Officer Dalong didn't say much, and ran away quickly.

  "By the way, Big Brother Li, if it's taking medicine, how are you all right?" Yuanzi asked curiously.

  Li Mu's mind quickly turned around, and he said nonsense: "I'm a doctor, and my body has the ability to resist, but I did feel uncomfortable just now, and the taste is very strange, maybe it's because of that medicine..."

  Everyone thought about it, Li Mu was really in pain just now, it didn't look like it was fake.

  Fortunately, Li Mu usually has a very good character, so no one doubted Li Mu.

  After more than half an hour, Officer Dalong came over again and took the report: "I have just investigated, there is indeed a medicine in Conan's place, and after investigation, it is indeed a laxative, and there are also Conan, Hattori and Haibara Ai on it. fingerprints."

  "Damn, it really is Heiji's fault, how can this guy do such a prank." He Ye murmured dissatisfiedly.

  As for Haibara Ai being ignored by everyone, Conan also thought about it, and instantly disappeared from his mind.

  There is only Heiji Hattori as an adult, and there is no doubt that he has some difficulties.

  Officer Dalong patted the back of his head embarrassedly, and he was a little hesitant when he knew this.

  Although I want to hide it for Hattori Heiji, but I am a policeman, and this is not a particularly big deal.

  So after hesitating for a while, Officer Dalong said it.

  Officer Dalong thought of something again, and said quickly, "I'm sorry, Li Mu, I apologize to you for what happened to Heiji, I hope you can forgive him."

  Li Mu had already pitted Hattori Heiji and the two of them, so naturally there was no need to continue.

  "Officer Dalong, this is just a prank, I thought something weird was added, but I didn't expect it to be a laxative.

  But he has already learned a lesson, so I don't need to be angry anymore, I just need to keep a close eye on him in the future. "

  Officer Dalong was overjoyed and quickly thanked: "Thank you, Li Mu, I thank you on behalf of Heiji."

  "Brother Li is really nice. I used to think he was not very good."

  "Yeah, it's the first time I think Big Brother Li is a good person."

  Li Mu's mouth twitched as he listened to the words of the little ghosts.

  Although his attitude was not very good before, there is no need to say so.

  Although he was speechless, Li Mu still smiled and said: "Okay, let's not talk, let's go to the hospital. Although the two of them did something wrong, they have already been punished."

  After listening to Li Mu's words, everyone nodded subconsciously and recognized Li Mu in their hearts.

  At this moment, Li Mu's image in the hearts of everyone suddenly rose.


  In the hospital, Li Mu and others came to the ward of Hattori Heiji and Conan, waiting patiently.

  As for why they didn't go in, needless to say, Hattori Heiji and Conan were very embarrassed and didn't want to see Li Mu and others.

  Li Mu didn't care either, just waited like this, made sense, and then left.

  In the ward, Officer Dalong stood next to Hattori Heiji, with a hateful expression on his face: "¨'Heiji, you really are, how can you do this, even if you don't like Li Mu, you can't take laxatives.

  Besides, I think Li Mu is not bad either. He has forgiven you, and he is a very nice person. Do you need to play such a prank? "

  "What? I take laxatives." Hattori Heiji's eyes flickered, and he quickly defended: "Officer Dalong, you have to believe me, I don't have any laxatives at all. This is definitely a frame-up, a naked frame-up."

  Officer Dalong looked at Hattori Heiji with a black line on his head. He didn't come out yet. Hattori Heiji was lying.

  Ke even turned his head, embarrassed to look at Hattori Heiji, he really couldn't afford to shake this man.

  Hattori Heiji also noticed Officer Dalong's gaze, and said puzzled: "Uncle Dalong, what's wrong with you, did something happen?"

  Officer Dalong hesitated for a moment, sighed and said, "Hatto, I found (Li Wangzhao) medicine in Conan's bag, that medicine, and your fingerprints."

  "What? That medicine?" Hattori Heiji shouted, then glared at Conan: "Hey, Kudo, you idiot, why don't you throw that away."

  Conan was also a little dissatisfied, and also stared at Hattori Heiji: "At that time today, do you think I have time to throw it away?"

  Hattori Heiji choked, they suffered a lot today, and there is no time to throw that thing away.

  But let him admit that it is impossible, otherwise how would he explain to He Ye, and what should he say then.

  Hattori Heiji's eyes flickered, then he looked at Conan and said, "By the way, Officer Dalong, this matter is actually none of my business. It's all this little devil who encouraged me. Yes, it's all his fault."

  Conan: "..."

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1441 Hattori Heiji Beaten by Dad (Three More)

  Conan and Officer Dalong looked at Hattori Heiji with black lines all over their heads, and they were very contemptuous in their hearts.

