After a while, Hattori Heiji reacted and grabbed Conan's collar.

  "Damn, why don't you tell me about this kind of thing, do you still take me seriously?"

  Conan didn't care at all, spread his hands and showed a flattering smile.

  "Didn't I tell you that? Hattori Heiji?"

  "You bastard, I will never let you go."

  Hattori Heiji gave a warning, then put down Conan and ran away as if flying.

  Conan shook his head, the corners of his mouth raised and said: "What's the use of the past now, dear Hattori."

  Hattori Heiji was just two steps away when he saw Li Mu and He Ye approaching and hurried forward.

  "He Ye, are you okay? Did this guy do anything to you yesterday?"

  He Ye blushed instantly. Last night, Li Mu bullied her fiercely.

  Until now, she always felt that her body was a little numb, and she would be paralyzed at any time.

  But it was impossible for Hei Ye to say such a thing to Heiji.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he said calmly, "Actually, it's nothing. I chatted with Ye Ye late yesterday, so I woke up early today. I'm really sorry."

  "It's really just chatting, didn't 190 do anything else?" Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu suspiciously, not believing Li Mu at all.

  Li Mu was not nervous at all, and said calmly: "It's really just like this, or you can ask He Ye, and she can tell you."

  He Ye naturally couldn't tell the truth, his cheeks were slightly red, and he said angrily: "What can we do, you say, what do we do, or what do you want me to do?"

  Hattori Heiji was startled and quickly explained: "I'm sorry, Kazuya, I just asked, it's nothing, you don't care."


  He Ye snorted and left proudly.

  Li Mu looked at Hattori Heiji who was a little scared, the corner of his mouth raised, and he lightly patted his shoulder.

  "Hey, I've said it all, Ye and I have nothing to do with each other, we just did common things, but you don't believe it."

  That's right, it's just a normal thing, usually Li Muhe and Ye are just hipi.

  Hattori looked at the back of Lin Fei's departure, gritted his teeth, and his teeth rattled.

  "This guy, you must not let it go. By the way, that plan can be implemented. Hehehe, you wait for me."

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1438 Hattori Hei Minor Drugs (Three Updates)

  After Hattori Heiji decided, he immediately came to Conan's side and pulled Conan aside.

  "Hatten, what's the matter, what's the matter with you?"

  Hattori Heiji carefully glanced around and confirmed that there was no one nearby, and then said softly, "Does your friend have any medicine? Didn't we say we need to take medicine?"

  Conan also remembered this, although he wanted to refuse, but thinking of Li Mu, Conan felt very unhappy.

  Why is he clearly Xiaolan's childhood sweetheart, and now Xiaolan is deliberately alienating her.

  Thinking of this, Conan gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go and ask Huiyuan for medicine, and teach him a good lesson."

  After speaking, Conan ran away.

  Hattori looked at the back of Conan leaving, the corners of his mouth twitched, and there was a sly smile on his face.

  The young detective team in the distance looked at Conan and Hattori Heiji with curiosity.

  "Hey, Mrs. Yuan, what do you think they're talking about?"

  "I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing, I promise."

  Conan ignored everyone and walked down the street calmly.

  It was not until a long time later that everyone ignored 987 him, and he walked to Haibara Ai's side.

  "Haiyuan, have you prepared what I told you last time? Have you brought that medicine with you now?"

  "Medicine?" Hui Yuanai said with a terrifying smile on her face: "Of course, I'll give it to you, you have to be careful."

  Haibara Ai took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Conan.

  After Conan took the medicine, he ran away quickly.

  The anxious Conan didn't notice the strange smile on the corner of Haibara Ai's mouth.

  After watching Conan leave, Haibara Ai shook her head.

  She had known about this from Li Mu for a long time, and she was naturally prepared. It could be said that this medicine was prepared by Li Mu.

  You can imagine how unlucky Conan will be next.

  Hui Yuanai didn't think much about it, picked up the phone and sent a text message to Li Mu, and took it back calmly.

  Li Mu felt the phone vibrate and took it out to take a look.

  fish in a pot.

