The technique that Will used just now, Smogg can be sure that he is absolutely not mistaken, that is, the “Six Styles” that he is extremely familiar with.

He wouldn’t find it strange to see Six Styles on the Great Passage, but this was the East China Sea.

This technique also shows that Will is very physical.

“It’s indeed a six-style, but there’s nothing unusual about this thing.” Will admitted.

At this moment, Dusty had already stood up from the ground, and for a while his heart was mixed, Will was a traitor to the Navy, but just now, he saved his life.

The emotions in her heart are very complicated.

A question arose in Smogg’s heart and asked directly: “Will, why did you betray the navy?” ”

In the data, it is shown that Will in front of him is just an ordinary navy, and his position is just a navy commander.

But now the strength shown by Will is completely different from what is shown in the data.

It can be said that it is a world of difference.

Is it a mistake in intelligence ?!

“This question again, I have nothing to say about it.” Will didn’t want to win sympathy with his own affairs.

That will only make a fuss about things, drag more people into the water, and at the same time cause the ideas of the world government … That would be unpredictable.

Now Will just wants to recruit the crew and make himself stronger, able to get out of the situation where he may face a strong man at any time.

Master the freedom of life and explore the world.

Smogg’s gaze fell on Will’s face, as if he wanted to see Will inside and out thoroughly, “Even if you don’t say it, I still want to capture you, now you are not only a traitor of the navy, but also a pirate!”

“Catching pirates is the duty of the Navy!”

Chloe, who was beside Will, stepped forward, “Captain, leave this guy to me!” ”

The characteristics of the Nature Devil Fruit are elemental, Chloe naturally knows that he has also seen Nami’s Cloud Cloud Fruit on the ship, and it is no secret that the elementalization can resist physical attacks and elemental attacks.

Will nodded and reminded, “Be careful, this guy is not simple. ”

With Smogg’s current strength, coupled with the natural advantages of the Nature Devil Fruit, even in the first half of the Great Passage, he can be regarded as a person with good strength.

Such a man also happened to be a grindstone, and Will thought he could defeat Smogg, but he didn’t want his crew to grow under his protection.

He will not intervene in this battle, with the Forging Body Dan and the Phantom Beast Species Nine Infant Form, Chloe has the power to fight.

Seeing that Will didn’t mean to do it with himself, Smogg had a hint of anger in his eyes, “Will, you are too arrogant, arrogant people tend to fail quickly. ”

Hey… Navy, arrogant should be you, if the captain makes a move, you can’t win at all, even if I shoot, I can defeat you! Chloe made a serious gesture.

Habitually pushed his glasses with his wrist, and the ten-bladed “cat’s claw” on the back of his hand flashed with the cold light of Sen Han.

Seeing Chloe’s weapon, Dusty shouted with great certainty: “He is the hundred Crowe, he actually became Will’s crew!!” ”

As soon as the iconic weapon comes out, Dusty will definitely not admit it, that is, the weapon of Baiji Chloe.

And Dusty’s voice naturally spread throughout the entire sea restaurant.

The red-footed Zhepu’s face changed slightly, a little moved, “Today’s sea restaurant is particularly lively, even the previously calm East China Sea, this sea is really going to be stormy

…” With a kind and caring look in his eyes, he glanced at Yamaji, and said in his heart: “The sea restaurant is where our group of old guys retire, young people still have to break in, don’t you always dream of being able to find the legendary All Blue…”

“Maybe this is an opportunity.”

Yamaji smoked a cigarette silently, and today there were successive battles in the sea restaurant, one by one, he grew up in the sea restaurant.

I have never seen such a fierce battle.

The battle between Smog and Chloe instantly became the focus of everyone in the audience, and everyone’s attention and eyes fell on them.

Will walked up to Akin, his mouth still with scarlet blood, “Akin, your captain Crick’s is dead, even those crew members have fled…”

With a solemn and serious voice, Will’s face was extremely sincere and firm.

He did take a fancy to the “ghost man” Akin, this man is not handsome, and can even be said to be a little ugly, but he can be loyal and captain wholeheartedly.

Ah Jin smiled bitterly, “I was still attacking you just now, did you really put down the mustard in your heart and recruit me?”

“Of course.”

Will replied confidently: “I said that I would build the strongest pirate group in the world, and what Klick can’t do, I believe I can do it!” ”

Full of confidence, there are still 97 extremely powerful demon fruits in my mind, plus I can also use the system lottery to enhance my strength.

He still has this confidence.

He also wants to prove to the world that he has come with a bang and wants to leave an unattainable legend to the world.

Will looked at Akin, who was a little hesitant, and continued to increase his strength and said: “Now that Klick has been destroyed, you and the rest of the crew will only live a life of escape, and with your presence, the Navy’s capture operation will not stop.” ”

Ghost man Akin, after all, is a pirate with a reward of 12 million, which is so conspicuous in this place in the East China Sea, and Chloe was also to get rid of the navy’s capture.

Only then did he use the scheme of escaping from death to get rid of the fate of fleeing and fighting.

“Klick can leave them dead or alive, but you won’t… So joining my pirate group is your best bet.

This sentence became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and Akin looked at Will with both eyes firm, “I join your pirate group, and from now on, you will be my captain!” ”

Oaths between men never need to say much.

From Akin’s face, Will saw his determination and will, “I believe that after many years, you will be extremely happy for today’s decision, and I will be happy to have a crew like you!”

Will smiled.

The other side.

Chloe is also attacking!

“Silent step!”

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