Officer Takagi came over quickly, took the model of the chariot, and looked at it carefully.

  "Yes, this chariot model is very strong and can stand alone."

  Suddenly, Officer Takagi's eyes lit up, and he said quickly, "I see, you mean the deceased was standing on top of it, so he committed suicide?"

  Li Mu touched his forehead speechlessly. He originally thought that Officer Takagi was very smart, but now he seems to be very stupid.

  "Officer Takagi, this is a remote control chariot. If someone presses the remote control, and in this photo, there is a doll on the chariot, maybe the chariot flew around and hit the display cabinet, and the doll fell on it~ ‖.”

  Officer Takagi is not too stupid to be too stupid, he can see it at a glance.

  "It turns out that, I understand, I'll go investigate."

  "Then Xiaolan, I'm leaving. As for the evidence, Maori detective, I'll leave it to you. You must illuminate this school with your brilliance."

  Li Mu has no plans to stay, he believes that Maori Kogoro can definitely handle it.

  When Maori Kogoro listened to Li Mu's words, he immediately became excited, patted his mouth fiercely and said, "Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me, I will definitely resolve this matter, betting on the name of my Maori Kogoro. "

  Conan hesitated and wanted to leave behind Li Mu, but he was worried about Kogoro Mouri.

  In the end, he stayed, otherwise it would be bad if Kogoro Mouri couldn't figure it out.

  And the detective soul makes him eager to help Yanu Misaki solve this case.

  After Li Mu left Yanai Kiyomi High School, he looked at Xiaolan Yuanzi behind him and said, "Xiaolan, Yuanzi, leave the rest to Detective Maori, let's go play now."

  "Okay, also, Big Brother Li, thank you very much today."

  Yuanzi stood on tiptoe and tapped Li Mu's cheek.

  Li Mu touched his cheek and looked at Xiaolan on the side.

  "Xiao Ran, although Misaki-san is not your classmate, shouldn't you thank me?"

  Xiao Lan's face instantly turned red.

  But seeing Li Mu's eager gaze, Xiao Lan peeked around and confirmed that there was no one else before she stood on tiptoe.

  Li Mu suddenly hugged Xiaolan and touched Xiaolan's mouth directly.

  Xiaolan was stunned, she didn't know what to do for a while, she could only let Li Mu touch her lips.

  After a while, Xiao Lan suddenly pushed Li Mu away, blushing and said, "Li Mu, you... why are you like this, I... There are so many people here, I..."

  "Okay, Xiaolan, what's so shy, let's go."

  Yuanzi didn't care about this, and took Xiaolan and left.

  Li Mu didn't say a word and followed Xiao Lan.

  Ten minutes later, Li Mu and the others returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

  Just after arriving at the Maori Detective Office, Li Mu closed the door and looked at Xiao Lan with a smile on his face.

  "Xiao Ran, Sonoko, Detective Mouri and Conan will definitely take a while, or what should we do?"

  Xiaolan and Yuanzi immediately understood what Li Mu was thinking, their faces flushed instantly, and they quickly took a step back to distance themselves from Li Mu.

  "¨'Li... Big Brother Li, it's daytime, don't you want to...want the daytime one?"

  Although the garden is usually carefree, sometimes he is still active.

  But in this broad day, and in other people's homes, she was still a little unacceptable, and her face was too thin.

  "Okay, let's not talk about it, let's hurry up, or it will be bad for the Maori detectives to come back."

  Li Mu took Xiaolan and Yuanzi and walked directly into Xiaolan's room.

  Although Xiaolan and Yuanzi were shy, they came to Xiaolan's room after Li Mu's half push.

  After arriving in the room, Xiaolan Yuanzi sat on the head of the bed, looked at Li Mu nervously, and clenched her hands subconsciously.

  Li Mu suddenly hugged Yuanzi, pulled her into his arms, and gently pulled Yuanzi's fan~you super short~ skirt.

  Yuanzi suddenly stopped Li Mu and said with a blushing face, "No... (Zhao's)... don't pull it away, just... that's it, in case the Maori detective comes back, it's more convenient, it won't be too troublesome. "

  Li Mu immediately understood, smiled, and teased: "Okay, since that's the case, then we don't need to take off the clothes, let's start directly."

  After finishing speaking, Li Mu pulled off Yuanzi's short skirt, and at the same time pulled down her inner skirt, and pressed it directly.

  In the room, Sonoko's slight gasp was heard.

  Xiaolan sat next to her and looked at Li Mu and Li Mu shyly.

  Li Mu noticed Xiaolan, and quickly grabbed Xiaolan, pulled her into his arms forcefully, and gently kneaded and pinched her.

  Xiaolan felt Li Mu's hand, her body softened subconsciously, and fell directly into Li Mu's arms, lying on the side.

