"Yes, after all, you can get on this fantastic airship, and you have to thank her anyway."

  The Young Detectives are also polite and know to thank people.

  Eventually, the people who knew each other nearby agreed to visit Tomoko Suzuki.

  Yuanzi did not refuse, and was very generous.

  A group of people came to Tomoko Suzuki's room together.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!ten.

Chapter 1431 Tomoko: I just want to talk to Li Mu (two more)

  Button Button... Button Button...

  "Mom, are you in the room?"

  Sonoko and others tapped lightly outside Tomoko Suzuki's room.

  But there was no echo in the room.

  "Aren't you there? Then let's go to Li Mu's place to see, maybe it's there."

  Sonoko murmured and left with the others.

  Everyone walked while talking and walking, and soon came to the outside of Li Mu's room.

  "Brother Li, are you in the room? Is my mother here?"

  In the room, Tomoko Suzuki, who was lying in Li Mu's arms, was startled and quickly got up and dressed.

  Li Mu also quickly dressed, and then sorted out the traces of the battle.

  Fortunately, Yuanzi came at the right time, Li Mu had just finished relaxing, otherwise it would be difficult to explain in a short time.

  After everything was sorted, Tomoko Suzuki walked over calmly and slowly opened the door.

  "Is that Sonoko? I thought I heard it wrong?"

  Sonoko glanced at Tomoko Suzuki, and then at Li Mu inside.

  I saw Li Muzheng listening to music at 20, but he didn't seem to notice her.

  "Mom, why are you here? Also, why didn't you hear me knocking on the door just now."

  Although Tomoko Suzuki was nervous inside, she appeared calm on the surface.

  "Oh, nothing, just talk to Li Mu. We were just talking about the music we like."

  After speaking, Tomoko Suzuki stood on tiptoe, leaned on Sonoko, and said softly, "I just got to know Li Mu for you. It's really good. He's an excellent person."

  Not only is his character very good, but he is also very good in that respect.

  Of course, Tomoko Suzuki did not say the last sentence to Sonoko.

  Sonoko's face instantly turned red, she quickly pulled away Suzuki Tomoko, and sneaked to the other side.

  "Mom, why are you like this? Isn't Li Mu very nice?"

  Yes, that's pretty good. If possible, Tomoko Suzuki still wants to compete with Sonoko for Li Mu.

  "Didn't I take a look at you again? After all, you are my beloved daughter."

  Yuanzi's heart warmed, and the doubts in his heart disappeared in an instant.

  On the other hand, Conan's detective intuition made him begin to suspect Li Mu and Tomoko Suzuki, and hurriedly walked into the room and looked around.

  Of course, he only suspected that Li Mu and Tomoko Suzuki might be Kidd's accomplices, and did not suspect others.

  Conan searched for a while and found nothing, but he did not let his guard down.

  Besides Conan, only Haibara Ai was suspicious of Li Mu.

  She knew Li Mu and knew that Li Mu was definitely not a good person, a big radish.

  In her opinion, Li Mu and Tomoko Suzuki are definitely not innocent, maybe they have an impure friendship like Fei Yingri.

  Li Mu also noticed Hui Yuanai's suspicious eyes and winked at her.

  Hui Yuan's sad face instantly turned red, he gave Li Mu a glance, and then turned his head arrogantly.

  Sonoko and Suzuki Tomoko talked for a while, and then entered Li Mu's room together.

  "Auntie, thank you for your hospitality today."

  "Yeah, thank you aunt for the hospitality."

  Xiaolan and everyone in the juvenile detective team greeted politely.

  "Where, our Jiayuanzi usually thank you very much."

  Sonoko murmured in dissatisfaction after hearing Tomoko Suzuki's words.

  "Okay, everyone, don't say more, let's go, treat you to something good today."

  Tomoko Suzuki waved his hand gently and led everyone to the restaurant.

  Xiaolan stood by and talked with Tomoko Suzuki.

