Suzuki Jiroji's face was a little ugly, and he took a step forward slowly.

  "Everyone, I admit that I helped the police when I dealt with the red Siamese cats, but I did it all, I hope you can let them go."

  "That's enough, you still stay in peace. Consultant Suzuki, you and me. As for the others, they are all tied up."

  The leader snorted coldly, and the other mercenaries surrounded everyone.

  Li Mu stood in front of Hui Yuanai and said softly, "There are their people here, don't move, or you will die."

  Haiyuan mournfully listened to Li Mu's words, and gave up using the detective badge to notify Conan.

  She believed that Conan would be safe.

  After the mercenaries took away everyone's mobile phones, they did nothing but looked at the people present.

  As for the leader of the mercenaries, he left the living room with Jiroji Suzuki and went to the ruby ​​showroom.

  Bit by bit, the time passed, and the leader of the mercenaries returned.

  Suddenly (cabh), a female reporter suddenly said, "By the way, what about those little devils just now?"

  The leader frowned slightly and said quickly, "What did you say? What did you say just now?"

  The female reporter was startled, and then quickly said: "There were a few children here just now, and they don't seem to be here now."

  "A talkative woman."

  Dr. A Li whispered a word, but didn't say anything more.

  The leader looked serious and said gloomily: "Cat ABC, you go and find those little devil heads for me."


  Three mercenaries rushed out.

  After a hard fight, the little devils were finally caught by the mercenaries.

  Although Conan and his party are very capable, they are still not as good as fully-armed mercenaries.

  In the living room, the leader's eyes were very gloomy.

  In front of his eyes are several bombs that have been dismantled, all of which are dismantled by Conan.

  "Is it very good? Little devil, who of you defused this bomb."

  "It's me, I do everything." Conan stood up and said.

  The leader's murderous aura increased greatly, and without saying a word, he directly grabbed Conan and threw Conan from the airship.


  Everyone shouted and rushed forward, nervously looking at Conan who fell.

  In the crowd, a waiter rushed out, jumped directly off the airship, and after some swimming, caught Conan.

  On the airship, everyone looked at the phantom thief Kidd and breathed a sigh of relief.

  "That's great, as expected of Kidd the thief, this time, I'm proud of you."

  Jiro Yoshi Suzuki and Officer Nakamori applaud the phantom thief Kid for the first time.

  Of course, it would be impossible for them to release the phantom thief Kidd.

  The leader was not angry either, after all, Kaitou Kidd disappeared, and two troubles were solved at once.

  "Okay, you go and install the two bombs again, and the others continue to watch these people."


  Li Mu didn't particularly care, and said to everyone calmly: "Okay, let's rest, and show them a good look later."

  Now is not the critical time. When the final climax is reached, Li Mu will teach them a lesson.

  Xiaolan and the others nodded, then stood around Li Mu, silently waiting for the opportunity.

  Next, after the phantom thief Kidd caught Conan, he stably landed on a beach wound by the sea.

  As soon as it landed, Conan pointed to the airship in the sky and shouted, "Hurry up, catch me up."

  Kaito Kidd grimaced and said, "I'm just a glider, and I'm not a power type. How can I get on it."

  Conan also fell to the ground weakly, and at the same time picked up his mobile phone and called Hattori Heiji.

  Now he has no choice but to put his hope on Hattori Heiji.

  In Osaka, Hattori Heiji received a call from Conan and almost didn't call out.

  Fortunately, Hattori Heiji responded quickly and hurriedly walked to a place where no one was on the side.

  "Kudou, what's going on? What the hell happened here? What happened to you?"

  "Hatto, it's like this, here we are..."

  After Heiji Hattori heard Conan's words, his expression became serious.

  "So, the airship has been hijacked, and the target may be our Osaka."

  "Yes, the purpose is Osaka, and I guess the robbers may be trying to intimidate the people of Osaka, and then rob some things, such as jewelry stores."

  Hattori Heiji nodded. After Conan reminded him, he also thought of this, and it was indeed possible.


