happy.

  I don't know how long I have been playing, but a few staff members on the reservoir found Maori Kogoro.

  "What? You said there was a bomb?"

  The staff was startled and said quickly, "Detective Maori, keep your voice down so that no one else will find you."

  Mouri Kogoro also reacted and said quickly: "Yes, yes, yes, what did you just say, is there really a bomb?"

  While speaking, Mouri Kogoro secretly looked around.

  This expression, no matter how you look at it, looks like a thief.

  The staff also took a peek around and said softly: "Yes, it did explode just now. The telecommunications base station was blown up. We are afraid that the reservoir will be blown up, so we hope Maori detectives will go with us to see."

  "Well, since that's the case, then let's go right away, there can be no problems."

  Maori Kogoro walked to the staff's car, Li Mu and others also got into the car, and then drove in the direction of the reservoir.

  ah ah ah...

  At the same time, in the direction of the reservoir, Mr. Yamao kicked Conan hard.

  After Conan was kicked, Mr. Yamao did not attack, but instead held a gun in one hand and a stun stick in the other.

  Mr. Yamao walked over to Conan and picked up a remote control.

  This remote is the one that controls the bomb.

  "Forget it, I think you came alone, so let's get rid of you like this."


  Just as Mr. Yamao was about to press the button on the remote control, a gunshot rang out, and Mr. Yamao fell to the ground.

  Conan looked up and saw that this person was none other than Miss Mizuki.

  Miss Mizuki picked up the shotgun and came to Conan's side, worried: "Little brother, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, Miss Mizuki."

  Conan stood up, then picked up his watch-type anesthesia gun, ready to attack at any time.

  At this moment, Mr. Yamao stood up again and hugged Miss Mizuki directly.

  "Miss Mizuki." Conan quickly pressed the football and kicked Mr. Yamao.

  Mr. Yamao was directly kicked in the head by the ball, then passed out, and the remote control in his hand fell.

  No one noticed that when the remote fell down, it accidentally touched the buttons on the remote.

  It was at this moment that the Detective Boys and Mr. Muto rushed over.

  As soon as he came over, Mr. Muto grabbed Mr. Yamao and held him down.

  Conan ignored Mr. Yamao, looked directly at Miss Mizuki and said, "Miss Mizuki, eight years ago, it was you who caused Dongma to lose her memory, right?"

  Dongma also reacted and said quickly: "Yes, it is him, although I took off my glasses, but this is her."

  Miss Mizuki's body trembled slightly, with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

  Her own affairs were discovered, and she was about to go to jail. What should I do?

  "That's right, that's how it was at the beginning."

  Miss Shuishu lowered her head and told everything that happened eight years ago.

  After Miss Mizuki finished speaking, Mr. Muto stepped forward and looked at Miss Mizuki.

  "Shuishu, no matter what time, I will be waiting for you."


  Miss Mizuki jumped into Mr. Muto's arms and burst into tears.

  Suddenly, Ayumi pointed to the remote control on the side and said, "Conan, look there, is that thing glowing again?"

  Conan looked at the glowing remote control, his face changed greatly.

  "Everyone, run, it's going to explode."

  As soon as the voice fell, the bomb on the reservoir exploded directly, the reservoir was also blown apart, and Conan was directly separated.

  "You guys, run quickly, we will meet at Beizhisawa Village."

  Conan shouted, then quickly picked up the skateboard and left quickly.

  Standing on a skateboard, Conan galloped across the snow.

  "Damn, what should I do? If the water in the reservoir is allowed to come out, it will definitely submerge Beizhisawa Village."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  Conan looked at the water in the distance, his face changed suddenly, and he thought quickly in his mind.

  If he didn't want to solve this matter, everyone in Kitazawa Village would be drowned.

  Suddenly, Conan had a flash of inspiration, looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, he suddenly thought of something.

  If it can cause an avalanche, it will definitely cause heavy snow, which will cover the water with heavy snow.

  After thinking of the method, Conan did not hesitate, stood directly on the skateboard, and rushed to the snowy mountain in the distance.

  Conan showed what it means to be open, and this open life does not need to be explained.

  On the other side, Kogoro Mauri was driving when he happened to encounter a large water in the distance. He was startled and drove away quickly.

  "What's going on? Could it be that the reservoir was really blown up?"


  Yuanzi's face was pale, if such a large reservoir were to be blown up, so much water would be enough to submerge the entire Kitazawa Village.

  Once Kitanosawa Village is submerged, they can hide there again.

  The expressions of other people are also very bad, and some people think that their hearts are about to collapse.

  Li Mu looked at the water in the distance and frowned slightly.

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