Li Mu's mouth was slightly raised, and he said with a smile, "If there is a chance, I will definitely let you guys play."

  (caah) Of course, this is just if there is a chance, it does not mean that Li Mu will have a chance.

  The teenage detective team hadn't heard the meaning of Li Mu's words, and jumped up and down very happily.

  Beside, Sonoko looked at the smiling people, and then leaned next to Xiaolan.

  "Xiao Lan, you and Li Mu last night..."

  Conan's ears perked up immediately, and he quickly looked at Xiaolan and the two of them.

  If he heard correctly, he seems to have heard Xiaolan and Li Mu...

  However, Conan didn't hear exactly what happened, but looking at Xiaolan, who was so shy, he could roughly guess a little.

  When he thought that Xiao Lan might have been with Li Mu, Conan felt his head green.

  As if a forgiveness hat appeared on the top of his head.

  Conan stared at Li Mu resentfully, wishing to eat Li Mu in one bite.

  Li Mu also noticed Conan's expression, squatted down quickly, and touched Conan's little head.

  "What's the matter, kid, you shouldn't be jealous, right? Don't worry, I'll play with you too."

  "I'm not jealous, absolutely not." Conan subconsciously shouted.

  "Conan, don't be so angry, how can you be so rude?" Xiao Lan suddenly became dissatisfied.

  Conan was also startled, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Brother Li, I shouldn't have done this."

  "It's okay, I won't care, I'm used to it anyway." Li Mu said meaningfully.

  Conan's head is full of black lines. Is this guy used to being scolded himself, or is he used to his rudeness.

  I always felt that there was something in Li Mu's words.

  "Okay, Conan, let's go. By the way, I'll give you some gifts. I'll give them to you when you go back. What do you think of the hat. I saw a green hat last time that suits you very well."

  Fortunately, Conan didn't know the meaning of the green hat. It was not popular in this era, otherwise Conan would go crazy.

  On the contrary, the juvenile detective team was interested, and hurriedly stepped forward and walked beside Li Mu.

  "Big brother, how about that green hat, can you give it to us too, we also want to wear a green hat."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he almost couldn't help laughing.

  Yuanzi pulled Li Mu and asked secretly, "Brother Li, what are you laughing at? Is there anything funny about this?"

  "Of course, listen to me." Li Mu whispered in Xiaolan Yuanzi's ear.

  After listening to Li Mu's words, Xiaolan Yuanzi blushed instantly, and Mei Mu glanced at Li Mu.

  "Brother Li, it can't be like this in the future, this is too much."

  "I know, I know."

  Li Mu naturally wouldn't say it, but Li Mu would do it, and he had already done it.

  For the first time, Li Mu felt that he was too evil.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1430 Touch with Tomoko Suzuki (one more)

  In Bell Shirley II, after Li Mu came in, he went directly to the living room.

  Officer Nakamori also came in and looked at the nearby crowd carefully, frowning slightly.

  "Consultant Suzuki, where did these people come from? You can't find them casually, right?"

  Suzuki Jiroji glanced at the reporters next to him and smiled: "Don't worry, although they delivered them to the door by themselves, one thing is certain, they must not be the phantom thief Kid~."

  Yes, they are indeed not Kaitou Kidd, but they are much more ruthless than Kaikai Thief Kidd.

  At least the strange thief Kidd does not steal money, but these people can kill, each and every one of them - ruthless.

  The three reporters smiled at Officer Nakamori.

  "I'm so sorry, Officer Zhong Sen, we took the initiative to send it to the door. After all, this person is a big news."

  Officer Nakamori glanced at the people and said nothing.

  Anyway, as long as it's not Kaito Kidd.

  Li Mu also glanced at them, and then ignored them directly.

  Although they seem to be a bit powerful, they are only used by Li Mu to pass the time, and they can be dealt with at any time.

  "By the way, Sonoko, you rest here, I'll take a rest."

  "Okay, then you go."

  Xiaolan Yuanzi didn't say much, and continued to chat with the people around.

  Li Mu didn't say much, walked to his room, and then had a good rest.

  Now it's just the beginning of the plot, and Li Mu has nothing to do, so he might as well take a good rest.

