At the same time, in the world of Tom and Jerry.

Jerry sat in his little home in the mouse hole, holding his knees with his little hands, sitting on the small bed in a daze.

Not far away, there was a violently smashed robot cat.

"Hey." Whenever Jerry's cousin saw Jerry now, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Isn't it just a timid cat that doesn't pit to beat? It's gone, so why be so sad?

The world of Tom and Jerry is not the same as the time flow rate of Lynch.

The story started a year ago.

The cousin's memories were pulled back to a year ago.

According to Jerry, it was a sunny morning, no different from the past.

With Jerry's flexible movement, Tom failed to catch the mouse again and again, and hit his head against the wall with stars in his eyes.

Just as Jerry was laughing, Tom's owner was completely disappointed with Tom, bought a mouse-catching robot from the Internet, and kicked Tom out.

For a whole year after that, Jerry never saw Tom again.

It was as if... Tom was gone forever.

Without Tom, Jerry was no match for the high-tech robot cat and was beaten badly.

Unable to bear it any longer, Jerry chose to call for help!

The eldest cousin came on stage and tore the robot cat to pieces with three punches and two kicks.

After solving the problem, looking at the depressed cousin, the eldest cousin decided to stay and take care of Jerry for a few days.

This care lasted until today.

The memory ended.

The eldest cousin walked up and patted Jerry on the shoulder to cheer him up.

Jerry raised his bearded head, smiled bitterly at his cousin and shook his head, his eyes full of self-blame and pain.

Maybe if he had let Tom catch him that day, Tom would not have been driven out of the house.

The relationship between him and Tom is not that of natural enemies, nor that of predators and prey, but... family.

Except for Jerry himself, no one can understand this feeling, not even his cousin.

They don't know what they have experienced with Tom.

They have been to the zoo together, gone fishing together, been to space together, eaten big meals together, and dealt with enemies together...

There are too many memories of experiencing with Tom.

It seems that Jerry can't leave Tom's figure at every moment of his life.

Jerry dare not sleep, because once he closes his eyes, all the things he had with Tom in the past will emerge in his mind.

Tom seems to be questioning himself, why, why did he get kicked out of the house.

In the past, no matter how many owners Tom changed, how many times he moved, or where he went, the two of them always stayed together.

But this's different.

Jerry lost Tom forever.

"Gurgle~" Jerry's stomach suddenly growled, and he still sat numbly on the bed.

In the past year, the cousin had persuaded Jerry as much as he could, but it was obviously useless, so the cousin decided to go out and find some food for Jerry.

Seeing his dear cousin like this, the cousin felt bad.

He planned to catch the black cat and the dog named Spike while looking for food today and beat them up a few times to vent his anger.

And the moment the cousin walked out of the room, a mechanical sound rang out from Jerry's mind.

[Are you willing to go to another world? 1. Yes, 2. Very willing. ]

The numb Jerry was unmoved. As early as half a year ago, he suffered from auditory hallucinations because he missed Tom too much.

But this time, the auditory hallucinations seemed a little different.

[In exchange, you can make your request. ]

A piece of parchment appeared out of thin air in Jerry's hand.

Jerry's eyes slowly focused, and it seemed that he suddenly reacted.

Jerry's hair suddenly exploded, and he soared two meters high, fell to the ground and turned into a pool of liquid mouse slices, and then slowly returned to the shape of a mouse.

'No, it's not an illusion! ? '

[Please make a choice as soon as possible. ]

Jerry was so scared when he heard the voice again that he dropped the parchment and shrunk into the corner.

'What is that! '

After a moment of silence, as if he thought of something, Jerry fell silent.

After a long time, Jerry picked up the parchment again.

A line of words slowly appeared on the parchment: Please return Tom to Jerry, Jerry wants to be with Tom forever.

In Jerry's heart, a place with Tom is considered home.

A place without Tom is just a body without a soul.

Jerry can't lose Tom, just like

The West cannot lose Jerusalem.

The parchment turned into ashes and dissipated in the air, and a black hole appeared out of thin air and sucked Jerry Mouse in.

The eldest cousin who came back with a bag of cheese happened to see this scene.


The black hole closed, and the eldest cousin knelt on the ground and roared.

On the other hand, Lynch looked at the squirrel that appeared in front of him and fell into deep thought.

The dark brown and light brown colors are exactly the same as Jerry Mouse that he saw when he was a child.

But Jerry's attention is not on Lynch, the master at this moment.

Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse look at each other affectionately.





Jerry jumped into Tom's arms, and the cat and the mouse hugged and cried, venting their longing for each other over the years.

For Jerry, it has been a year since he last saw Tom.

But for Tom, it has been seven or eight years since he last saw Jerry.

"Hey, hey, hey, is this true?" Mark was stunned as he watched the tears that were about to flow into a river.

The tears that flowed out could fill a swimming pool, and throw in a hundred Tom cats.

What kind of outrageous creatures are these two? How can they hold so many tears in their bodies? ? ?

Jerry and Tom are both sunny-type personalities.

Without too much sadness, the cat and the mouse soon fell into the joy of reunion.

They did not tell each other about their longing for each other, everything was self-evident.

They understood each other as if they understood themselves.

They did not even mention the suffering they had suffered these days, as if as long as the other was around, they were the happiest cat and mouse in the world.

Seeing Tom and Jerry holding hands and spinning excitedly, Lynch laughed.

Over the years, he had already regarded Tom as a family member, as long as Tom was happy.

After a while, Tom, with his big teeth, held Jerry, who was also with his big teeth, with a shy face, in his hands to introduce him to Lynch.

It wrote on the cardboard: Master, this is my best friend Jerry, can you adopt it?

Tom twisted his feet, a little nervous, worried that the master would dislike Jerry for being a mouse like the previous masters.

In Tom's heart, Lynch is the only master he recognizes, and his status is not inferior to Jerry, so he hopes to get Lynch's recognition.

At this time, Jerry also digested the information in his mind.

He understood that it was the man in front of him who summoned him and was also his master.

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