"Where are you going?" Mother He Ye interrupted Yuanshan Yinshilang, then came over and took Yuanshan Yinshilang's arm.

  At the same time, Mother He Ye stretched out her hand and grabbed Yuanshan Yinshilang's arm.

  "Don't mess around, or you will sleep on the sofa alone in the future."

  After warning, He Ye's mother looked at Li Mu with a smile and said, "Li Mu, you are here, there is no place outside, you should live here today, He Ye should miss you."

  "Then I'll disturb you, uncle and aunt."

  Li Mu still smiled and walked into the living room happily.

  At this time, He Ye also walked in.

  As soon as he came in, He Ye saw Li Mu, was a little excited, and hurriedly took a step forward,

  "Li Mu, you're here, I'll take you to your room, and I'll show you around Osaka tomorrow."

  He Ye pulled Li Mu and walked into the guest room on the side.

  Yuanshan Yinshi Lang gritted his teeth, he still didn't know where Li Mu was with He Ye at night.

  But at night, Li Mu and He Ye were so indulgent, not caring about them in the next room.

  He Ye's mother didn't care, she quickly walked to He Ye's side, leaning on He Ye and said, "He Ye, remember to take safety measures at night, but don't cause any fatalities."

  He Ye blushed instantly, and quickly pushed his mother away.

  "Mom, it's getting late, you'd better go to bed. It's good for your health to rest early."

  "Okay, I'm leaving now."

  He and Ye's mother smiled, and then pulled away Toyama Ginshiro who wanted to talk.

  Before long, the lights in their room turned off.

  Seeing that the lights were off, Li Mu pulled He Ye directly into her room.

  Although He Ye was shy, he did not refuse. Instead, he entered the room with Li Mu.

  It didn't take long for the voices of Li Muhe and Ye to be heard from the room.

  In another room, Yuanshan Yinshilang heard this voice, gritted his teeth and said: "I knew, I knew they would do this, it's really hateful, don't they know how to pay attention to their images?

  Don't they know there's someone in the next room?The sound was so loud that it made people sleepless. "

  He Ye's mother didn't care, but muttered to herself: "You tell me, when will He Ye get married, I think college is fine.

  He Ye can have a baby when he goes to school, I can also have a grandson, and Li Mu still has money, so He Ye doesn't need to worry. "

  The more I thought about it, the farther I thought about Ye's mother, Yuanshan Yinshilang next to him was also full of black lines, and he didn't know what to say.

  After a long time, the voice in He Ye's room disappeared, and Toyama Yinshiro also sighed.

  In the other room, Li Mu hugged He Ye and held her tightly in his arms.

  After panting with Ye for a while, the little hand patted Li Mu lightly, and pursed his lips in dissatisfaction: "Li Mu, you really are, can't you be careful? I was so hard just now that I almost didn't recover."

  "Okay, weren't you happy just now?"

  Li Mu reached out and squeezed He Ye's face, causing He Ye to blushed and his body trembled slightly.

  "Okay, Big Brother Li, I'm already tired, let's take a good rest."

  He Ye gently pushed Li Mu, then squeezed his head into Li Mu's arms, closed his eyes and rested.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  ... .......

  The next morning, after Li Mu got up, He Ye's mother had already made breakfast and was waiting for Li Mu.

  After seeing Li Mu, He Ye's mother smiled and said, "Okay, Li Mu, are you up? Let's go out to dinner with Ye."

  At this time, He Ye also came out of the room.

  He Ye looked at his mother's smile, his face flushed instantly, he subconsciously covered his cheeks, and sat down at the dining table in a hurry, bowing his head shyly.

  Yuanshan Yinshi Lang gritted his teeth and glared at Li Mu and said, "Can I ask you one thing? You just came out of the same room with He Ye, why are you there?"

  Li Mu looked at Yuanshan Yinshi Lang, who he knew to ask, although he wanted to provoke him, but considering the face of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he didn't say much.

... ... ...

  "Oh, I just went over to wake He Ye, so we're in the same room."

  "But I've been sitting here for half an hour, and you haven't come out. Could it be that it took you so long to wake He Ye?"

  This time, Li Mu can be sure that Yuanshan Yinshilang is looking for trouble for him.

  If he didn't teach Yuanshan Yinshi Lang a good lesson, how could Li Mu still be with the Ye family in the future.

  Well, whoever is the father-in-law, if he doesn't hang out here, he won't hang out here, just take He Ye away in the future.

  "He Ye was probably tired last night and couldn't get up in the morning, so I stayed there for a long time."

  Yuanshan Yinshilang is full of black lines. He was so tired last night. He still doesn't know what he did?