  "I'm sorry, Hattori, I still have something to do here, I'll call you later."

  After Conan hung up the phone, he looked at the helicopter in the sky and quickly called Officer Mumu.

  "Officer Mumu, I'm Kudo, I saw your helicopter, can you take me to the airship, I'm on the beach below right now."

  On the other hand, Kaito Kid was teasing a sheep, and when he heard Conan's words, he couldn't help turning his head.

  "Kudo, where do we have Kudo here?"

  Conan smiled, without saying a word, just staring at the phantom thief Kidd.

  Kaitou Kidd grimaced, pointed at himself and said, "Isn't it possible, let me pretend to be Kudo Shinichi."

  Conan didn't speak, just nodded.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1433 Solve the red Siamese cat (one more)

  In the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Mumu was investigating the matter when he suddenly received a mobile phone message.

  After opening the message and taking a look, Officer Mumu quickly looked at Chief Matsumoto.

  "Manager Matsumoto, I just received news from Li Mu that the gangsters may be aiming for the Buddha statue in the temple.

  The gangsters deliberately released news, the purpose is to cause panic, and then rob the temple of the Buddha statue, and the defense of the temple is also lax. "

  Manager Matsumoto thought for a while, and then loudly ordered: "Quick, tell the Osaka Police about this and investigate the temples in the territory."

  "Yes." Officer Mu Mu gave an order, thought of Li Mu's information again, and quickly said: "By the way, the place is still under control, Li Mu asked us not to contact him."

  "I see, I won't inform him."

  The Chief Inspector Matsumoto is not an idiot, so naturally he would not contact Li Mu at this time.

  Naturally, this information was set by Li Mu and released regularly.

  In the airship, Li Mu sensed the helicopter behind him, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  "Hey, you are doing it for the money, right? I have a pair of Van Gogh's sunflowers in my room. If I put it up for auction, it would be at least $[-] million. It's cheap, and there are tens of millions. I'll give it to you, you let us - right? "

  The others looked at Li Mu in astonishment.

  Others don't know, they don't know where, Li Mu didn't bring Van Gogh's words at all.

  But they didn't dismantle Li Mu, they just thought about what Li Mu was going to do.

  The leader's eyes shrank, and when he heard the $[-] million, everyone else's eyes lit up, not to mention him.

  "Cat A, Cat B, you go, accompany him to get that painting."


  The two mercenaries followed Li Mu and escorted Li Mu to Li Mu's room.

  "Quick, bring that picture here."

  Li Mu's figure suddenly flashed, and he appeared behind the two people, one person at a time, completely killing the two of them.

  After getting the two together, Li Mu picked up the communicator and took another gun.

  Ten minutes later, Li Mu completely took down all the bandits except the living room.

  Seeing that he didn't answer for a long time, the leader was also a little worried. He took out the communicator and said, "Cat A, Cat B, are you all right?"

  Li Mu picked up the communicator and changed his voice: "It's okay, the paintings have been found, but I also found a lot of paintings, which took a while to move to the entrance, and all of them will be moved out later."

  The leader breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time ordered: "Okay, come over quickly, and prepare to retreat later."


  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he stood outside the living room with two submachine guns and waited for a while.

  Taking a deep breath, Li Mu suddenly rushed out, and the gun in his hand shot directly, hitting the arm of the remaining mercenary.

  "Don't move or I'll shoot."

  The mercenary stopped immediately, then rushed towards the mercenary, pinning the mercenary to the ground.

  Seeing that the two had been resolved, Li Mu pointed the submachine gun in his hand at the waiter and reporter.

  "Hey, these two reporters, and the waiter, don't move, or I'll shoot."

  A female waiter did not believe in evil and had to do it.

  Li Mu shot her without hesitation.

  "If you move again, I'll be welcome."

  The other two reporters didn't dare to move, they didn't want to be like the waiter.

  Officer Nakamori was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand what happened, they still saw the waiter's gun.

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