  Officer Dalong can't believe that Conan encouraged Hattori Heiji. No matter what, Hattori Heiji asked Conan to do it.

  As for Conan's heart is full of speechlessness, this seems to be proposed by Hattori Heiji, although he prepared the medicine.

  "Okay, Heiji, let's not talk about it, other people already know it, maybe the minister already knows it, you think ~ clearly."

  "What? Dad, he- got it?"

  Hattori Heiji shouted, his eyes were full of fear, and he thought of the future scene in his mind.

  Outside, Li Mu sat for a while, and was about to find an excuse to leave when he saw a dark-faced person with a serious expression coming over.

  This person is none other than Hattori Heiji's father, Hattori Heizang.

  After Hattori Hirai came over, he walked directly in front of Li Mu and bent down slightly.

  "I'm so sorry my son caused you trouble today."

  Li Mu hurriedly stood up and said politely, "You're welcome, I didn't take it to heart at all, and Hattori is indeed very special."

  "I'm so sorry for causing you trouble, I'll definitely give you an explanation."

  "Oh, wait, don't be so rude, after all, it's a child, so there's no need to be so cruel."

  Although Li Mu was happy inside, he was still very calm on the surface, pretending to be concerned.

  Hattori Heizang didn't say a word, and after entering the ward, his eyes were fixed on Hattori Heiji.

  Hattori Heiji was looked at by Hattori Heizang like this, and he was a little scared in his heart, and his body trembled slightly.

  "Tell me, did you do this?"

  Conan was startled, and quickly closed his eyes, pretending not to say a word.

  Hattori Heiji was also taken aback, also did not dare to refute, he could only lower his head tremblingly.

  "Yes...sorry, I...I'll never dare again, I'm so sorry."

  In the face of his father, Hattori Heiji did not dare to continue to lie, and his heart was full of endless fear.

  Hattori Heizang stared at Hattori Hirata, and at first he suspected that someone was framing his son.

  After all, he still knows his son very well, and it is impossible to do such a thing.

  But now it seems that this should be true. His son is really jealous and drugged others, which is really good, very similar to him before.

  The only pity is that he succeeded in the past, but his son actually failed, which is too wasteful.

  Of course, he was just thinking about it. Now that he is mature, it is impossible to encourage his son to do bad things.

  Especially the other party is a very energetic person like Li Mu.

  Hattori Heiji saw that Hattori Hizang did not speak, and was even more frightened, and even lowered his head and said nothing.

  After a while, Hattori Heizang took a step forward and slapped him directly.


  The crisp and loud slaps were not only heard by the people in the room, but also seen by Li Mu and others outside.

  Conan was startled, and subconsciously covered his cheeks, always feeling that his cheeks were also hot.

  He also understood in his heart that Hattori Heizang was terrifying, no wonder Hattori Heiji was so afraid.

  After Hattori Heizang slapped, he said coldly, "Do you understand your mistake?"

  Hattori Heiji touched his cheek, nodded and said, "I know, I will never dare again."

  "Don't tell me, remember to tell Mr. Li. Also, don't do this kind of thing again in the future, and don't bring bad children."

  Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and glanced at Conan. Although he brought it up, how could Conan be one of the main criminals.

  But seeing his terrifying father in front of his eyes, he could only ignore it for the time being.

  "Father, I know, I will never dare again, I will apologize."

  Hattori Heizang nodded, turned his head and glanced at Officer Dalong next to him.

  "Dalong, if you have anything in the future, remember to tell me."

  Officer Dalong was startled, he raised his hand quickly and said, "Yes, this minister."

  Hattori Heizou nodded, then turned to leave.

  Outside, after Hattori Hirai hid, he said to Li Mu again, "Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, I've already taught Heiji a lesson, and I've caused you trouble this time."

  "Where is it, I'm really sorry, Hattori others are actually very good."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Li Mu smiled and said, he didn't care at all, Li Mu also heard the slap just now, it seemed Hattori Heiji was quite pitiful.

  "Then I'll retire first."

  Hattori Hizang didn't stop either and left directly.

  Li Mu watched Hattori Heizang leave, opened the door, walked in, and looked at Hattori Heiji with a smile on his face.

  "Hatten, are you okay? You must have a good rest today."

  Hattori Heiji had black lines all over his head, and was about to say something when Officer Dalong coughed.

  "I...I'm so sorry, Li Mu, I just wanted to joke with you, don't mind."

  "Just kidding, Heiji, is this a joke? Is this a normal person's joke?"

...... 0

  Kazuya stared at Hattori Heiji in dissatisfaction.

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