  Not bullying his daughter.

  When he thought that he had raised such a big, pink daughter, he wanted to completely blow Li Mu up.

  "Okay, let's eat."

  He and Ye's mother interrupted Li Mu and put some breakfast in front of Li Mu.

  Li Mu didn't talk nonsense with Yuanshan Yinshilang, he just picked up the breakfast and ate it.

  Yuanshan Yinshilang didn't communicate with Li Mu either. He had to go to work later, so he had no time to waste.

  Soon, Yuanshan Yinshilang finished his breakfast, gave Li Mu a vicious look, and left as if flying away.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!earth.

Chapter 1437 And Ye Xiaolan Yuanzi, Sanfei? (two more)

  In the morning, a crowded street in Osaka Prefecture.

  Xiaolan Yuanzi and others are waiting here.

  Today is the day when Li Mu and the others made an appointment to go shopping together, regardless of whether Conan or the Youth Detective Team are in charge.

  "Xiao Lan, why hasn't Big Brother Li come yet, where is he now?"

  Sonoko looked at his watch and then glanced at the sun in the sky again, feeling a little impatient.

  "Don't worry, Brother Li may have something to do. I called him just now and he said he would be late."

  Xiaolan was not so anxious, and waited patiently.

  After hearing this, Yuanzi complained, "Really, I didn't expect that there are so few rooms in this hotel, and Li Mu had to spend the night with Ye's house."

  Having said that, Yuanzi suddenly thought of something, pulled Xiaolan aside, and looked around secretly.

  Conan immediately noticed Xiaolan, and hurriedly pricked up his ears, trying to eavesdrop on Sonoko's conversation.

  Sonoko glared at Conan, Conan was startled, and quickly took a step back and walked to the side.

  "Xiao Lan, let me ask you, is there any relationship between Brother Li and He Ye, for example, the same relationship as us?"

  Xiaolan was stunned for a while, not knowing how to explain it for a while.

  Only she knew about Li Mu's relationship with Yuanzi and Ye, neither Yuanzi nor Ye knew.

  If Sonoko found out, would he be angry and jealous.

  Xiaolan hesitated for a moment and explained, "Yuanzi, listen to me, Li Mu and Ye, they are indeed like this."

  Although I'm sorry for Li Mu and He Ye for saying this, Yuanzi is also her good friend, and she doesn't want Yuanzi to be deceived all the time.

  "Is it really like this? That's great too. Can we 4p, that is, three flights, it seems very interesting."

  Sonoko clenched his hands tightly, his face blurred.

  Xiaolan: "..."

  Am I mistaken? Sonoko is not angry, and seems to be happy. Is it possible that everyone is like this now?

  Then Xiaolan reacted and said quickly: "Yuanzi, did you make a mistake, brother Li and He Ye are the one, aren't you angry?"

  "Angry, why should you be angry, Ye and I have a good relationship, and it's okay to share Li Mu, and don't you think Li Mu is very powerful? I'm bored and not his opponent at all.

  In that case, why not add another person, I think He Ye is good, much better than that black-skinned boy. "

  After speaking, Sonoko glanced at Hattori Heiji and shook his head.

  Hattori Heiji noticed Sonoko's gaze, and always felt that Sonoko seemed to be thinking of something bad.

  Xiaolan was also stunned, looking at the garden in disbelief, not knowing what to say for a while.

  Yuanzi actually agreed to share Li Mu with He Ye.

  But thinking about it carefully, Li Mu is indeed quite powerful. The two of them together are not opponents, and they need one person's help.

  There was a blush on Xiaolan's cheeks, her hands subconsciously covered her blushing cheeks, and she bowed her head shyly.

  Conan next to him couldn't help but glanced at it, shyly stunned.

  Hattori Heiji patted Conan lightly, and joked: "Why, are you dumbfounded, little devil."

  "Yeah, I... I don't have it, don't talk nonsense, absolutely not, definitely not."

  Hattori Heiji was happy, and couldn't help rubbing Conan's little head forcefully.

  "Hahaha, little devil, your reasoning ability may be great, but lying is too bad."

  Conan looked at the complacent Hattori Heiji and felt very unhappy.

  Suddenly, Conan thought of something. He blinked at Hattori Heiji and said, "Hattobe, I remember that Li Mu went to rest with Ye's house yesterday. Do you think he did something to Heye last night?"

  Hattori Heiji suddenly froze, and the whole person was stunned.

  If he heard correctly, Li Mu actually stayed at He Ye's house last night.

  Live in Heye's house, live in Heye's house, live in Heye's house.

  Important things to say three times.

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