The sword was covered with dust, and the sword was buried.

Looking at the wooden box, which was covered with a layer of dust, you can tell how long Charlotte hasn't taken it out.

Blowing away the dust on the wooden box, Charlotte opened the sword box.

Looking at the golden hilt, the slender sword body, and the embellishment of gems between the hilt and the sword body.

It is extremely gorgeous.

I really don't know how the pirate got this sword. Charlotte can't remember the pirate.

I only remember that he seemed to want to rob him at that time, but he was killed by a sword.

Take out the Holy Realm Judgment and hold it in your hand. The sword body is very light and suitable for women to use.

Charlotte is very satisfied with this.

Put this sword together with the samurai sword of the same level. Both of them are large block swords of 21 workmanship, and they are of the same level.

But it is strange to say that they are also large block swords of 21 workmanship. Why don’t they have any special abilities? If Charlotte remembers correctly, Kozuki Oden has a famous sword called Yan Mo that can absorb armed color domineering.

Now Charlotte’s foundation is so much!

But Charlotte suddenly found that he had more foundation, but he didn’t have many children for a long time.

The eldest daughter Rockefeller Esdeath is already four years old.

The eldest son Rockefeller Caesar is only two years old!

The second son Rockefeller Tesla was just born three months ago.

There are only three in total, plus Elena who is already pregnant, Hebrew Nell, and Janice Gillian, there are only three!

When can I hand over these foundations to them.

No! I won’t go out this year! Just make a baby at home. It seems that Bruce Martha, Kenneth Jenny, and Louise Alice will have to work hard.

Charlotte decided.

This is not a decision made by Charlotte on impulse.

The main reason is that the sea is too chaotic now! The promotion of the Navy Headquarters, the establishment of major pirates, and the vacant position of the overlord of the New World have allowed countless ambitious people to come forward.

This is definitely the time for the Navy to crack down, especially Zefa and Sengoku who have been promoted to admirals. In order to confirm their prestige as admirals, they will definitely fight pirates madly on the sea.

Once Charlotte goes out to sea, she is likely to be regarded as a typical example and be given special attention.

And those newcomers who want to become the overlord of the New World will definitely not mind stepping on Charlotte's name to get promoted. You know, Charlotte is the captain of the 8th Division of the Rocks Pirates.

It is easy to be regarded as the weakest cadre and a soft persimmon, after all, he is so young and ranked so low.

Although those on the island may be found by them, Charlotte can only fight.

Charlotte is not worried about the pirates coming to her, but she is worried that the admiral will come with the scale of the Demon Slayer Order to clean up Charlotte, the pirate who threatens the sea.

Charlotte will be numb at that time, and she must run away, otherwise she can only wait for death.

Fortunately, Kamei Island is located in the center of the New World. The admiral's desire to enter the New World unscrupulously will definitely arouse the vigilance of other pirates.

Especially the idea of ​​the Golden Lion in the first half of the New World.

Now the Golden Lion is entrenched in the first half of the New World to recruit troops and set up flags.

The main reason is that the second half of the New World is almost destroyed by Rocks, and only the first half of the New World can be plundered to make some money.

Otherwise, how can the huge fleet of the Golden Lion be supported.

Although the Golden Lion team is not large now, from what Charlotte saw in the Valley of Gods, there are already more than 2,000 people.

It's not a small amount. When the snowball rolls, tens of thousands of pirates will be caught.

The only thing that limits him is the funding.

At that time, Shiki the Golden Lion will definitely plunder those kingdoms crazily, which will also attract the attention of the Navy Headquarters.

So as long as Charlotte doesn't stand out, he will not be targeted by the Navy Headquarters, which also gives Charlotte time to develop his foundation.

The Golden Lion will attract firepower for him.

Charlotte is right!

After coming out of the Valley of the Gods, Shiki the Golden Lion immediately established the Sky Pirates.

Then he occupied the first half of the New World and crazily attacked the merchant ships and kingdoms.

Countless islands were destroyed by the pirates under the Sky Pirates because they could not pay the protection fee.


"Damn Shiki!"

Steel Bone Kong, who had just been promoted to the Admiral of the Navy, was furious.

But in the end he still endured it, but he did not do nothing.

Zefa is clearing the pirates from the four seas, while Sengoku is guarding the Grand Line.

The entrance of the Upside-Down Mountain clears the pirates who want to enter the Grand Line.

And Garp continues to capture Roger in the New World. Garp does this to give an explanation to the people of the world and to attract the attention of the pirates to prepare for the upcoming war.

A huge war is about to begin.

A year has passed in a flash!

June 1485 of the Sea Circle Calendar!

In this year! Charlotte has never left Kamei Island.

If it weren't for Charlotte's flag hanging on the island, they would have thought that Charlotte had the idea of ​​retiring.

In this year, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Roger Pirates.

These three forces have stirred up trouble in the New World.

Today, Roger will destroy the navy's warships, and tomorrow, Whitebeard will knock down the big pirate who challenged him with one punch.

The most powerful is the existence of nearly 20,000 pirates under the command of Golden Lion Shiki, who is called the Pirate Admiral.

All the pirates became very aggressive under Shiki's ambition, attacking cities and castles everywhere in the New World. The expansion of power was so great that the Navy Headquarters had to recall Garp and let Garp keep an eye on Shiki every day.

But Shiki's Float-Float Fruit was no joke. It would rise to the sky at any time, making Garp furious.

It can be said that as long as Shiki himself did not commit suicide, no one could catch him.

No one dared to underestimate the mobility of the Float-Float Fruit.

In short, the New World was extremely lively, and there were big news every day.

And Charlotte stayed in Kami Island, either training in the back mountain or making children at home every day.

Successfully gave birth to three more children within a year, and three more were waiting to be born.

The third son, Rockefeller Robert, was born to Elena.

The second daughter, Rockefeller Sif, was born to Elena.

The fourth son, Rockefeller Deidara, was born to Hebrew Nell.

The third daughter, Rockefeller Eve, was born to Janice Gillian.

Four new members were added to the family, and Irina was actually twins, which Charlotte didn't know.

Charlotte then asked the ship's doctor who took care of Irina, and the doctor said that Irina asked her to keep it secret.

This surprised Charlotte. Although he wanted children and established a family of his own, he didn't want to use them as reproductive tools. Whether they could get pregnant depended on fate.

Fortunately, Charlotte's hit rate was still very high, which made Charlotte feel relieved and relaxed.

With four sons and three daughters, the Rockefeller family was established.

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