  In the room, Li Mu was resting with his eyes closed, when he suddenly felt that someone was opening his door.

  Li Mu secretly opened his eyes, and then saw a red figure walking in.

  Seeing this figure, Li Mu was stunned. This person was none other than Tomoko Suzuki.

  After Tomoko Suzuki came in, he closed the door, walked over to Li Mu, and stretched out his hand directly across Li Mu.

  After that, the two hands kept moving, pulling on Li Mu's clothes.

  It didn't take long for Li Mu's strong chest muscles to appear in front of Suzuki Tomoko.

  When Tomoko Suzuki was about to do something, Li Mu stopped her and pulled her into his arms with a forceful pull.

  "What, when did you come here? Why didn't I know?"

  "I've already come here, what's the matter, don't you welcome me?"

  Tomoko Suzuki blew on Li Mu's body, and his small hand slid over Li Mu's fierce mouth.

  That expression was very seductive, showing the demeanor that a mature woman should have.

  Li Mu pulled her into his arms and said softly, "It looks like I didn't feed you last night, so I can only continue."

  After speaking, Li Mu turned around and pressed Tomoko Suzuki on top of him.

  However, Li Mu did not continue to do it, but instead asked: "By the way, how did you get here? How did you open my door?"

  Suzuki Tomoko did not speak, reached out and took out a key from the other side, shaking it slightly.

  "This is the key I brought, don't forget, this Bell Shirley II is the airship of our Suzuki family."

  Li Mu also remembered, this is indeed the Suzuki family, and it is normal for Suzuki Tomoko to have this.

  Without saying much, Li Mu directly knocked down Tomoko Suzuki.

  Tomoko Suzuki closed his eyes, his body twisted and moved slightly, and his clothes slowly opened.

  Not long after, Li Mu hugged Tomoko Suzuki tightly, grabbed her feet, and swayed slightly.

  On the other side, Sonoko and his party were led by Jiroyoshi Suzuki to the ruby ​​display site.

  "Great, is this a ruby? That's great, isn't it?"

  "Yeah, with such a big ruby, you can buy a lot of eel rice, right?"

  Everyone looked at Li Mu's ruby ​​in astonishment. There was no impurities, it was clear and transparent, and it was quite large.

  If such a big gem is sold, it must be able to sell for a lot of money.

  No, it should be said that this is a priceless treasure.

  Suzuki Jiroji also noticed the eyes of everyone, and said with some pride: "Well, this is the gem I used to tempt the phantom thief Kidd this time. His name is Pandora, and the phantom thief Kidd will definitely be attracted."

  Indeed, Kaitou Kidd was indeed attracted.

  He became the phantom thief Kidd to investigate the cause of his father's death.

· · 0 flowers · 0

  His father seemed to have a relationship with Pandora, the Stone of Destiny, and then disappeared.

  Now that a Stone of Destiny called Pandora's Ruby suddenly appeared, he naturally wouldn't give up this opportunity.

  "I've decided, I must get Pandora, the Stone of Destiny." Kaitou Kidd said solemnly.

  "Uncle, you seem to have forgotten that this is Li Mu's ruby, not yours. Why are you so proud?"

  Suzuki Jiroji's face froze.

  To beat him, is Sonoko still his niece?

  However, when Li Mu was mentioned, Suzuki Jiroji noticed that there seemed to be no Li Mu nearby.

  "Yuanzi, what about Li Mu? Why isn't he here, why haven't I seen him?"


  "Oh, Li Mu went to rest, so he didn't come."

  "Really? I was going to let him come over to see my defense mechanism, but now I can only let you guys see."

  Suzuki Jiroji explained to everyone and showed his defense mechanism.

  After showing it, Suzuki Jiroji looked around again, touched his chin and said, "Isn't she here, sister-in-law? I thought she would come here."

  "Sister-in-law?" Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Uncle, are you talking about my mother? Is she here too?"

  "Why, don't you know? She's already here and seems to be resting in her room," Suzuki Jiroji said.

  "Really? Then I'll go see my mother first? Xiaolan, will you go with me?" Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan and said.

  "Okay, then, let me say hello to my aunt. After all, I have been taken care of by my aunt many times."

  Xiaolan smiled, still so sweet.

  "Wait, we're going, we're going too."

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