The two of them were very happy.

Jerry stood on Tom's hand, baring his teeth and shyly stretched out his little hand to Lynch, looking like a little boy eager to be recognized by his master.

"Hello, Jerry." Lynch stretched out his hand and held the little hand, "From today on, we are a family."

"It's our first meeting, this is a gift for you." He took out the cheese he had prepared in advance and gave it to Jerry.

Jerry hugged the cheese and laughed happily, almost jumping up and kissing Lynch twice.

Finally, it will be recognized by humans one day.

Jerry laughed, and Tom also smiled foolishly.

Suddenly, Jerry seemed to remember something, and took out a finger-sized firecracker from his tail hair and presented it to Lynch attentively.

"Is this your gift for me? Thank you."

Touching Jerry's little head, Lynch took the mini firecracker with two fingers.

The system's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

[Ding! Detected that the host received Jerry's gift; Teffy's small firecracker. ]

[Teffy's small firecracker: Please don't look at it as small, it is concentrated with essence, and has the power to blow up a three-story villa. ]

Lynch: "..."

This is not a firecracker, this is a nuclear bomb, right?

He pinched the small firecracker the size of a finger cap and carefully put it into the system space. If it exploded on a warship, it would be terrible.


There is still a long distance to the royal capital. Before this, the team last resupplied in the West Sea.

It is much more convenient to resupply in their own territory.

After hearing that the legendary King of the West Sea came to the island, countless people dropped their work and gathered around, just to see Lynch.

"Is that Lord Lin Qi? He's so handsome!"

"He looks so young, as if he's only the same age as my brother."

"I wish I could be her woman."

"Silly girl, go to bed, you can dream about anything."

"You're so annoying, why don't you let me fantasize about it~"

Two young girls who couldn't squeeze into the crowd climbed onto the roof, looking at Lin Qi from a distance, talking in a low voice with blushing cheeks.

"Lord Lin Qi~ I want to give birth to a baby for you!!!"

Suddenly, a girl's sweet voice came from the crowd.

The crowd laughed knowingly, "Hahahahaha."

"Whose girl is this? How come she said what's in her heart?"

"Go, go, go line up, which girl here doesn't want to marry Lord Lin Qi." Everyone joked.

The sons of the sea dare to love and hate, but there are not many girls like this "fierce".

In the end, the girl was pulled away by her father with a red face.

A large number of merchants on the island insisted on giving supplies to the army for free, and Lin Qi only then realized that his reputation among the people had reached such a high level.

"Lord Lynch, please accept it. This is just a small token of our appreciation."

"Yes, Lord Lynch, we are old and weak and cannot help you in the war. These are the only things we can offer. Please accept them."

"It is because of you that we can live like today and no longer have to worry."

"Yes, before Lord Lynch came, we not only suffered from the exploitation of the kingdom, but also lived in fear of pirates' robbery. My second son was killed by pirates at that time."

"Thanks to the planting technology you invented, people on the island will not go hungry now."

"Everyone, I will accept the things, but you must also accept the money." Lynch smiled and said, "Our West Sea army never takes a single needle or thread from you for nothing."

This is also the first time Lynch has been a king. He tried his best to recall the wise monarchs in history in his mind, to emulate the sages, and strive to become a good monarch.

He recalled the means of winning people's hearts, kindly shook hands with the elderly on the island, and chatted with them.

But this chat directly made a group of elderly people cry. Lin Qi never thought that he could make people cry, maybe he remembered the difficult years.

He wiped his sweat secretly, it was really not easy to be a king.

"Lord Lin Qi! Lord Lin Qi!" A lady suddenly squeezed through the layers of people, stopped in front of Lin Qi, panting.

"Don't worry, tell me slowly if you have anything to say." Lin Qi said softly.

"Lord Lin Qi, the chickens on our island are lost!" The woman raised her head and said seriously.

Lin Qi: "???"

Why are you looking for him if the chickens are lost!

"How can you be sure that the chickens are lost?" Lin Qi still asked patiently.

"Because a line of cats appeared next to the chicken coop

There are no cats on our island! It must be a cat from outside the island that stole our chickens. "

'Cat's footprints? It must be Tom's doing.'

Lin Qi thought of Tom who disappeared as soon as the ship docked, and took out 100,000 Baileys from his pocket apologetically.

"Sorry, Auntie, it may be that the cat on our ship accidentally took the chickens away. This is your compensation."

100,000 Baileys is enough to buy 30 big roosters.

But the old lady just shook her head and pushed the money back, "I don't want the money. If possible, please help us get the chickens back."

"That chicken is not an ordinary chicken. It is very big. It should not have been eaten by the cat now. I can't say for sure in a while."

"Not an ordinary chicken?" Lin Qi frowned slightly.

"Yes." The old lady nodded vigorously, took out a basketball from behind, and slowly guided: "You associate basketball with chickens."

"Basketball... and chickens? "

Lin Qi frowned even more deeply, what exactly did this lady want to say.

"Oh." Seeing that Lin Qi still didn't understand, the lady stamped her feet anxiously, "It's just a chicken that can play basketball. It's the mascot of our island!"

"Many tourists come here to watch it play basketball. Now what should we do if it's gone?"

"Mascot." Lin Qi finally understood what the lady wanted to express.

"Don't worry, I will definitely ask someone to help find the chicken on the island."

"It's not an ordinary chicken, it's a chicken that can play basketball!" The lady corrected.

"Yes, yes, a chicken that plays basketball."

Jerry, who was standing on his shoulder, was caught by Lynch, "I'll give you a task, find Tom and save the chicken from him."

"Chichi! "Jerry stood on Lynch's hand, saluted him, and disappeared.

At this time, at the seaside.

"Meow meow meow~ meow meow~ meow meow~"

Tom, wrapped in a white napkin, washed the knife and fork he brought with him at the seaside, humming a cheerful melody.

Translated: Grilled chicken wings, my favorite~

Not far away, a big rooster in overalls was tied up and thrown on the ground, and a basketball was lying quietly next to it.

"Cluck! Cluck!"

Seeing Tom licking his mouth and approaching with firewood, the big rooster struggled violently and screamed in fear.

If translated, it means: Oh~ What are you doing~

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