"Oh, that's right. Big Brother Li saw that Chongya Ang was disguised, so I asked. After all, you said that the apartment he lived in was on fire. I think it might have been a burn on his back." Sonoko said.

  After hearing this, Conan looked at Li Mu in astonishment. He couldn't see it, but he didn't expect Li Mu to see it.

  At the same time, Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

  At least Sonoko didn't discover Okiya's identity.

  Secretly, Okiya Subaru, who was eavesdropping, was also surprised, and touched his cheek subconsciously.

  He was still very confident in his disguise, but he didn't expect to be seen through by Li Mu.

  "Oh, it's like this, Mr. Subaru's face was injured, so he changed his face."

  After finishing speaking, Conan looked at Li Mu again and said, "By the way, Big Brother Li, how did you see it? I think his disguise is pretty good, exactly the same as before."

  "Oh, it's like this, whether it's him or the phantom thief Kidd, even if the disguise is particularly good, the facial expressions will reveal flaws." Li Mu said nonsense.

  Although Conan didn't know if it was true or not, he still looked at Li Mu with some admiration.

  "Ah, found it."

  Conan took out a file bag, then came down, and handed it to Xiao Lan.

  "Sister Xiaolan, this is the information about the case ten years ago, take a look."

  "I'll take a look."

  Shiliang Zhenchun was a little excited, and quickly picked up the file bag and took out the information inside.

  I watched 740 carefully for a moment, but no matter how I looked at it, Shiliang Zhenchun always felt that this case was homicide.

  "Li Mu, take a look at this case, I think it should be his murder."

  Li Mu picked up the document, read ten lines at a glance, and quickly read it.

  "Okay, I've been optimistic. It's exactly the same as today. This is an accidental death, not a so-called homicide."

  Shiliang Zhenchun's face was a little ugly, no matter how he thought about it, he thought it was a homicide.

  But she didn't want to listen to Li Mu, hoping that she could find the answer.

  Even Conan looked surprised. He was very persistent in this case, and he has yet to find it.

  Moreover, Li Mu thought exactly the same as his father, and both thought it was a case of homicide.

  "Wait, if I overturn this case, won't I be able to defeat Li Mu?"

  Conan suddenly thought of something, and his heart was full of confidence.

  Li Mu looked at the inexplicably confident Conan, the corners of his mouth rose, and he said directly: "How about it, do you want me to tell you the answer, it will save you too much headache."

  Shiliang Zhenchun and Conan looked at each other, then turned around and agreed, "Well, let's talk."

  Only after knowing Li Mu's answer can they refute Li Mu's.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1426 The tryst with Tomoko (three shifts)

  "Well, as long as you come with me at night, I will tell you when the time comes. As for now, let's go eat."

  Li Mu didn't refuse either. Now that he knew his answer, he naturally had to make good use of it.

  Conan and Shiliang looked at each other innocently, nodding helplessly and agreeing.

  Afterwards, the five Li Mu had a dinner together, and at night, they came to the murder scene again.

  As soon as he arrived at the murder scene, Shiliang Zhenchun took the lead and said, "Okay, let's talk about it, why do you think it was an accidental death."

  Without saying a word, Lin Fei picked up a cigarette and a few coins and put them on the dead word.

  Shiliang Zhenchun and Conan's pupils shrank, and they immediately understood in their minds.

  At the same time, the two thought of the case ten years ago, which was related to this case.

  "It turns out that, I understand, this should be like this..."

  Shiliang explained it honestly, and Li Mu didn't interrupt. Since someone understood, he didn't need to talk too much.

  After talking a lot, Shi Liang Zhenchun looked at the shadow in the dark.

  "If I guess correctly, the coins below should have the fingerprints of the murderer, right?"

 220 "Yes, there is."

  In the dark, three thugs came out.

  "Intimidation, violence, theft, we've all done it, and it does have my fingerprints on it."

  After speaking, the three people rushed over directly.

  Conan looked at the three with pity.

  Here, he has three high-end combat powers, Li Mu, Xiaolan, and Shiliang Zhenchun.

  Which one is not the one who can hang three little gangsters.

  Sure enough, in just an instant, the three thugs were beaten by the three of them, and they threw themselves into the street.

  At the same time, the police came.

