Robin thought about it in his mind, and currently felt that Klockdar was more reliable.

At least….

Before he gets the history of this article.

Yourself are safe.

And Klockdar is the fruit of nature, with the title of “King of the Desert”, in this desert kingdom of Alabastan.

He is invincible.

The tremor in his heart was quickly quelled by Robin.

The facial expression, except for a little shock at the beginning, has never changed.

Getting Kosha’s answer, Will was also in a good mood.

The One Piece anime only presents a part of the world, and in some of them, there are also some very bright people.

For example: Akin, Chloe, and Kosha in front of you.

Kosha was able to go from being the leader of the “Sanda Regiment”, a group of ordinary civilians, to the leader of the rebels, leading tens of thousands of people.

It is also very good to have a leadership style and temperament, and the ability to call.

The only drawback may be “strength”, but this is precisely the least valued thing for Will, and strength improvement is not difficult for Will.

The so-called thousand armies are easy to obtain, and one will be difficult to find.

Kosha definitely deserves such an honor, which is why Will agreed to save the country and offered to only Kosha as well.

“Don’t worry, I will help you save this country, and by the way, I will give you some things.” Will reached into his pocket and actually pulled out a scroll from the system.

It is the “One Knife Flow Draw Ultimate Mysterious Comprehension Scroll” in the previous lottery.

Will reached out and handed the scroll to Kosha, “Kosha, this thing is for you, just crush it with your hand.” ”

This scroll was also thought of using by Will, but after thinking about it, what he had was the phantom beast species three-legged golden crow form.

The center should be placed on “physique” and “fruit development”, and swordsmanship is just the icing on the cake for itself.

If you really want to encounter a powerful enemy, you still have to rely on fruit ability and physical skills, and it is not advisable to spend more effort on swordsmanship, although this is a crash course.

However, the foundation of swordsmanship, comprehension, etc. are not enough, and it takes effort, and a series of moves alone is not enough to make Will move.

So in the end, the scroll was saved.

And now….

Will also intends to give this scroll to Kosha , anyway, in his opinion, Kosha becoming his own crew is already a sure thing.

Kosha took the scroll and stared curiously at it, the pattern on the scroll was a man with his hand on the hilt of a sword, but as Kosha looked closely.

The figure seemed to have changed again, and his posture changed, but he was still preparing to draw the knife.

Kousha couldn’t help but rub his eyes, and found that the picture on the scroll had changed again, and couldn’t help but exclaim: “What a strange thing, why is it different every time I look at the things on this scroll?”

“Pinch it and you’ll see.” Will said lightly.

The rest of the boat was thoughtful, this strange thing, this strange thing, Will is not the first time to take it out, anyway, it is a good thing.

Kousha did as he said, and immediately his arm exerted strength and crushed the scroll in his hand.

The entire scroll bloomed with blue light, and the fragments were all light blue glow at the breaks, and these fragments with blue brilliance poured into Kosha’s body.

It disappears in an instant.

At this moment, Kousha didn’t understand what was happening at all, but in the next second, a lot of knowledge was inexplicably added to his mind.

Deeply imprinted in his mind, over and over again, flashing through his mind as quickly as a slide.

It was eventually imprinted in his memory.

It was as if it had become instinctive.

Kosha put his hand on the long knife at his waist, his knife was very long, longer than a normal weapon, when his hand held the hilt.

The eyes instantly became sharp, and the eyes swept over the people in front of them one by one, as if there was an instinctive feeling that there were different ways to draw the knife and attack in the face of different people.

Kosha put his hand down, did not pull out the knife, and asked with a chatter, “This… This… What is this? How do I feel that my sword skills have improved a lot?! He

already knew in his heart that his sword skills had improved a lot, but why that scroll had improved his sword skills, he didn’t know.

Will smiled and said, “You don’t need to understand, there is something you need to do now.”

Surprised, Kosha asked, “What’s going on?!”

“Now the only thing you have to do is disband the rebels.” Will had a mysterious smile on his face.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the position of the side of the ship on the left.

“What?!” Kosha’s joy at his arrival instantly disappeared without a trace, and he shouted angrily: “Let me disband the rebels? No way!

“How can this country be saved without the rebels?!”

It was the fruit of years of hard work, and without the rebels, how could he fight with the king of this country, Kobra?

Kosha’s eyes were instantly full of hostility, and he looked at Will warily, he didn’t understand why the other party asked him to disband the rebels.

The ups and downs made Kousha’s heart also have a trace of entanglement.

Will didn’t answer Kosha’s question in the first place.

“Come out!”

“No need to hide.”

Everyone followed Will’s gaze and saw nothing, but the keen perception of the ship’s members had also detected the presence of someone.

Without hesitation, Chloe dodged and landed on the side of the ship, forgetting down, and a man with strange curly hair had limbs clinging to the hull like a turtle.

Grabbing something that seems to have adsorption power in your hand.

Without hesitation, Chloe reached out and lifted the person up, threw it at random, and landed on the deck in front of everyone with a bang.

Look at the person in front of you.

Kosha couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise, “Ikalem?!”

“Why are you here?”

This person is none other than Ikalem, who is next to Princess Vivi and the captain of the country’s guard.

Ikalem got up from the ground and said, “I came to see Will to tell him that Klockdar may do something to him, and that all the disasters that are happening in Alabastan now, including the rainfall, may be Klockdar’s plan.”

As he spoke, his eyes kept an eye on the changes on Hill’s face.

When he finished speaking.

A drop of cold sweat could not help but flow on his temples.


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