The old man was buried in the grave.

Charlotte's devil fruits are all in the safe, and there are some devil fruits that were put in before.

Natural Swamp Fruit, Parahuman Bomb Fruit, Parahuman Slow Fruit, Parahuman Scythe Fruit, all of which were obtained in the Endless War Kingdom before.

Now there are Parahuman Mirror Mirror Fruit, Parahuman Door Door Fruit, and Parahuman Flourishing Fruit.

Charlotte doesn't plan to put the Bubble Fruit in, and will give it to the maid who performs well.

Now there is only one devil fruit left.

And this devil fruit is specially left for Charlotte to look at at the end.

Because this devil fruit is in the shape of a pineapple, and a pineapple-shaped devil fruit is likely to be a natural devil fruit.

Looking at the purple body and the pattern like air flow, Charlotte had roughly guessed something.

But to be sure, Charlotte still opened the page of the natural system of the devil fruit illustration.

"Sure enough! Natural system Gas Fruit, isn't this the devil fruit of Caesar Kulang in the original book? It's here!"

Charlotte looked at the gas fruit in his hand with joy.

The gas fruit is not weak, or in other words, there is no weak natural devil fruit. It is naturally elemental, and it cannot be hurt as long as it is not armed with Haki. Of course, if it is seastone or seawater, just ignore it!

However, in the original book, Caesar Kulang can be said to have ruined the gas fruit. After all, Kes Kulang is just a scientist and has no fighting talent.

The fruit ability is to transform the body element into gas and release gas from any part of the body. The range of gas expansion is proportional to the strength of the ability user. It can purify and compress the gas around the body and control the air within a certain range.

Able to manipulate various gases to poison or self-ignite to detonate the target.

Able to purify the gas around itself or compress the nearby gas, extract oxygen from the atmosphere to extinguish the fire and suffocate the opponent, or manipulate the flame that completely burns oxygen to attack.

Even if you inhale highly toxic gas, it will be fine. You can also absorb different gases (such as murderous gas) to enlarge your body and strengthen your attack power. The power of the moves you use will also be different depending on the lethality of the absorbed gas.

You can also use burning gas as power to turn your body into a vehicle that looks like a hot air balloon to provide buoyancy enough to carry three other people.

Although Caesar Kulang's strength is not very good, his fruit development is still very good.

Gas lasso, materialize the gas you create in your hand, forming a gas-like gas rope, then throw it out to trap the target, and form a gas cloud around the opponent, making it impossible for the opponent to escape. If you accidentally inhale these gases, you will faint or die due to poisoning.

Gas clappers, store the gas you make in a specially made clapper in advance, then throw it to the target to let the large amount of gas in the clappers all disperse, and then detonate the device in the clappers to detonate all the gas that has just been dispersed. Its power is so strong that it should not be underestimated.

In the world without air, make fists with both hands and open your arms. This action will make the air within a certain range around you become a vacuum. All creatures except yourself will lack oxygen and cannot breathe. In severe cases, they will go into shock or even die. The disadvantage is that it has a certain range. As long as the opponent leaves the range of the world without air, they can breathe air again. Caesar once used this trick to suffocate Luffy and others and fainted.

The burning system "Miok Gas", cross your hands and take out two matches, and expand these flames to burn on your fists after igniting them instantly. Since your body is made of "gas", your own gas will explode when it touches the flames, burning the opponent's body.

Gas spray gun, spits out a straight line of gas laser cannon, which is so powerful that it can even melt steel and produce a huge explosion. Because Luffy hit Caesar's face crooked, Caesar pronounced the name of the move as "Gas Bah Gun".

Blue Flame Sword "Burning Slash", Caesar first uses the Empty World, and then gathers the oxygen he just extracted on his specially made hilt. The straight line of flame emitted from the specially made triangular hilt will burn the oxygen and produce a weapon with blue flames. As long as the sword is swung, blue flames will emerge from the places where the sword wave cuts and burns the target. It is very powerful.

These abilities are all very powerful, Xia

Luo still attaches great importance to this devil fruit. If this devil fruit is used for his children, not to mention training a general, at least the level of a quasi-general is still good.

Charlotte is very satisfied with the five devil fruits obtained in the Valley of Gods.

Especially the Door-Door Fruit and the Gas Fruit are very powerful devil fruits.

Although the Mirror-Mirror Fruit is also very powerful, Charlotte only uses it as an auxiliary. After all, the mirror world is still very powerful, but once the mirror is broken, it will be bad, so the weakness of the mirror fruit is also obvious.

There is nothing to say about the lush fruit. If it is used well, it will be a Buddha on the top. If it is not used well, then you can only plant a few fruit trees on the ship and eat ripe fruits every day.

It is still better to have the Door-Door Fruit and the Gas Fruit!

Charlotte caressed these two devil fruits like caressing her lover.

As for the Bubble Fruit!

(Bubble Fruit: Woohoo! I am also very strong!)

After looking at all the devil fruits, Charlotte picked up several famous swords found in the Valley of the Gods.

A large sword of 21 work and a good sword of 51 work, a famous sword of 21 work of a large sword, and six good swords of 51 work.

Among the six good swords of 51 work, only one is in the shape of a samurai sword, three are Western swords, and one is a pair of Western swords, but it is much smaller than the average Western sword, and the blade is very slender.

Each sword is extremely gorgeous.

Charlotte estimated that the Celestial Dragons collected these famous swords because the blades are extremely gorgeous.

Charlotte actually also has a large sword of 21 work of a Western sword, the Holy Realm Judgment! It was seized from the other side when he killed a pirate a few years ago.

Because Charlotte used a double-edged long sword, she didn't like the rapier so she put it aside. But thinking that Esdeath seemed to like the rapier very much, it seemed that it was time to give it to her.

Just wait until her next birthday.

By then, she would be five years old and could practice swordplay.

Training children starts from a young age, and Esdeath obviously inherited Charlotte's kendo talent. She knew how to swing the wooden sword everywhere at a young age.

Thinking of this, Charlotte took out the wooden box containing the Holy Realm Judgment from the bottom of the safe.

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