But even if it didn't frighten the others, two people were frightened and dumbfounded.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1439 Hattori Heiji pulled on his body (one more)

  "Brother Li, what's wrong with you, is there anything wrong?"

  Everyone gathered around, and Kogoro Mauri picked up the phone and was about to call out.

  Hattori Heiji was startled and quickly grabbed Conan.

  "Hey, Kudo, what kind of medicine is this, why didn't I know it was so powerful?"

  Conan was also frightened and trembled: "I...I don't know, but Haiyuan said it was a laxative and it would only cause diarrhea."

  "It's only diarrhea, she must have lied to you, is it like this?" Hattori Heiji growled.

  No matter how he looked at it, he didn't think it looked like diarrhea, but like poisoning.

  Conan didn't speak, just looked at Li Mu nervously.

  Seeing that it was almost the same, Li Mu was no longer pretending to be poisoned, so he slowly got up and said, "Detective Maori, I have nothing to do, you don't need to call."

  "No...all right?" Maori Kogoro looked at Li Mu, who was fine, and then looked at his cell phone.

  His phone has already been dialed, and they have been connected. Does he have anything to do?

  "Yes... I'm sorry, it's like this, just..."

  Maori Kogoro flatly apologized, then hung up the phone and stared at Li Mu in dissatisfaction.

  "Can this kind of joke be avoided, but it will make people misunderstood."

  "You can't blame me. If you want to blame it, blame a drink. It tastes weird for a few years. Is this for people to drink? By the way, Hattori, did you add something to make the taste unpleasant?"

  Li Mu immediately opened the topic, otherwise he would definitely be criticized by everyone.

  So it's better to sell Hattori Heiji immediately.

  Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, everyone turned their attention to Hattori Heiji.

  "Heiji, are you jealous of Big Brother Li, so you played a prank?"

  It was Kazuha who first blamed Hattori Heiji.

  Mouri Kogoro also thought of something, and thoughtfully said: "I remember you are the arrogant type, and you actually worshipped Li Mu just now. Could it be your prank?"

  This time, everyone turned their attention to Hattori Heiji.

  "Big brother Hattori, this is not good."

  "Yes, how can you play a prank, Big Brother Li is very nice?"

  "Yeah, and he also invited us to eat eel rice."

  Hattori Heiji listened to the words of the three little devils, with black lines all over his head, looking like he wanted to cry.

  "This...I didn't add anything weird, you have to believe me."

  While speaking, Hattori Heiji thought in his heart whether the medicine Haibara Ai gave didn't taste good.

  Li Mu didn't say a word, and directly handed the drink to Hattori Heiji.

  "Since you didn't put anything, then try it and prove yourself."

  Everyone also focused their attention on Hattori Heiji, and the meaning was obvious.

  Hattori Heiji was about to cry, but this is a powerful laxative, but if you eat it, you will have diarrhea.

  Conan hurriedly walked in front of Hattori Heiji and said sternly: "Brother Heiji, you can eat and show them, I believe you are innocent."

  At the same time, Conan whispered again: "Hattobe, it's alright, didn't you see that Li Mu is alright till now?"

  Hattori Heiji also reacted, from just now, for so long, Li Mu has nothing to do.

  Maybe the medicine has expired, and it's okay to eat it, but the taste is a little weird.

  Hattori Heiji didn't hesitate and took a sip.

  Unexpectedly, there is no strange smell.

  "Is this drink weird? Not at all?"

  After speaking, Hattori Heiji handed the drink to Conan.

  "You have to drink too, or I'll tell you."

  Conan heard the words of Hattori Heiji, and quickly picked up the drink and drank all the rest of the drink.

  "Look, nothing happened, I just said, we didn't do it."

  Li Mule was happy, and looked at Hattori Heiji with great interest.

  Hai Yuanai's medicine was given by him, and he naturally knew how powerful this medicine was.

  He could even imagine that Hattori Heiji two minutes later would be very painful.

  Although I was looking forward to it, I still said on the surface: "Really? Could it be that you endured it on purpose, or am I not used to this taste?"

  "Of course it is, I guess you..."

  goo goo goo...

  Suddenly, a voice from the past came.

  Hattori Heiji and Conan's expressions suddenly changed, and then they covered their stomachs at the same time.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?


  Xiaolan was about to say something when she suddenly smelled a strange smell in the air.

  "What does this taste like? Could it be..."

  Everyone turned their attention to Hattori Heiji and Conan.

  It tastes a bit like diarrhea.

  They speculated that Conan and Hattori Heiji might have pulled on him.

  Thinking of this, everyone hurriedly pulled away the kimono Heiji and stood in a corner of the private room.

  Grumpy Grumpy...

  Conan and Hattori Heiji was about to explain when his stomach growled unsatisfactorily, and then pulled up again.

  Soon, the whole room was filled with a lot of unusual smells.

0 0 0

  This smell is so unpleasant.

  "Hatten, what's the matter with you, don't hurry up and go to the bathroom."

  "That's right, Conan, you are such an old man. How can you still have diarrhea and pull it on your pants? It's a shame."

  Hattori flat bottom and Conan listened to everyone's words, with a headache on their faces, and quickly ran out of the private room.

  As soon as they went out, several waiters appeared and stopped right next to Hattori Heiji.

  "Wash... restroom, restroom, where is the restroom?" Hattori asked anxiously.

  "Oh, the bathroom is in..."


  The waiter was about to say something when suddenly he heard an abnormal sound and smelled a strange smell.

  Looking more closely, Hattori Heiji's expression, no matter how you look at it, looks like a person is pulling on his pants.

  The waiter resisted the smell and said quickly, "There, the bathroom is there, hurry up."

  Hattori Heiji and Conan said nothing, covered their stomachs, and ran away quickly.

  It is conceivable that today's Hattori Heiji and Conan will definitely lose face and lose their hair.

  In the room, Li Mu touched the drink cup in surprise, with a puzzled look on his face.

  "Could it be, is this dish really expired?"

  As soon as the words fell, the others also looked at the cup in Li Mu's hand, and their faces were a little ugly.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!Small.

Chapter 1440 Unlucky Hattori Heiji (two more)

  In a certain coffee shop, Li Mu and his party stood in a private room, while the boss stood near Li Mu.

  After all, Li Mu and others suspected that the drink was an expired product, so they naturally called the boss.

  The boss was also startled, especially Hattori Heiji who were struggling in the bathroom, he was scared to pee.

  If there is really a problem with the drinks, his coffee shop will be finished.

  Although the time is short, it is very painful for the boss.

  Suddenly, the door of the private room opened, and Officer Dalong walked in, looked at the crowd and said, "Detective Maori, we have already investigated it clearly. The drink inside has not expired, but there is a medicine in it, a powerful laxative, so..."

  Although Officer Dalong didn't say it, everyone already understood that someone must have prescribed the medicine.

  The boss was even more startled, and said quickly, "Officer, you must believe me, it's really not me who prescribed the medicine, I have no grievances with you, how could you be so stupid."

  Mouri Kogoro thought about it too, and withdrew his gaze.

  "You're right, you have no grudge against us, you can't be so stupid, even if you have grudges, it's poison, it can't be a laxative."

  The boss breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. If he didn't throw the package away, he would be finished.

  But Li Mu thought of something and said to himself, "Could it be that Hattori hates me, so he gave me medicine."

  Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, "So, that black-skinned boy seems a little strange, shouldn't it be a deliberate prank."

  "In that case, let me investigate now."

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