The Jackson quickly moved towards Wano Country in the direction indicated by Kozuki Oden and the recording pointer.

As the distance to Wano Country got closer and closer, Kozuki Oden's inner tension became more and more serious, and the whole person was far from the usual lively feeling.

Along the way, the Roger Pirates passed through islands full of beasts, passed through countries with snow all year round, and also encountered small pirates who wanted to rob the treasures of the Roger Pirates without knowing whether to live or die.

However, everything did not stop the Roger Pirates from moving forward. After thousands of mountains and rivers and encountering various hardships, they finally came to the sea area dozens of miles away from Wano Country in a clear sky.

However, at this moment, Shanks anxiously ran up from the cabin, panting and shouting: "Mr. Oden"

"What's wrong, Koutarou"

"Miss Toki fainted!"

"What! Toki fainted!" Kozuki Oden showed a panicked look for the first time. In the past, even if he met a powerful enemy, Kozuki Oden was not afraid.

"Thump, thump!"

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded, and the Roger Pirates rushed to the cabin and put the unconscious Toki on the bed.

Looking at Toki, who was sweating and his face turned red because of the fever, Kozuki Oden was a little hesitant.

"Crocus, can Toki continue to follow the journey?" Kozuki Oden asked.

"No, I suggest that Ashi disembark in Wano Country. Her original destination is Wano Country. She has been traveling for such a long time and has been tense. Now Wano Country is right in front of her. The fatigue and mental stress that come with it all burst out at this moment. So, Ashi needs to rest and recuperate," Dr. Kulokas suggested.

"Lord Oden, in this case, Lord Momonosuke and Lord Hiyori should also stay. They are too young. It is easy to get tired or even sick after a long and high-intensity adventure," said Inuarashi.

"I will stay with Inuarashi to take care of Lord Toki, because Kin'emon and others don't know about Lord Toki, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble," Cat Viper stepped forward and said seriously.


"Go, Oden!" Kozuki Oden was interrupted by Toki before he finished speaking. He struggled to sit up and looked at Oden firmly with a red face.

"Oden, is your determination to take risks just like this? If you stop because of this, I will sever our marriage!"

" (⊙o⊙)" Kozuki Oden was shocked by what Toki said. He didn't expect that Toki, who had always been gentle and compliant, would be so strong.

Finally, Kozuki Oden couldn't resist Toki's insistence, so he decided to continue the adventure.

With Kozuki Oden leading the way, the Jackson soon appeared in Wano Country.

In Wano Country, in the castle of the Kozuki family, a short ninja ran in breathlessly.

Pushing the door open, he said excitedly: "A pirate ship was found entering Wano Country!"

"Pirate ship? Could it be Lord Oden?!" Hearing this, Kin'emon, who was sitting in the room, looked ecstatic. After waiting for so long, Lord Oden finally came home.

In the woods, Kin'emon and his companions wrapped themselves in a turban, stared at the Jackson on the distant shore with wide eyes, and whispered.

"This ship doesn't seem to belong to the Whitebeard Pirates"

"What? Could it be that other pirates have invaded? Damn, at this time."

"Wait and see!"

"That's! (˝ᗢ̈˝) Lord Oden!" Seeing the familiar figure coming down from the Jackson, Kin'emon and his companions finally couldn't help but jump out of the woods and ran towards Kozuki Oden with tears on their faces.

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Hearing the source of the voice, Kozuki Oden looked up and saw that they were all familiar people, and a happy smile appeared on his face again.

"Lord Oden! Long time no see"*5

"This is my wife and children," Kozuki Oden introduced.

"Hello, my name is Toki, this is Oden's daughter Hiyori Kozuki, and this is Momonosuke Kozuki!" Toki held Hiyori Kozuki and introduced gently.

"Wow, so cute, this is Lord Oden's child."

"Lord Oden is so happy"

"Yes, yes, I left alone, but I didn't expect to come back with four people ୧⍢⃝୨"

"Ahem, is this the future heir of the Kozuki family?" Unlike the others, Kin'emon looked at Momonosuke.

Kin'emon looked at the future Daimyo Kuri.

"Such a clever and clever appearance, not like Lord Oden at all, that's great", Kin'emon couldn't help but sigh.

"Ha, what do you mean, Kin'emonヽ('⌒´メ)ノ"

"Hahaha, let's get back to the point, Lord Oden, you are finally back. During the days you were away, we did not live up to your trust and have been desperately protecting Kuri. I want to..."

The long-awaited reunion ended with a cheerful look, and Kin'emon then told the major events that happened in Wano Country in recent years with a serious face.

However, at this moment, he was stopped by Toki.

"If you really want Oden, then don't distract him. Oden still has adventures to complete", Toki stabilized his shaky body and said seriously.


"Kinemon, that's it. I still have things to do. After I finish, I will come back." Seeing that Kin'emon was still talking, Kozuki Oden raised his hand to interrupt him and signaled him not to continue.

"Ahem, Mr. Oden, I think that although Captain Roger's time is very tight, it shouldn't take too much time to help you solve the problems of Wano Country!" Xia Hao, who had been standing on the deck and watching everything happening below, couldn't help but speak.

Regardless of how others evaluated Oden, Xia Hao, who had sailed together for nearly a year, admired Kozuki Oden's cheerful and big-hearted character, so he issued a kind reminder.

"No need, Xia Hao, the people of Wano Country don't like outsiders to intervene in internal affairs, and they don't like pirates even more." Hearing Xia Hao's words, Kozuki Oden was very moved, and since Xia Hao said so, Roger must have acquiesced.

But considering the internal situation of Wano Country and Roger's situation, Oden refused.

As long as he reaches the final island, Kozuki Oden can come back and deal with domestic affairs with peace of mind.

After leaving behind Toki and his two children, Inuarashi and Nekomaru, Kozuki Oden quickly ran towards the location of the red historical text, intending to make a quick decision, because the longer the time, the more tormented Kozuki Oden was.

An hour later, on the coast of Wano Country.

"I'm leaving, Kin'emon..." Kozuki Oden said.

"Lord Oden, please wait a little longer!"

"Please come back, wuwuwu!"

"Damn it, Lord Oden, you bastard, you are so unreliable!"*5

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