Miwako was taken aback, and the steering wheel was almost unsteady.

  A city hotel, one of the top [-] super-first-class hotels in Tokyo, at that price, a meal could make her poor.

  Coupled with Li Mu's appetite, Miwako may not be able to pay off her debts by working there for a few months.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1423 Oh, Miwako, you have opened a room (three more)

  "Stop joking, Li Mu, the city hotel can't afford to sell me, so let's change it." Miwako smiled.

  "This?" Li Mu suddenly leaned on Miwako on his shoulders, and put one hand on her rou~color stockings.

  "Then sell you, sell it to me, so I can go there to eat."

  Miwako's cheeks turned pale pink, and she looked so shy and cute.

  "I don't want it, so let me take you to the snack bar by the road."

  After finishing speaking, Miwako didn't give Li Mu time to answer, and directly found a place to park.

  After getting out of the car, Miwako took Li Mu's arm and said, "Let's go, let's eat here."

  Li Mu twitched at the corner of his mouth as he looked at the small restaurant that was not even [-] square meters in front of him.

  It's okay to eat in such a small restaurant, but how can you open a room at that time? You can't be happy in a small restaurant.

  "Wait, Miwako, I have a coupon for a small hotel, you and I can use it."

  Li Muqiang dragged Mei and Zi, came to a nearby small hotel, and booked a box.

  020 Not long after the two entered, Yumi, who was wearing clothes, glanced at the hotel, then walked to a coffee shop opposite, and chose a position near the window.

  "Hmph, Miwako, this time, I will definitely catch you."

  In the box in the hotel, Li Mu sat on a stool with a wine glass in his hand.

  "Mikako, I congratulate you with a cup, and congratulations to the police officer Takagi of the Metropolitan Police Department for getting out of trouble."

  As for really congratulating him?No kidding, it's just a random excuse.

  However, Miwako didn't think so, and instead nodded happily.

  "Li Mu, thank you, I believe Officer Takagi will also be very moved."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, as long as Miwako was happy, whether Officer Takagi was not happy had nothing to do with him.

  "Okay, Miwako, let's eat."

  Li Mu picked up the chopsticks and tasted it.

  Although it's not noon yet, it's just a little after eight in the morning, but it doesn't prevent you from having breakfast~

  After breakfast, Miwako pulled up her backpack and was about to leave.

  Li Mu suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Miwako, and pulled Miwako into his embrace.

  "Okay, Miwako, why are you leaving in such a hurry, didn't you say you want to repay me well?"

  Miwako felt Li Mu's warmth, and naturally understood what Li Mu was going to do, her cheeks were extremely flushed.

  "Li... Li Mu, I... haven't I already served you breakfast? You... what more do you want?"

  "What do you say?"

  Li Mu smiled, reached out and closed the door of the private room, then hugged Miwako tightly and pulled her clothes.

  Immediately, the room was filled with beautiful scenery.


  After a casual meal, Miwako picked up a tissue and wiped it, then quickly put on her clothes.

  After roughly arranging her clothes, Miwako turned around shyly, turned her back to Li Mu, picked up the lipstick in her hand, and lightly touched up her makeup.

  Li Mu hugged Miwako from behind and teased, "Miwako, I remember you don't know how to put on makeup. What's the matter, do you put on makeup for me?"

  "Who... who is for you, don't talk nonsense, and I'll go first, bye."

  Miwako blushed and ran away first embarrassed.

  Li Mu followed closely and left the hotel together, then paid the bill and left.

  Just as Miwako was leaving, Yumi, who was on the opposite side, noticed Miwako and hurriedly paid and left.

  After walking out of the coffee shop, Yumi pretended to have noticed Miwako just now, and waved her hand quickly.

  "Miwako, here, here I am."

  Miwako heard Yumi's voice, and her cheeks flushed (caej), but then disappeared.

  "Yumi, why are you here?"

  "I, I drank a cup of tea here, ate breakfast, and was going to continue patrolling the streets. It's you, who just came out of the hotel."

