Conan: "..."

  He is a primary school student. Although he used to be a high school student, he is also a person with excellent grades.

  Thinking of Li Mu's ridicule, Conan couldn't help giving Li Mu a dead fish eye.

  Xiaolan smiled awkwardly and didn't say anything more.


  Li Mu thought of something again, and according to Xiaolan said: "Xiaolan, I think it's better to buy him some exercise books, so that he can study hard without disturbing us.

  And you don't want us to be at our happiest one day, suddenly there is a guy in the way to disturb us, right? "

  On the other hand, Yuanzi recognized it, and nodded lightly: "Xiao Lan, I think Big Brother Li is right, think about it, Conan almost caught us over and over again, should we keep him under control? ."

  Although Xiao Lan felt that it was not good to disturb a primary school student's spare time, she couldn't help thinking about what Li Mu and Yuanzi said.

  If she doesn't manage Conan properly, maybe when she will have sex with Li Mu~ Love will be discovered.

  After thinking about it, Xiao Lan nodded and said softly, "I think it's right. I'll go buy some exercise books tomorrow, and I can't let him continue like this."

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose after hearing this, feeling a little proud in his heart.

  On the contrary, Conan panicked. Looking at the two who were talking softly, he quickly asked, "Sister Xiaolan, what were you talking about just now?"

  Xiaolan looked at the curious Conan in front of her, and she was even more determined to not give Conan too much free time.

  Otherwise, Conan will definitely disturb her, or it would not be very good to be discovered one day.

  Conan's body trembled, and bad thoughts suddenly appeared in his heart.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!pill.

Chapter 1445 Wild Camping (One More)

  One Sunday, in the endless forest.

  The big green forest is like the ocean, connected into one piece, the trees grow lush and green, exuding a pleasant coolness.

  The sun is like wisps of golden fine sand, passing through the layers of branches and leaves, and falling on the grass, which is full of various wild flowers, emitting a seductive fragrance from time to time.

  In the forest, countless birds were flying and chirping happily, accompanied by the sound of gurgling water echoing in the breeze for a long time.

  In the forest, several tents were erected in a small flat.

  Around the tent, there were many little devils and a few adults, playing.

  Naturally, these people were none other than Li Mu, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and everyone from the juvenile detective team.

  Apart from that, even Kogoro Mouri didn't come.

  On the other side of the tent "[-]", on a small stool, Conan was doing the math problem that Li Mu bought him.

  "Alas, Conan is really embarrassing, and now he still has to do exercises."

  "Yeah, so does Big Brother Li."

  Conan was doing it when he suddenly heard the words of the young detective team, and his heart was filled with emotion.

  He now hopes that the young detective team will talk about it, so that he can stop doing the practice questions.

  Next to him, Li Mu's mouth twitched when he heard the words of the young detective team.

  This group of little devils wanted to come here at first, but they agreed, but now they actually speak ill of Li Mu behind their backs.

  Li Mu's eyes rolled around, and he said seriously: "Hey, you seem to have forgotten, this is where I invited you to dinner. It's not good to talk about me like this now."


  The young detective team reacted, exclaimed, and turned around quickly.

  Looking at Li Mu who was smiling all over the face, these little ghosts smiled awkwardly.

  It's too embarrassing to get caught speaking ill of people behind their backs.

  "This... Brother Li, I mean you did a good job, and children should study hard."

  "Yes, I think so too, Conan should study hard."

  In an instant, everyone abandoned Conan.

  You must know that Li Mu is a big family. Now is the time when the big local tyrants are dividing the land, how can they offend Li Mu.

  Conan: "..."

  In this way, he was abandoned by his companions, and he wanted to cry but had nowhere to cry.

  On one side, Xiao Lan came over and looked at Conan with a big smile.

  "Conan, you must do it seriously. After all, you are so smart. You must make good use of your talents and not waste them."

  "That's right, that's how it should be." Sonoko nodded in agreement.

  She agreed to let Conan do the exercises, and she was naturally very happy.

  "Yes, I see, Sister Xiaolan."

  Conan replied weakly with a dark face.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, the three of us are going to pick up wood, you are here, and Conan, give you a few minutes off, watch over them, and don't leave.