  "By the way, Sonoko, I'll leave it to you to make the transcript. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

  Shiliang Zhenchun said hello and left first.

  Li Mu glanced at the neighborhood and asked Conan to take the record alone, which was obviously inappropriate.

  Helpless, Li Mu could only make notes with Xiaolan.

  After finishing the record, it was completely dark, Li Mu looked at the bright moonlight in the sky and took a deep breath.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, I'll take you home. After all, it's getting late (caaa)."

  Fortunately, during the day, Li Mu's car was left at the Metropolitan Police Department, so he now has a car.

  "Okay, then I'll trouble you, Brother Li."

  It was so dark, Xiaolan did not refuse.

  Li Mu first drove Xiaolan back, and then drove Yuanzi to her home.

  When they arrived at Yuanzi's house, Yuanzi suddenly grabbed Li Mu's arm and leaned beside Li Mu shyly.

  "Li Mu, can you not leave, I want to be with you today."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, his right hand picked Yuanzi's chin, and then tapped Yuanzi's mouth.

  Sonoko's face flushed instantly, and he subconsciously covered his flushed face.

  "Okay, I promise you, we'll go up."

  Yuanzi was instantly overjoyed, and quickly took Li Mu's arm and left the underground parking lot.

  At the gate, Li Mu met Suzuki Jiroji, Suzuki Tomoko and others.

  Similarly, Suzuki Jiroji is also very happy.

  "Li Mu, you're here too, how about it, do you have any very good gems that can attract Kaito Kidd, why don't we challenge him together."

  Although Suzuki Jiroji is also a big tyrant, it is not easy to think of suitable gems.

  Therefore, he set his sights on Li Mu. As a rich man, he believed that Li Mu also had excellent gems.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he lent him the gem, which was absolutely never going to come back.

  With the ability of Kaitou Kidd, if he didn't appear, this guy would definitely play.

  However, considering the relationship between this guy and Sonoko, there is no use for gemstones, and it is not as beautiful as an adult.

  "I do have a very good ruby ​​that I can lend you. By the way, his name is Pandora, and he is an excellent ruby."

  "Really? That's great, this time, I'll definitely catch the phantom thief Kidd."

  Suzuki Jiroji shouted excitedly.

  Originally, he didn't have high expectations, and didn't think Li Mu could borrow one.

  Who knew that Li Mu actually agreed, and in Li Mu's identity, how could he possibly send a very bad ruby.

  Li Mu looked at the awe-inspiring Suzuki Jiroji, and really couldn't bear to hit him.

  With his strength, Li Mu didn't think he could catch Kidd the phantom thief. This time, he had to solve it by himself.

  Beside him, Shiro Suzuki said with a smile: "Then Jiroji, you can work harder, but you can't let Li Mu's ruby ​​be stolen."

  "Brother, don't worry, this time I have a brand new strategy, I will definitely be able to win a big victory and catch Kidd the phantom thief." Suzuki Jiroji said proudly.

  Shiro Suzuki smiled and said nothing.

  Which time Suzuki Jiroji did not say so, but every time, Suzuki Jiroji will fail, he no longer believes in Suzuki Jiroji.

  Not only Suzuki Shirou, even Suzuki Tomoko and Sonoko didn't believe it.

  But there was no blow. Anyway, their family has a great business, and they don't care if a gem is stolen by Kidd the phantom thief.

  Moreover, the gems stolen by Kaitou Kid will be returned in the end, so in the final analysis, the loss is not particularly big.

  "Okay, I'm going to prepare, this time, I must catch Kidd the phantom thief."

  Suzuki Jiroji ran away excitedly.

  Shiro Suzuki shook his head, and then said with a smile on his face, "Then, Li Mu, you can have a good chat with Sonoko first, and we'll go to rest first."

  "Don't worry, Uncle Suzuki."

  Li Mu said hello very politely, and at the same time secretly winked at Tomoko Suzuki.

  Tomoko Suzuki immediately understood what Li Mu meant.

  A tryst tonight.

  Thinking of Li Mu's power, Tomoko Suzuki's cheeks were slightly red, and he also communicated with Lin Fei with his eyes.

  I agreed.

  Li Mu also understood what Tomoko Suzuki meant, and he didn't stay for a long time, so he pulled Sonoko and left.

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