"Yumi, what did you want to do to me when you brought me here?"

  After finishing speaking, Li Mu took another step back, grabbing his own murderous hole with both hands, looking frightened.

  With a black line from Meiman's head, she and Li Mu were together, Li Mu was definitely happy, and he should have made such an expression.

  "Li Mu, you and Mi Hezi seem to be very happy today, but I'm not happy because you haven't seen me for a long time."

  Li Mu immediately understood that Yumei was jealous.

  If it was before, Yumi might directly propose to break up, even if she just lost her life.

  But I don't know what happened. For Li Mu, Yumi couldn't forget it.

  "I know, Yumi, that's what you want, right?"

  Li Mu didn't hesitate, hugged Yumi directly, and came to the back seat of the car.

  Although Yumi was shy, she did not refuse, instead she cooperated with Li Mu.

  After a while, the car trembled slightly.


  An hour later, Li Mu stood on the street, looking at the crowd of people on the street with black lines all over his head.

  This guy, Yumi, abandoned himself after eating him clean.

  He didn't take himself to the Metropolitan Police Department to pick up the car, and left alone.

  Although speechless, Li Mu still had to walk on the street alone.

  "Big Brother Li, Big Brother Li."

  Suddenly, several female voices came from behind.

  These voices seemed a little familiar, and when he turned his head to look, he saw Xiaolan and others.

  Xiaolan and his party came over, and one of them was Shiliang Zhenchun, who had not seen him for a long time.

  "Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Shiliang, we haven't seen you for a long time."

  "Yeah, it's been a long time indeed." Shiliang Zhenchun also greeted.

  "Shi Liang, I haven't seen you in this period of time, why are you gone?"

  "Oh, nothing, I just went abroad and came back recently."

  Li Mu didn't ask any further, he turned to look at Xiaolan and the two.

  "Okay, since that's the case, let's go together, it just so happens that I'm very bored by myself."


  Xiaolan nodded, and then the group of four walked and talked while walking.

  Suddenly, a noisy voice came from the side, which immediately attracted the attention of Li Mu and the others.

  "What's the matter, what happened?"

  Shiliang Zhenchun hurriedly ran over, and Xiaolan and the two also ran over quickly.

  Li Mu's head was full of black lines, why did another murder happen.

  Although helpless, Li Mu had to follow.

  Next to the vending machine, the two said anxiously, "I don't know either. We didn't see him, so we came to look for him, and we happened to meet him."

· · 0 flowers · · ·

  Shi Liang Zhenchun quickly checked carefully.

  "This probably is……"

  "Cholesterol is high, causing venous arterial bleeding and death."

  Shiliang looked at Lin Fei, who had just come over, in pure surprise. She had just checked it, but Li Mu didn't even look at it, but he knew it.

  "How did you know, you didn't even look at it, how did you investigate."

  "This?" The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, with a strange smile on his face.

  "Actually, I forgot to tell you that my real occupation is a doctor."


  The three of Xiaolan shouted subconsciously, and looked at Li Mu in surprise.

...... 0

  They have been with Li Mu for so long and know that Li Mu is good at a lot.

  For example, fighting, cooking, reasoning, etc., but it was the first time they knew that Li Mu was actually a doctor.

  Li Mu smiled and didn't answer. Instead, he stood beside Shiliang Zhenchun and took a careful look at the dead body.

  Shiliang Zhenchun did not continue to look at Li Mu, but said sternly: "Originally, I thought it was a natural death, but now it seems that it must have been killed by him, because there is a word here."

  "No, it wasn't a homicide, it was an accidental death."

  Li Mu looked at the word 'death' on the ground, and at a glance saw the truth of this matter.

  "What? This is an accidental death?" Shiliang Zhenchun shouted, and then said in surprise: "How is this possible, there is clearly a word "death" here, which is clearly homicide."

  If it weren't for Li Mu, who is also a very good detective, Shiliang wouldn't question his innocence.

  But since Li Mu said so, it also means that Li Mu must have some clues.