  Miwako was in a hurry, and quickly waved her hand and said, "No... It's not what you imagined, I... Li Mu and I didn't open a room."

  "Oh, Miwako, have you opened a room? I thought you were going to dinner."

  Yumi had a smile on her cheeks.

  Miwako also reacted, saying that she was in a hurry, but she accidentally exposed herself.

  "This... Yumi, you have to believe me, Li Mu and I are really nothing, we can't do this during the day."

  However, the more Miwako explained, the more impossible Yumi could believe.

  Especially Miwako is no different from the three hundred taels of silver here.

  Yumi noticed Li Mu again, and hurriedly waved her hand to tease: "Li Mu, tell me, what did you just do with Miwako in the hotel?"

  "this one..."

  Before Li Mu could speak, Miwako covered Li Mu's mouth.

  "Hahaha, Yumi, we didn't do anything at all, right, Li Mu."

  Li Mu: "..."

  This girl, Miwako, is sometimes silly and cute. At this time, it is easy to be misunderstood.

  But even so, Li Mu took the face of Meihezi into consideration and said righteously: "Yumi, since that's the case, let's be honest, we just had a breakfast."

  That's right, but you have to add each other for breakfast.

  Li Mu ate Meihezi, Meihezi ate Li Mu, that's all.

  Yumei looked at Li Mu and didn't believe Li Mu at all.

  As Li Mu's secret lover, Yumi couldn't be foolishly ignorant.

  There are some things that Yumi knows very well.

  "Okay, Li Mu, let's go, don't disturb Yumi patrolling the streets here."

  Mei Hezi was afraid that Li Mu would accidentally miss the point, and hurriedly pulled Li Mu away.

  As everyone knows, Miwako's own performance is so bad that normal people can see Miwako's abnormality at a glance.

  Yumi was about to say something when she suddenly saw a white spot on Miwako's butt.

  As a girl who has gone through many human affairs, Yumi still doesn't know what it is.

  After snickering, Yumi stepped forward, grabbed Miwako, and narrated something in Miwako's ear.

  Miwako blushed instantly after hearing this, she turned her head quickly, pulled up her short skirt and took a peek.

  After seeing the white spot, Miwako's face turned even redder, and she didn't care so much, she just left Li Mu and ran away.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1424 Meet Shiliang again (one more)

  "Li Mu, I'm leaving, you can find a way to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department."

  Miwako got into the car and drove away without waiting for Li Mu.

  The pitiful Li Mu, the car is still in the Police Department, and now he can only find a way to return to the Police Department, and then drive away by himself.

  Li Mu thought of something again, and turned his head to look at Yumi on the side.

  Yumi also noticed Li Mu's gaze, took a step back subconsciously, and covered her murderous hole with both hands.

  "Li Mu, what do you want to do? Let me tell you, it's on the street now, and there are many people here. I'm a policeman. You'd better not hit me."

  Li Mu: "..."

  Is he that bad guy?How could he bully Yumi on the street.


  Li Mu patted Yumei's head hard.

  "Little girl, what are you thinking, hurry up and take me to the Metropolitan Police Department."

  Yumi also reacted, blushing and smiling: "No... I'm sorry, I made a mistake, let's go back."

  After speaking, Yumi ran away shyly.

  A few minutes later, Li Mu sat in the passenger seat of Yumei's car, leaning his head against the window of the driver's seat.

  Yumi was embarrassed to look at Li Mu at all, and just drove the car seriously.

  After the car drove for a long time, Li Mu realized that the direction of Yumi's car did not seem to be in the direction of the Metropolitan Police Department.

  "Yumi, where is your goal, this is not the direction to the Metropolitan Police Department."

  "Don't talk, just sit quietly."

  Yumi didn't explain, just looked at the flat road in front of her seriously.

  I don't know how long it took, Yumi's police car came directly to an abandoned factory.

  Li Mu glanced around, the corners of his mouth rose, leaning on Yumi gently, pulling her to his side.

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