The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

On the Jackson, Kozuki Oden turned his back and tried not to look at the scene of Wano Country.

"Even if I don't look at the current scene of Wano Country, I can feel that an unprecedented major event has occurred, but I can't look back!" Kozuki Oden closed his eyes in pain, and his slightly trembling body betrayed his pretended calm expression.

In the cabin, watching Kozuki Oden walk down, Roger said: "Are you really okay? Oden"

"It's okay!"

"Hahaha, you are such an irresponsible man", Roger pouted and mocked.

"Asshole, who is all this for! If I leave, you can't even enter the Furry Kingdom!" Without my face, the Fur Tribe won't give you the historical text" Kozuki Oden couldn't help but roared.

"Besides, I want to see what the final island looks like!"

"Thank you, Oden!"


On the boundless sea, the Jackson moved forward according to the life card given by Inuarashi, and soon entered a white foggy area.

Just when everyone was looking for the island where the Fur Tribe lived, a huge figure covering the sky and the sun appeared on the sea, like a moving giant island.

"Wait, this is indeed not an island, it's an elephant! ", Kozuki Oden said excitedly. He originally thought that Zou was a hidden island, but he didn't expect it to be a giant elephant. It was really surprising.

After a long time, the Roger Pirates landed on Zou Island. With the information given by Inuarashi and Cat Viper, they quickly arrived at the heart of the Furry Kingdom and met the Duke of the Kingdom of this era, Duke Goat Khan.

"Wow, it's great. I didn't expect that the two bad boys are still alive. Thank you so much for the news. When they disappeared, they caused unrest in the entire kingdom." Duke Goat Khan said with tears and snot.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh. Inuarashi told us everything in the letter. So, everyone, follow us."

Led by Duke Goat Khan, the Roger Pirates rushed to the main text of history.

"What's going on? I can't calm down. Why do I feel like I'm being stared at all the time? And it's getting more and more uncomfortable." The closer to the main text of history, the deeper the inexplicable feeling in Kozuki Oden's heart.

"I understand you, Oden! "

"Captain, are you like this too?"

Looking at the expressions of Roger and Kozuki Oden, Xia Hao was also trying to restrain himself. The ability to listen to the voices of all things allowed Xia Hao to also feel the gaze and voice of the elephant master below.

The group climbed up the winding whale tree and entered the inner space at the highest point, the whale's tail.

And inside, there was a historical text.

"I never thought that we were actually brothers with the fur tribe!" Kozuki Oden exclaimed, thinking it was just a family rumor.

"Hahaha, I finally found it, the last piece of red historical text!" Roger waved his hands happily, like a 200-pound child.

An hour later, Kozuki Oden finished interpreting the historical text, and the group came down from the whale tree and prepared for the final sailing trip.

"Roger, Lord Oden, can I go to sea with you! "

In the forest, a small figure appeared behind Roger's pirate group, clenching his fist and shouting seriously.

"Pedro, you better wait for orders first"

"Why? !"

"Listen carefully, everyone must have their own time to appear, and when that time comes, you must come to help me, Pedro!" Roger gave Pedro a spiritual chicken soup, which made Xia Hao, who was not far away, twitch his mouth. Although Captain Roger was guiding with good intentions, Xia Hao couldn't help sighing in his heart when he thought of Pedro's solution in the future.

If there is a chance in the future, Pedro, I will not let you die in frustration.

"Come on, Pedro!" Xia Hao looked at the cute Pedro and couldn't help rubbing his head with his big hands.

"Yeah, I will definitely work hard, brother Xia Hao! "Pedro nodded seriously and said.

"Hahaha, I believe you", Xia Hao's casual heart was melted by Pedro's call of brother, and Pedro didn't know that this sentence changed his fate.

The Roger Pirates boarded the Jackson to re-enter the Grand Line from Zou Island. The sea breeze blew gently. The Roger Pirates surrounded Kozuki Oden in the middle. A world map was quietly spread on the deck.

According to Kozuki Oden's interpretation, as long as the red

The four locations recorded in the historical text intersect with each other, and the overlapping point is the final island that no one has ever landed on.

For three days and three nights, Kozuki Oden, Rayleigh and others carefully combined the map information to find the location of the final island and how to reach it.

Because, since no one has landed there, it will definitely not be easy to get there.

Grand Line Navy Headquarters, Marinford

Garp, who has not seen the whereabouts of Roger's pirates for nearly a year, suddenly felt a bad premonition and frowned. Sengoku, who was standing next to him, saw Garp's face and couldn't help asking: "Garp, what happened? Are you sick?"

"Sick? How is it possible? I have never been sick since I was born," Garp shook his head and responded.

"Then why do you look so ugly suddenly?"

"Sengoku, Roger's pirates have disappeared for nearly a year. In my memory, Roger is not such a quiet guy, so I think Roger's pirates will make big moves next, and even something shocking the whole world will happen," Garp said with a serious look and very serious.

Although there is no evidence, the two have been chasing each other for 20 to 30 years, and they know very well what kind of man the other is.

"Hahaha, Garp, you are too anxious. The powerful Rocks Pirates have become a thing of the past, so what can the Roger Pirates do!"

"Sengoku, you know very well that the Rocks Pirates were destroyed in cooperation with Roger. The World Government only gave me the title of Navy Hero in order to stabilize the morale of the army," Garp said in a heavy tone.

"Roger is a man who is far more terrifying than Rocks to some extent."

"So, what are you going to do?!" Sengoku sighed helplessly. His old comrade was good in everything, but after meeting the Roger Pirates, he changed completely. He has been chasing the Roger Pirates for decades, and has forced them into desperate situations several times.

"I plan to lead a battleship to search for the whereabouts of Roger's pirate group. I don't believe that Roger is a man who pursues stability," Garp said in a firm tone, then stood up and walked towards the marshal's office. After a burst of angry curses, Garp put on the cloak of justice with a smile on his face and walked towards the dock where the battleship was docked.

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