Robin puts himself in the shoes of “Will” and thinks about the benefits that the other person can obtain.

Then his face changed drastically.

“Stealing the country?!”

“Replace Kobra as the new king?!”

In addition, Robin could not imagine that Will, who behaved like this, could obtain something more valuable.

As soon as she arrived at the rape flower, she began to inquire about Will, and after the rain, she left without desire, as if she did not expect anything in return.

But as a pirate with a bounty of 180 million, Robin does not believe that such a pirate would do these things without profit.

“Will still needs to be contacted to understand his purpose and plans…” Robin thought about how to get close. Even into the demon pirate group.

The cheers rose from wave to wave.

The shock made Robin’s eardrums buzz, tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, and the sound even made the earth tremble.

Horror of popularity!

In the crowd.

“Chief, do you want us to catch Will?” A man covered in a mud-yellow cloak asked in a low voice in Kosha’s ear.


Kosha shook his head, “Now Will is the hope in everyone’s hearts, it will cause public anger, and I want to meet him in person.”

“If he really thinks about the people, maybe we can cooperate with him, and if he has other ideas, we will find a way to uncover his hypocrisy and get rid of this guy!”

All eyes were on Will behind the Golden-winged Roc.

Will opened his arms and shouted deeply: “All the people are united, the auspicious time has come, the sky has rained heavily, and blessings are blessed.” ”

The rain is coming!!”

In the sky above Will’s head, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and a gust of wind whistled by, and the wind was hot, but it made everyone present extremely excited and excited.

Dark clouds cascaded and began to spread.

Those who had prayed and prayed before were flushed and in extreme excitement, and many even had fanaticism in their eyes.

“He really is a god!!”

“Great!! Alabastan is saved!!

“It must have been our sincere prayers that moved the gods, and this is a gift from the gods!”

“Thank you Will for the heavy rain!!”

Will’s popularity among the people has once again climbed to a peak, and there are even many more fanatical followers.

In the crowd.

Princess Vivi stretched out her hand to feel the rain, shocked, and muttered: “Alabastan is really saved… But Klockdar would definitely find a way to kill him. ”

Thinking that all this is Klockdar’s plan.

She couldn’t help but feel a pang of heartache.

Because Klockdar is the “Seven Martial Seas” recognized by the world government, if there is no evidence, even Alabastan, as a member of the world government, will not be able to do anything to Klockdar.

Even if you do it… That’s a world-famous sea thief.

Over the years, Klockdar has also been running his own “heroic” persona, expelling pirates for Alabastan and becoming a “hero” praised by the people.

His one-sided words simply could not convince all the people that Klockdar was trying to destroy the country.

Standing beside her, Captain Ikalem said, “In this way, we can let Will and Klockdar fight each other…”

“Will is a sea thief with a bounty of 180 million, and they may have hope of defeating Klockdar.”

Princess Weiwei’s face was a little sluggish and tangled, “But… If they fail, wouldn’t it hurt them to do so?

“These two heavy rains have saved countless people.”

How could he have watched Clodahl do something to Will, if Will died at Clodahl’s hands like this.

Himself is not a sinner?

“We must tell Will about Klockdar, and let him know that he is sabotaging Klockdar’s plan by doing so, and Klockdar will definitely do something to him.” Princess Vivi showed a firm and serious look.

On the side, Ikarem was shocked, and hurriedly stopped it: “Vivi, if Will is a bad person, wouldn’t you send a sheep into the mouth of the tiger, not to mention that if he is a person under Klockdar, this is also his plan?!” ”

Klockdar is scheming.

The Baroque work had a large number of staff.

No one knows how many things that guy is secretly arranging and planning.

Wei Wei trembled in her heart, pursed her lips, and her voice was full of weakness, “But… But this is our last chance…”

“Isn’t it?!”

A rhetorical question made Ikalem stunned on the spot, how could they bring down the Baroque Work Society controlled by Klockdar without evidence?

“Just let me go!” Ikalem’s voice revealed determination, “Let me go to Will and tell him about Klockdar’s attempt to subvert this country, and I can tell if he is from Klockdar by his reaction!” ”

The cheers of the people poured down with the heavy rain, to an unprecedented level.

Many people even cried with joy.

This is the hope of “birth”.

In the dry desert, water is priceless.

This heavy rain is a “gift” from the gods to the rape flowers and everyone in the nearby area.

“Rab, let’s go back!” Will whispered to Raab.

Right now.

A voice suddenly sounded in this heavy rain.

“O omnipotent and noble God, please allow your devout believers to give themselves to take care of their food, clothing, shelter and transportation on earth!” Robin shouted.

This is evident even in this noisy environment.

The corners of Will’s mouth rose slightly, and he said righteously: “God does lack a maid, since you are so sincere, God allows your request.” ”

Just one glance.

He was enough to recognize the identity of the person who spoke, Nicole Robin, the “son of the devil.”

The name of the Devil Son is quite suitable for the name of his demon pirate group.

“I am willing to take care of God’s food and living with all my heart, and I am a devout believer in you.” Robin folded his hands over his chest and had an expression of no regret on his face.

Let the rain fall on your face.

The crowd automatically parted a path until it reached the location of the Golden-winged Roc.

There were even many people who drew gourds like this, repeating them according to Robin’s words.

“All this god needs is a handmaid.” Will only cares about Robin, and the others can’t follow him.

As Will’s voice fell.

A chorus of praise rang out in the harbor.

“What a merciful and selfless God!”

“Will God…”

and so on and

so forth.

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