  Yuanzi also came over to take a look, puzzled: "Li Mu, what does the fish in the pot mean?"

  What does it mean, of course, a code name.

  But Li Mu didn't say it, (cade) turned off the phone and said nonsense: "I don't know, maybe it's a mistake."

  Yuanzi didn't think too much, happily chatting with Xiaolan and others while walking.

  On the other hand, Conan and Hattori Heiji frowned slightly, and the detective spirit revived again.

  In their opinion, this must be a code sent by someone, maybe the purpose is to ask for help.

  But after a while, the two of them couldn't figure it out, so they had to give up thinking.

  "By the way, Kudo, have you got that thing?"

  "Of course, as long as one pill is needed, it will definitely be loose, and maybe it will be pulled on the pants by then." Conan smiled wickedly.

  Hattori Heiji was also interested and said with a smile: "If you don't have time, give him a few more pills and let him die."

  "No, you can't do this. If you play too much, you will die. If you get killed, it won't be very good." Conan shook his head and said.

  Although I don't like Li Mu very much, it doesn't mean that Conan will kill people.

  Hattori Heiji didn't have this idea either. Hearing what Conan said, he also gave up the impossible plan.

  Time passed quickly, and soon, the morning passed, the sun in the sky became hot, and there was a stinging pain on people.

  Seeing that it was almost time, Hattori Heiji hurriedly said, "By the way, I think it's almost time, why don't we go to dinner?"

  The reason why I have waited until now is because I bought ordinary drinks, and I had to open the Baote bottle if I wanted to take medicine.

  But it's different in a restaurant, where you can just put medicine in your drink.

  "Okay, dinner, I want to eat eel rice."

  When it comes to eating, Mrs. Yuan gets excited.

  Seeing that it was getting late, Xiaolan nodded and said, "Okay, let's have dinner together."

  "Then I'll treat you, let's eat together."

  Li Mu took a step forward and brought everyone to a nearby small restaurant.

  After entering, Li Mu sat first, and Ye Xiaolan and others surrounded Li Mu.

  Mouri Kogoro didn't say much, picked up the menu and glanced at it.

  "Waiter, bring me this...this..."

  Maori Xiaogoro ordered a lot, but Li Mu didn't say anything, and Xiaolan didn't say anything after seeing this.

  The speed of the restaurant is not particularly fast. Li Mu waited for a long time before the restaurant served all the food.

  "Everyone, we're starting."

  The members of the Boy Detective Corps greeted each other and started to eat lunch.

  Hattori Heiji winked at Conan while everyone was eating.

  Conan surreptitiously picked up a pill, put it in a drink, and handed the drink to Hattori Heiji.

  As everyone knows, although Li Mu has been eating, he has been staring at them all the time. Li Mu is watching everything they do.

  Hattori Heiji picked up the drink, handed it to Li Mu first, and took another cup himself.

  "Li Mu, I really admire you yesterday. Come, I'll give you a toast."

  "Do you respect him?" Maori Kogoro stopped, puzzled: "Are you sure you respect him?"

  He knew Hattori Heiji's character, and now he still respects Li Mu. Isn't this a joke.

  "Yeah, no matter what, he solved the case ahead of me, so I have to celebrate." Hattori Heiji said with a smile.

  Li Mu stared at Hattori Heiji for a moment, then took the drink.

  "Well, since you respect and worship me so much, then I can only give you a face."

  After speaking, Li Mu took a sip and drank about a third of it.

  Who the hell respects you, don't be selfish.

  Hattori Heiji was very contemptuous in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face.

  He just wanted to see Li Mu's jokes now, and then he would mock Li Mu fiercely.

  Conan did the same, he didn't eat, and stared at Li Mu.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, these two guys were making trouble for him, so he had to pay them back.

  After thinking for a while, Li Mu suddenly stood up, reached out and grabbed his neck, showing a very painful expression.


  Li Mu suddenly screamed and fell to the ground with a plop.

  Fortunately, Li Mu and the others booked a private room, otherwise they would have scared the others to death.

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