The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Charlotte ignored the reactions of these people and looked at the laboratory.

There are a lot of breeding chambers around this laboratory. Charlotte estimated that these are all cloning experiments.

It's just that the clones inside are gone.

"Where is Vegapunk?"

Charlotte asked with the Seven Star Sword in his hand.

Because he found that if he asked nicely, the other party would never tell the truth, but once the knife was revealed, everyone would cooperate obediently.

"Uh! Beibei! Vegapunk was taken away by co0 ten minutes ago, leaving us to follow after we finish collecting the information."

All the scientists said very sincerely when the sword was pointed at them.

They also understood that they and others were already abandoned, and they were deliberately placed here to block the person in front of them.

After hearing the news, Charlotte narrowed his eyes slightly.

He had a bad feeling in his heart, Vegapunk ran away!

How could it be so fast!


Charlotte sighed.

Forget it! Just run away! I have already obtained so many scientists, which is enough, and if I really hold Vegapunk hostage, the World Government will really fight him to the death.

Retract the Seven Star Sword in his hand.

Look at the information behind them.

"Can you clone people as mentioned above?"

Charlotte asked while looking at the information in his hand.

All the scientists looked at each other when they heard Charlotte's question.

"Sir! We are all just assistants of Vegapunk. The real core technology of Vegapunk is not open to us. We don't know the technology of cloning people!"

After hearing the leading scientist, Charlotte sighed.

He knew it.

"From now on, you will follow my people and work for me, understand?"

Charlotte put down the information in his hand and looked at the nine scientists in front of him and said.

After hearing what Charlotte said, these scientists did not speak, but they did not resist.

"Let's go! We can't stay on this island anymore. I guess the World Government and the Navy Headquarters have also reacted. We have to leave quickly!"

Charlotte turned and walked behind him.

Since Vegapunk has left, there is no point for them to stay here.

All the crew members made way after hearing it.

Charlotte walked in front, followed by a large group of scientists.

The front ones were Caesar Kulang and Vinsmoke Judge.

How can I say what I gained from this trip?

Charlotte was a little depressed because he did not get Vegapunk. After all, his original goal was Vegapunk. If Vegapunk was placed in front of him, he would not care whether the World Government would fight him to the death.

The words he said before were actually self-consolation.

Although Vegapunk was not found, two low-profile versions of Vegapunk were captured.

One scientist in the field of bloodline factors, and one scientist in the field of artificial devil fruit, it was not too bad.

And there was also that artificial devil fruit, which was the mythical beast species, the blue dragon form!

Charlotte had already planned to give this fruit to her eldest son Caesar, as for Momonosuke.

If he had any opinions, he could come to him and see whether he was more stubborn or Charlotte's Seven Star Sword was more stubborn.

This trip was quite rewarding.

There were more than 40 scientists and boxes of paper documents, all of which were treasures!

Maybe one of the scientists suddenly had an idea and realized something from it.

When Charlotte led his pirates away from the island.

Quinn, who had escaped from Carter and his group before, came to a laboratory.

"Kai, Kaido!"

Quinn shouted at Kaido who was tied to the laboratory table.

Kaido opened his fascinating eyes and tilted his head to look at Quinn.

"Quinn, have you made up your mind? Do you want to follow me?" Kaido asked while looking at Quinn. Even though he was tied to the laboratory, Kaido's aura still made Quinn sweat a little. "I! I've decided. I want to follow you, Boss Kaido!" Quinn said with a chubby body wearing a white coat. Then he came to Kaido and the laser in his hand instantly cut the shackles that bound Kaido. After Kaido felt his power coming back, he sat up and moved his wrist. The fierce light in his eyes flashed. Since the battle in the Valley of the Gods, Kaido obtained the Blue Dragon Fruit and flew aimlessly in the sky when he met Sengoku and Zefa who came to support him. As expected, Kaido

Duo was beaten by the two and was caught by them. He was originally going to be executed, but suddenly received an order to send Kaido here.

Here, Kaido received unprecedented abuse and various experiments, but Kaido still silently felt the various equipment collected by these scientists on his body.

If he hadn't eaten the Azure Dragon Fruit, he didn't know if he could survive.

In this back and forth.

Kaido knew the fat man in front of him, that is, Quinn.

Looking at Kaido's amazing physique, Quinn swallowed his saliva, not knowing whether he was right to do so, but he wanted to escape from here, he could only rely on the man in front of him.

In this year, he saw with his own eyes that the man in front of him had no expression in front of any torture instruments and various injuries.

That scene was deeply engraved in his mind, making him sincerely admire the man in front of him.

After moving his wrist, Kaido walked towards the nutrition cabin on the side.

There was a man with wings inside.

The man also looked at the oppressive man in front of him through the nutrition cabin.

Kaido raised his right fist, and the dragon scales covered his arm.


The sound of glass shattering sounded.

A large piece of solution flowed out, revealing the handsome face on the facade.

"Boy! Do you want to go to the sea with me and turn the sea upside down!"

Kaido looked at the handsome young man and asked with a smile.

The handsome man looked at Kaido, stretched his body, and walked out of the nutrition cabin.

"My name is Jin! Please take care of me in the future!"

Jin looked at Kaido and bowed slightly and said respectfully.

For this tall man who appeared in the laboratory a year ago.

He knew that he was a man who did not change his face in front of various torture instruments.

"Wu La La La! Just call me big brother from now on!"

Kaido looked at Jin and Quinn and said.

At this time, Kaido suddenly wanted to drink for some reason.

"Let's go! We should leave here too. With Charlotte making such a fuss here, the Navy and the World Government will soon send their generals here."

Kaido walked towards the door.

Jin and Quinn followed closely behind.

The two came to the outside of the island. Kaido, who had not seen the sun for a year, was still a little uncomfortable.

Looking at the ship that had already left in the distance.

"Since we are going out to sea, let's form a pirate group, the Beasts Pirates. I will be called Beasts Kaido!"

Kaido looked at the two and said.

Then Kaido's body suddenly swelled up, and in an instant he turned into a giant dragon with a length of one kilometer.

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