  Li Mu stood up straight and put his hands in his pockets.

  "Yes, this is an accidental death, because I have seen the truth of the incident."

  "By the way, I remembered." Xiaolan suddenly thought of something, and suddenly realized: "I remember that such a case happened ten years ago.

  Xinyi's father was also inside, and he also said that this was an accidental death, and there was indeed a word "dead" next to it. "

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!Xi.

Chapter 1425 Subaru Okiya is an ugly monster (two more)

  "What? Is this true? Kudo Shinichi's father, did that well-known novelist really say that?" Shiliang Zhenchun shouted in surprise.

  If Li Mu said that, she would still have some doubts, but if Yusaku Kudo said the same, it would be debatable.

  This is how people are, a person is different from her, and she has some doubts in her heart.

  If two people questioned her like that, and both were famous people, she might think she was wrong.

  "That's right, that's it." Xiaolan nodded.

  Shiliang Zhenchun rubbed his chin and thought.

  But no matter what she thought, she felt something was wrong, and she couldn't think of an answer.

  "By the way, since that's the case, let's ask Kudo Shinichi, I think he should know."

  "Okay then, I'll go ask."

  Xiaolan looked at the serious Shiliang Zhenchun, picked up the phone, and sent an email.

  After the post, Shiliang Zhenchun said again: "Then let's go to the new Kudo family now."

  "Also, I happen to know where the information about this case ten years ago was placed."

  Xiaolan nodded, then picked up the backpack and walked at the front.

 20 …………

  More than ten minutes later, Xiaolan stopped at the door of Kudo's new family and took out her mobile phone.

  "Sorry, Shiliang classmate, Shinichi said that he has asked Conan to come and get it, so there is no need for us to go there."

  "Really? But we're already there, why don't you go in and take a look."

  Shi Liang Zhenchun gently opened the door and walked in by himself.

  Li Mu and the others were helpless and followed behind.

  After entering Kudo Shin's house, Shi Liang Zhenchun suddenly heard the sound of the bathroom and quickly opened the door.

  But it's not Conan in the bathroom, but Subaru Okiya, who lives in Kudo's new family.

  Of course, his real identity is FBI agent Akai Shuichi, and he is also the eldest brother of Shiliang Zhenchun.

  "Sorry, we went the wrong way."

  Shiliang Zhenchun touched the back of his head, and then quickly closed the door.

  Walking in the aisle, Sonoko smiled and said, "When I saw him before, he always surrounded his neck. I thought he had tattoos on his neck."

  "No, that's not the reason." The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he said solemnly: "He should be disguised, just like Kaitou Kidd."

  As soon as the words fell, Shi Liang Zhenchun's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously looked in the direction of Okiya Subaru.

  "Yi Rong?" Sonoko exclaimed, and then said with a big brain: "Could it be that he is the phantom thief Kidd, who floated here deliberately and took a fancy to a precious gem in this family."

  Li Mu: "..."

  With this brain hole, Sonoko can write novels.

  But Xiaolan thought of something, and said quickly, "I remember that Mr. Subaru's apartment was on fire before, maybe he was accidentally injured, so he changed his face to cover his face."

  Xiaolan thought about the same thing. Akai Shuichi was indeed trying to cover his face, but it was not certain whether he had burns or not.

  On the other hand, Shiliang Zhenchun has always been suspicious of Chong Yaang. He was a little suspicious before, but now he is even more suspicious.

  When she came to the living room of the study, Xiaolan saw Conan who was looking for something.

  Conan also noticed Li Mu and the others, and said quickly, "Sister Xiaolan, just wait a minute, you'll be fine soon."

  Sonoko thought of something, and asked quickly, "By the way, little devil, do you know that Mr. Subaru, did he ever get burned by fire?"

  Conan's pupils shrank.

  He roughly knew Okiya Ang's identity, and he also remembered that Akai Shuichi seemed to be burned, but he didn't know why Sonoko knew.

  Although shocked, Conan calmed his mind and said, "Sister Sonoko, why do you say that?"

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