  If you are bored, you can play games on the ps machine there, but never leave. Whoever leaves will have no prizes when they go back. "

  Li Mu didn't worry about letting the little ghosts go to pick up branches, otherwise it would be bad if they were in danger.

  As for Xiaolan, this lunatic, if she were to go alone, she would probably not be able to find her way home.


  Conan nodded weakly, and at the same time was a little happy, at least he didn't have to continue writing.

  The young detective team happily ran into a tent and played games.

  Next to him, Conan sat, silently looking at the game console in front of him, and glanced at the small diesel generator next to him.

  It's hard to imagine that Li Mu brought so many things in by himself.

  But thinking of Li Mu's fighting power, Conan didn't think it was so strange.

  Next to Conan, Haiyuan Ai sat, looked at Conan on the side, and teased: "What's the matter, are you particularly upset, but this is also an opportunity, use your blood to study middle school, middle school to university, middle school You are a genius."


  Conan smiled weakly, not knowing what to say.

  However, what Hai Yuanai said was quite right. With his IQ, he studied hard, and when he got to university, he would be a peerless genius.

  Wait, how did I come up with this.

  Conan shook his head quickly, not allowing himself to think too much about his own business.

  At the same time, Conan thought of something again, and said quickly: "By the way, Hai Yuan, let me ask you a question, the last medicine..."

  Conan suddenly reacted, the young detective team was still standing aside, and quickly lowered his voice.. 0

  "What happened to the medicine that time, why didn't it work for Li Mu?"

  "Who knows, maybe Li Mu already knew it and didn't drink it, maybe he really has antibodies. After all, he is also a doctor."

  Haibara Ai was very calm, sitting and reading a book, as if nothing had anything to do with her.

  Conan looked at Haiyuan Ai suspiciously. He seriously suspected that Haiyuan Ai was hiding something from him, and maybe he gave Li Mu medicine in advance.

  But think about it, he has no evidence, and how could Hui Yuanai be so good to Li Mu.

  Therefore, the thoughts in Conan's mind were fleeting.

  On the other side, Li Mu walked under the lush green woods, and Xiaolan Yuanzi followed behind.

  After walking for a while, Xiao Lan looked at the camp at the back and said worriedly: "Brother Li, will there be something wrong, just leave those children there?"

  "Don't worry, nothing will happen. There are no large beasts here. I have placed a fence nearby and sprinkled a lot of realgar powder. Don't worry."

  Before coming, Li Mu had already made a lot of preparations, just for safety, and also hoped that they would not disturb him.

  Although Xiao Lan was a little relieved, she was still a little worried and looked at the camp behind her at 5.6.

  Li Mu sighed and said helplessly, "Alright then, let's hurry up and pick up some firewood, and then go back early so that we don't have to worry about it."

  Although I really wanted the three of them to have a good time in the forest for a while, considering that Xiaolan seemed to be absent-minded, she could only give up.

  The corners of Yuanzi's mouth rose, and he blinked at Li Mu and said, "Li Mu, tell me, do you have any other arrangements, such as doing something inferior to me and Xiaolan in this forest? Another example..."

  Sonoko didn't speak, but blinked from time to time, and pushed Xiaolan's arm with his little hand.

  Xiaolan also understood something long ago, her cheeks flushed instantly, she lowered her head shyly, and didn't know where to put her hands.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1446 Domineering and deterring the blind bear (two more)

  In the tent, everyone from the Detective Boys was happily playing games, with Conan sitting beside him.

  Suddenly, some strange noises came from outside, which instantly attracted Conan's attention.

  Conan ran out quickly and looked at a tall figure in the woods in the distance, completely stunned.

  The tall figure in front of him was not Li Mu, but a bear, a huge blind bear.

  With Conan's strength, once he encounters this tall blind bear, he will definitely be killed in seconds.

  "Big... everyone, hurry up... come out, outside... something happened outside."

  "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

  Although the young detectives were puzzled, looking at Conan's serious expression, they put down the gamepad in their hands reluctantly.

  As soon as they came out, everyone in the young detective team was stunned.

  "K... Conan, this is... is this a bear? What should we do."

  While they were talking, the young detective team turned around and tried to run away.

  "Stop, hurry up and stop for me." Conan shouted sharply, and then said seriously: "Don't run, if you run, he will definitely attack."

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