  "By the way, Auntie, you've had a good time during this time, are you looking good?"

  Tomoko Suzuki listened to Xiaolan's compliment and subconsciously covered her blushing cheeks.

  "Where, maybe I take good care of it."

  Of course, Li Mu actually took good care of her and gave her a lot of nutrition every day.

  "Really? In the future, my aunt must tell me that I want to be as young as my aunt."

  Tomoko Suzuki glanced at Xiaolan, smiled, and said nothing.

  She felt that with the help of Li Mu, Xiaolan must be better maintained than her, and she must be feminine in the future.

  No, now Xiaolan is very feminine and looks very mature.

  Li Mu stood behind and snickered, he would definitely help Xiaolan and the others.

  After arriving at the restaurant, Suzuki Jiroji noticed Li Mu and waved quickly: "Li Mu, do you want to see the defense mechanism of that ruby, you will definitely approve."

  "No, I trust you."

  Li Mu was very calm. Anyway, those things would definitely not be able to prevent Kidd, so there was no need to worry.

  If Suzuki Jiroji knew about Li Mu's thoughts, he would definitely hit people with anger.

  Li Mu actually looked down on the plan that he had worked so hard to imagine.

  "Well, since you're not going, let's try the dishes I specially prepared. It must be very delicious."

  "Okay, we'll eat here."

  Li Mu sat in one place and waited patiently.

  Suddenly, a man came out, looking terrified.

  "Quick... come and save me, I..."

  This person is one of the reporters. I saw his hands and his face with red marks, as if he had been infected with a bacterial virus.

  Officer Nakamori also remembered, and some 153 were uncertain: "Shit... Could it be a bacterial virus?"

  Just then, Jiroji Suzuki's cell phone rang.

  Suzuki Jiroji just answered the phone, and his face changed suddenly.

  "What do you mean? You..."

  Before he could finish speaking, he hung up the phone.

  Suzuki Jiroji hung up the phone and nodded to Officer Nakamori with a gloomy expression on his face.

  "Quick... quick help me."

  The reporter, Takamichi Fujioka, walked slowly towards Li Mu and the others, his face extremely ugly.

  Xiaolan took a step forward, took a deep breath, and punched Fujioka Takamichi in the abdomen.

  Fujioka Takamichi's body trembled, and then he fell straight to the ground.

  "Okay, send him to the isolation room, and send two police officers in to have a look."

  Officer Nakamori gave an order, and then took out two gas masks from Jiroji Suzuki.

  Putting on gas masks, the two came to the outside of the smoking room, took a deep breath, and gently opened the door.

  After the door was opened, Officer Nakamori investigated inside and found a bottle for bacteria.

  Officer Nakamori picked up the bottle, took a photo, and passed it to the Metropolitan Police Department.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1432 Hijacking the Airship (Three Shifts)

  In the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Mumu looked at the photo sent by Officer Nakamori, and his expression became extremely serious.

  "Manager Matsumoto, it has been investigated clearly, this person is likely to be a red Siamese cat, because our people did not tell the bottle."

  Manager Matsumoto thought for a while, then slapped the table hard.

  "Okay, send a plane over there. In addition, I will notify the Osaka police and ask them to help."

  "Yes, Manager Matsumoto."

  Not long after, Officer Takagi's Miwako left the Metropolitan Police Department in a helicopter.

  At the same time, inside the airship, a person opened a passage in the airship and released a group of mercenaries.

  After the mercenaries came in, they directly arranged for a group of people to install explosives, while others went to control other places.

  Not far from where they installed the explosives, Conan and the boy detective team noticed these people and quickly hid.

  After the bomb was installed, Conan waited until these people left, and went to defuse the bomb.

  At this time, Li Mu and others were all in the hall, and a group of mercenaries rushed in and pointed at Li Mu and others with submachine guns. 040 "I'm sorry, we have hijacked this airship, please stand still."

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