Robin followed the passage opened by the crowd to the feet of the Golden-winged Roc, looking at the majestic and mighty Golden-winged Roc in front of him.

She also couldn’t find the creature’s name in O’Hara’s vast texts.

“Rab, let her come up.” Will said.

Rab suddenly stretched his wings and laid diagonally on the ground, and Robin followed his wings to the back of the Golden-winged Roc and stood behind Will.

He said respectfully, “I’ve seen Lord God.”

Will turned to look at the woman in the hat, always habitually bowing her head slightly, hiding her face in the shadow of the hat.

A playful smile rose at the corner of his mouth, “God’s maid, what’s your name?”

“Bell Nidia!” Nicole Robin arranged a random name.

Will didn’t care, turned around, and said to Rab, “Rab, go back to the boat.”

Rab spread his wings like gold poured and bathed in heavy rain and returned to the Devil with Will.

“2 million!” The exhausted Nami did not forget to remind Will, and immediately noticed the woman standing behind Will and shouted: “Who is she?!”

Will didn’t care and said with a smile: “2 million Bailey, no problem, her name is… Bell Nitya, will stay on the ship for the time being. ”

2 million Bailey is a lot of wealth for civilians, but it is nothing in Will’s eyes, and as a “traverser”, he naturally knows that there is a lot of treasure in a place.

Nearby there are empty islands.

There is also the “Ice Continent” in the distance, when the green pepper could not break the ice seal and obtain the treasure, but Will was not worried about himself at all.

His heart was full of arrogance, “What I have is the Three-legged Golden Crow Form of the Phantom Beast Species, and that kind of cold ice cannot resist my flame burning. ”

It can be dissolved in minutes.

However, Will is not in a hurry about this matter, and there is no shortage of wealth now, and there will be delays for the trip.

The most important goal now is to make yourself and your crew strong.

Being strong is the only passport to free survival on this sea.

Wealth is accompanied by great strength, which is at your fingertips.

Nicole Robin behind Will also followed Rab’s wings to the deck and said with a smile: “My name is Bell Nidia, and from today onwards, I am God’s handmaid.”

Her eyes swept over everyone on the deck one by one, indeed like intelligence news.

The man with glasses is “Hundred Count” Chloe, the ghost man Akin and others have been firmly recorded in her heart, on memory.

She is definitely gifted and O’Hara’s youngest archaeologist, just 8 years old.

As if under a spell, Yamaji quickly came to Robin’s side with his legs and quickly shielded Robin from the falling rain in the sky with his suit.

“Miss Nidia, don’t get cold.”

“Thank you.” Robin responded lukewarmly.

Sanji continued: “What god’s handmaiden…”

Sanji’s words made Robin immediately interested, and he was ready to listen to Yamaji’s next words.

“Ahem…” At

this moment a cough sounded, causing Sanji to close his mouth.

Chloe walked up, “Let’s go to the cabin first, don’t really get cold and cold as Sanji said.”

Will also took Robin and the others into the cabin, “Chloe, you take Nydia to find Nami to change clothes, remember to come to the captain’s room to find me after you are busy.” Just

as Chloe was about to take Robin to Nami’s room.

Several exclamations suddenly sounded outside the ship.

“Something happened!” Akin was the first to rush out.

“Go out and see!” Will also led everyone out of the cabin again.

After going out, he immediately found a group of people lying on the deck, and one of them, a man with a long knife, was being pressed to the ground by the feet of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

Bound limbs, unable to move at all.

Nicole Robin behind Will instantly contracted her pupils, and her heart was shocked, “It’s him!!” ”

Rebel leader: Kosha!”

Ah Jin angrily questioned the people at the feet of the Golden-winged Dapeng, “Who are you?” What do you want to do by breaking into our ship without permission?!

Kou Sha coughed twice, a little breathless, did not expect this golden-winged peng to be so terrifying, and quickly said the purpose of his coming.

“Don’t do it… I’m here to see Will, I’m not here to… Looking for trouble.

“Raab, let him go.” Will walked up.

When the Golden-winged Roc moved his feet, Kosha got up and reached out and patted his chest, “I know you are a pirate, you can make Alabastan rain, and you have the ability to save this country.”

“As long as you save the country, whatever you want, I can promise you.”

“Shouldn’t you declare your identity yourself before trading?” Will didn’t answer that question.

Kousha was stunned, and immediately straightened his chest and said: “I am Kosha, the leader of the rebels, and if this country is allowed to continue with Kobra, Alabastan will be destroyed.”

Will smiled, “You said I could say I could say anything, didn’t you?”

Will’s words made Kosha not know how to answer for a while, and after thinking for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said: “Anything but this country is fine!” “Good


Will replied, “I don’t want much, just one person, that is… You!

“After saving this country, you must join my pirate group, that’s all.”

Hearing Will’s request, Kosha was stunned, the other party’s request turned out to be “himself”, let himself join the other party’s pirate group?

He even suspected that his ears were wrong, he himself and Will had never crossed paths and met for the first time today.

Will’s conditions made him scratch his head for a while.


As long as he can save Alabastan, he can agree to anything, not to mention that this request is compared to the one he had in mind.

It’s great news.

“I promised!” Kosha replied happily.

This is the moment.

Robin’s body behind Will trembled slightly, very little, only Chloe, who was always paying attention and watching out for her, noticed it, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Pushed the glasses with his wrist.

Robin’s heart was shocked, “If the rebels cooperate with Will

…” “But Klockdar is one of the seven seas after all…”

She was caught off guard by the changes in the situation in Alabastan.

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