  For a while, the room was very happy.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!research.

Chapter 1444 Unfortunate Conan (three more)

  "Brother Maori, thank you very much. Without you, we would have let a young girl in bloom die."

  In Yanai Kiyomi High School, Officer Meguro looked at Kogoro Mouri gratefully.

  Beside him, a male teacher fell weakly to the ground with a look of pain on his face.

  This person is none other than Shibahara-sensei who killed Yanuchi Misaki's sister.

  "Where, this is my responsibility, Kogoro Mori."

  Mouri Kogoro smirked from the back of his head, never thinking that this was Li Mu's credit.

  Conan on one side gave Mouri Kogoro a look of contempt. If most of them were not sure, he would definitely put Mouri Kogoro to sleep.

  "Then Maori, please accompany me to make a transcript."

  "It's okay, Officer Mumu."


  Afterwards, Kogoro Mouri and Conan went to the Metropolitan Police Department to make a transcript, and then returned to the Mouri Detective Agency.

  Arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Conan asked curiously, "Uncle Maori, do you know where Sister Xiaolan and the others went-?"

  "How do I know, maybe - go out and play."

  Maori Kogoro complained, then quickly turned on the radio and listened to the horse racing program.

  Conan didn't say much, picked up the phone and called out, but no one answered.

  Li Mu has learned the lesson from the past. Whenever he is happy, he must turn off his mobile phone, otherwise it will be easily exposed.

  When Conan was searching on the second floor, in the room on the third floor, Li Mu was grabbing Xiaolan's feet and pressing her body down.

  Xiaolan blushed, her hands clenched Li Mu's arms, moaning from time to time in her throat.

  As for the garden, he had long since fallen to the side, his eyes blurred.

  Not long after, Li Mu suddenly trembled, and then hugged Xiaolan tightly.

  Xiao Lan's body also trembled, and then she fell happily beside Li Mu.

  After getting Xiaolan, Li Mu didn't panic, but grabbed Xiaolan's arm and pulled her into his arms.

  After lying down for a while, Xiaolan and Yuanzi both recovered and hurriedly tidied up their clothes.

  At the same time, Xiao Lan picked up the stockings that were torn apart by Li Mu on the ground, and threw them into the trash can.

  Li Mu also woke up at this time, while wearing his clothes, he teased Xiaolan Yuanzi, and his hands were scattered from time to time.

  Xiaolan blushed instantly and said with a blushing face: "Brother Li, you really are, can you not do this, I'm already very tired just now."

  Yuanzi nodded and said in agreement, "Yes, Li Mu is very aggressive in this respect, and I don't know how to let us in a little bit. I almost couldn't bear it just now."

  "Okay, let's not talk, let's go to dinner, and I'm almost there, Maori detective should be back."

  Xiaolan thought about it too, and hurriedly went downstairs with Li Mu.

  On the second floor, Li Mu happened to meet Conan who opened the door.

  Conan was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and quickly asked: "Brother Li, Sister Xiaolan, where were you just now, why didn't I answer the call."

  "Little devil, why are you asking so many questions, we do some very cool things, and I want you to pay more attention."

  Sonoko pinched Conan's face, looking unhappy.

  Conan also turned his head in dissatisfaction, with dead fish eyes on his face.

  Although what Yuanzi said was true, Li Mu and others were indeed going to have fun, but Conan didn't believe it.

  The pitiful Conan, who doesn't know who he likes, was very happy with Li Mu just now, very comfortable.

  Just now, Xiao Lan was lying in Li Mu's arms, indulging herself.

  "By the way, Conan, I have prepared some gifts for you, I hope you like it."

  Li Mu thought of Conan, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  Conan was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Brother Li prepared a gift for me, what's up?"

  Although he and Li Mu didn't have any hatred on the surface, they weren't too good either.

  That's why he was a little confused, and couldn't understand why Li Mu gave him gifts.

  Could it be that Li Mu wanted to cheat me.

  Conan suddenly had a very bad idea in his heart.

  Li Mu didn't say anything, just took it out of his pocket, took out a notebook, and handed it to Conan.

  Conan looked at the book in front of him and directly forgot where Li Mu took it from, because he was stunned again.

  Because what Li Mu gave him was not a good thing, but a book of advanced physics.

· · 0 flowers · · · ·

  Heaven imagined that Li Mu suddenly sent a book of advanced physics to the first grade students of elementary school, even Xiaolan had never studied it.

  Xiaolan was also stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "Brother Li, is there something wrong with this? I haven't read advanced physics, so it will be too difficult for Conan."

  "Too difficult?" Li Mu murmured to himself: "That's right, Conan's IQ can only learn some middle school knowledge."

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