The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Oh? Really?"

Charlotte said noncommittally, and then put away the artificial fruit.

Then the Seven Star Sword appeared in his hand, and he walked towards Caesar Courant in Wolf's hand.

"What's your name?"

Charlotte asked with the sword on Caesar Courant's neck.

"Ka, Caesar Courant!"

Feeling the sharp sword light on his neck, Caesar Courant stuttered.

"Then what value do you have? If there is no value, I will kill you!"

Charlotte continued to ask.

"Sir, I am a scientist. Don't look at my young age, but I am as smart as Vegapunk. I am definitely useful."

Caesar Courant's legs softened, and he knelt on the ground and looked at Charlotte in horror.

"Oh? What can you do?"

Charlotte took back the sword and asked.

Feeling the disappearance of the long sword around his neck, Caesar Courant breathed a sigh of relief.

"I! I! I!"

When Caesar Courant wanted to say something, he suddenly got stuck, because he found that the things he knew seemed to be on paper and had never been successful, which made his words stuck.


Charlotte frowned.

"I! I can make an artificial devil fruit, yes! I can make an artificial devil fruit!"

Suddenly, Caesar Courant looked at the people around him collecting information on the experimental table and blurted it out immediately.

"You didn't lie to me?"

Charlotte looked at Caesar Courant and asked.

In fact, he knew Caesar Courant, but after all, Caesar Courant in front of him was still too young. At the age of a teenager, it was hard for Charlotte to imagine that Caesar Courant could create an artificial devil fruit.

"Sir, just give me time, not ten years, no, no, I can create an artificial devil fruit in five years!"

Caesar Courant immediately promised when he saw Charlotte's intention to move.

Charlotte stared into Caesar Courant's eyes for a long time.

"Welcome to join the Rockefeller Pirates!"

Charlotte suddenly said with a smile, and then signaled Wolf to untie him.


Caesar Courant breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rockefeller Pirates."

Caesar Courant murmured in his mouth, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Although he was a scientist and was responsible for helping Vegapunk, he also had time to read newspapers, and he still had an impression of those big pirates on the sea.

And he also knew about the movement caused by the Rockefeller Pirates not long ago.

Thinking of this, Caesar Courant suddenly raised his head and looked at the face that had questioned him before.

He took a careful look.

In an instant, he was completely disappointed. It turned out to be the blood swordsman Rockefeller Charlotte.

The idea of ​​finding a chance to escape was gone in an instant.

Charlotte looked at Caesar Courant looking at him and smiled.

"Recognized me?"

Charlotte asked.


Caesar Courant nodded dully.

Charlotte ignored his dullness. After his men held a pile of documents, he found a lot of scientists from other rooms.

These scientists were not very famous, and Charlotte had never heard of them, but since they were invited here by the World Government, they must have their value.

Charlotte still cared a lot about these high-tech talents.

Before entering Punk Hazard, Charlotte had summoned his men to announce the next combat mission, one of which was to capture all the scientists.

This is Charlotte's main target for Punk Hazard.


Just as Charlotte was inspecting the captured scientists, he saw a familiar figure again.

He had long golden hair, a metal helmet, long golden hair, a tall stature, a serious expression, a pointed black beard that pointed upward, and a small mustache on his protruding chin.

Charlotte instantly thought of someone with this familiar look.

Vinsmoke Judge, the king of the Germa Kingdom, the father of Sanji in the original work, is also a scientist, the founder of the scientific research team NEO MADS, and is affiliated with the research team MADS. His dream is to make the Germa Kingdom dominate the North Sea again.

He is actually here.

But it is still very possible to think about it, after all, he is also a member of the Vegapunk team.

At this time, Judge's pupils shrank when he saw Charlotte, and he obviously recognized Charlotte's identity.

Charlotte smiled lightly when he saw this.

"Have you found these people?"

Charlotte turned and looked at Carter and asked.

"Yes, the ship

Captain, there are only these scientists in the surrounding rooms. These people obviously don't know what happened. After we broke in, they were still doing experiments. The man in my hand wanted to resist, but I caught him. Thinking of your order, I brought him here!

But one person still escaped. It was also my carelessness. The other party was actually a fruit ability user, and he was in the animal system·ancient middle·brachiosaurus form. We didn't pay attention and let him run away. "

Carter explained.


Charlotte touched his chin. If Charlotte guessed correctly, it should be Quinn, Plague Quinn

"Well! Put them all on the ship in a while and let them serve us! "

Charlotte waved his hand and said to everyone.

Charlotte didn't think too much about Quinn's escape. Now Caesar Kulang and Vinsmoke Judge were in his hands, so Charlotte didn't care about Quinn.

After Charlotte said this, Judge's face darkened, and his heart sank completely.

At the moment Carter broke in, Judge wanted to resist, but unfortunately he didn't beat Carter, but was easily subdued by Carter.

"Keep an eye on them! Let's continue to look for Vegapunk! "

Charlotte looked at everyone and said.

All the crew members nodded.

They all knew that the captain came here to find the scientist Vegapunk.

Vegapunk has become famous now.

As long as anyone is willing to ask, they will know that Vegapunk is the man with the world's best brain.

Charlotte continued to move forward.

Barrett led the way, and the person in charge of this base directly blocked all the passages. If you want to enter, you can only break through by force.

This made Charlotte waste a lot of time on the road.

After arriving at the last laboratory.

The laboratory was in chaos, with many World Government personnel and some scientists in white coats.

After seeing Charlotte and others who broke in, the World Government personnel looked at each other, then drew their pistols from their waists and attacked Charlotte.

Charlotte smiled and tilted his head slightly, and several bullets hit the wall behind him, grazing Charlotte's head.

In order to prevent the laboratory from being destroyed, Charlotte had to do it himself, slashing all the government personnel with his sword, leaving only the scientists in white coats standing there.

Charlotte looked at them with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations! You are recruited."

Charlotte's smile was like a devil in the eyes of these people.

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