A small boat lit with candles and a coffin-like shape appeared on the sea.

And the one who spoke was really His Majesty Qiwu Hai, the world’s first sword hero Eagle Eye, and there was a trace of appreciation and interest in those sharp eyes.

The gaze fell on Will’s body.

The more powerful he is, the more he can feel the vast abyss-like aura on Hawkeye.

Will leaned over to look at Hawkeye not far behind him, only if you have really seen this man, you can feel Hawkeye’s unusual temperament.

“Hawkeye Mihawk, my name is Will, and I will definitely make a name for myself in the sea soon.” Will had an excited smile on his face, seeing such a peerless figure.

An ambition arises in my heart, and it is not an exaggeration to call a big husband just like that.

Many people present looked at this man with a two-meter-long knife on his back curiously, and the pair of eyes with heavy eyes like eagles made it difficult to forget at a glance.

“Redfoot” Jepp is a pirate who has been to the Great Passage, and he naturally knows the legend about Hawkeye, and he is shocked in his heart, “I didn’t expect Hawkeye to appear in this place…”

This East China Sea, known as the “weakest sea”.

Even ordinary people can feel that Hawkeye is unusual.

However, the appearance of Hawkeye, the most unacceptable is the Klick Pirates, one by one, as if seeing the devil and death.


It was the man in the coffin boat who destroyed the Klick Pirates, which had 5,000 people.

“Why… Why can I still meet him in this place?! Klick’s face was covered in cold sweat and he couldn’t help but overflow madly.

It began to flow down the nose, temples, and between the eyebrows, and the back of the armored body was instantly soaked with cold sweat.


The appearance of Hawkeye and the strength it displayed completely destroyed the ambition of Klick, who had the ambition to go to the great sea lane and considered himself invincible.

That’s a height that you can only look up to.

“White Blast!”

Klick’s chance to lose his mind was seized by Smogg, who instantly used his ability to create a large cloud of smoke to envelop Klick in it.

The originally light and harmless smoke quickly solidifies, and the air inside is being compressed and squeezed out at an extremely fast speed.

The feeling of suffocation soon made Klick feel that he was on the verge of death.

“Let go of the captain!!”

Seeing that Klick was in danger, the loyal Akin immediately pulled out the double-barreled musket at his waist and pointed it at Smogg, facing his double-barreled musket.

How could Smogg back down.

Still shrinking the smoke, the sound coming from inside instantly became weaker.

Akin’s heart tightened, and without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, and two black lead bullets instantly came out of the chamber and shot towards Smogg, but only pierced two small holes in the white smoke.

“Muskets are useless to me.” Smogg took two sips of his cigar with interest, exhaled a thick puff of smoke, and collected the smoke.

And Klick’s body fell to the ground.

Already completely unconscious … Already suffocated!!

Ajin’s face was sad and indignant with pain, “Bastard Navy, I’m going to kill you to avenge the captain!!” Pulling

out his crutches, with one hand, his figure rushed towards Smogg’s head.

The iron cane carries the whirring wind.

Don’t look at Ah Jin’s thin appearance, but his strength is definitely not weak in the East China Sea, otherwise in this East China Sea with such a low bounty, he would not be able to be rewarded with 1200 Bailey.

Even if it weren’t for Will’s appearance changing the trajectory of history, Akin would even have been able to defeat Sanji.

It is enough to prove his strength.

The double crutches violently split Smogg’s body into three parts, but there were no blood organs at the fracture, but white smoke.

“Damn ability… What the hell is this?! Akin knew that it was this strange ability that allowed the navy in front of him to defeat the powerful Captain Klick.

He also has no problem with this magical ability.

The backhand was knocked away by Smog with ten hands.

“Nature is a Devil Fruit Ability… I didn’t expect that in this part of the East China Sea, I could encounter interesting things one after another, but the strength was too weak…” Hawkeye’s eyes did not fluctuate from beginning to end.

Like an outsider, watch the battle.

At this moment, Dusty stared at Hawkeye with two eyes shining, not only recognizing Hawkeye, but also recognizing the knife behind Hawkeye!

There is only one of the twelve supreme fast knives on the sea, Black Knife Night.

The pamphlet recording the famous knife flipped quickly, and Dusty chanted the words in his mouth: “Black knife night, chaotic blade heavy flower T-letter, known as the strongest black knife in the world…”

“This knife must not be in the hands of pirates, that is the sadness of the knife.”

Closing the small book, Dusty completely focused on Hawkeye’s body, and suddenly rushed over with a knife in both hands.

Directly let Will on the side look stupid.

This Dusty is simply “dying”, completely unaware of the gap between her and Hawkeye, which is simply the difference between an ant and a human.

Will also reacted quickly, reached out, and immediately picked up Dusty with one hand, “You’re crazy, do you know how strong that guy is?”

Dusty levitated in the air awkwardly, “As a swordsman, I can’t be indifferent when I see such a famous sword fall into the hands of pirates.”

“You guy let me go!!

Will released her fingers, Dusty sat on the ground, and the glasses on her face accidentally fell to the ground, leaving her busy reaching out to look around for her glasses.

Will picked up his glasses and handed them to Dusty, “In order to insist on not even wanting to die, shouldn’t you do what you can… Do you do more when your strength becomes stronger?

“Hitting a stone with a pebble will not only cost you your life, but even your dream will end completely.”

Dusty hurriedly put on her glasses, and when she heard Will’s words, she also knew that she was too reckless and ignorant, and she sat in place for a while, not knowing what to do.


Smog roared and sped through mid-air, and a fist of white smoke came first, making a sound of breaking through the air.


Will’s figure instantly disappeared in place, dodging Smogg’s punch.

His movements made Smog instantly surprised, and he raised his voice and asked, “You know the Six Style?!” ”

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