The only thing is that they are not good at it.

Except Esdeath!

As Caesar grew older, Charlotte had arranged all the courses for him at the age of five.

But for some reason, Charlotte always felt that Caesar seemed a little lazy!

He didn't pay much attention to anything, and he liked to sleep on the table during class.

This made Charlotte very angry.

Although Charlotte also liked to sleep on the table when he was young, he would never allow his son to learn from him.

Every time Caesar dozed off, Charlotte would ask him to stand up and run around the castle, and come back when he woke up.

Charlotte's castle is not small.

One lap is at least 5,000 meters. If it weren't for the fact that everyone in the pirate world has a very strong body, no one can complete it.

And Caesar is only five years old.

When Charlotte asked Caesar to run, she was just saying it in anger, and she didn't think Caesar would finish the run.

But after he finished running, Charlotte looked at Caesar with surprise.

I didn't expect this lazy boy to be a physical genius!

He can run 5,000 meters at the age of five. Although he can't compare with those real monsters, he is much better than ordinary people.

But the only thing that makes Charlotte headache is that Caesar is too lazy and likes to sleep.

If he is not stared at, Caesar doesn't even want to move.

This is not okay. He is like this at such a young age. He must change his bad habits.

Basically, Caesar is called by the maid arranged by Charlotte every day before dawn to run around the castle, and he can't stop without two laps.

Once there is any lazy behavior, after hearing the maid's report, Charlotte will personally carry the whip to Caesar, and then hang him on the tree to whip him.

Every time Caesar is whipped, he will cry and say that he promises not to do it again.

Martha felt distressed, but Charlotte would not spoil Caesar.

But the result was that he sneaked out again the next day when the maid was not paying attention.

As a result, Charlotte hung him on a tree and beat him for another day.

As the days went by, Caesar's memory did not improve, but his body did become stronger and stronger.

Sometimes, if Charlotte did not use some strength, Caesar would not feel any pain.

But Charlotte did not have time to take care of Caesar every day, so she simply left Caesar to Barrett.

And told Barrett that in the future, Caesar would practice whatever you practiced, and as long as you did not die, you would practice to death, which completely ended Caesar's childhood in advance.

If there was, it would only be a miserable childhood.

In addition to these two children, Tesla was already more than three years old and had just learned to walk. Charlotte did not pay much attention to him except to check on him every few days.

Robert, Sif, Deidara, Eve are still too young, only two years old, still learning to speak, Charlotte also took time to visit.

In addition to these seven children, Charlotte had three more children this year.

Two boys and one girl.

Born to Martha, Jenny, and Alice respectively.

The fifth son, Rockefeller Logan, was born to Martha.

The fourth daughter, Rockefeller Julie, was born to Jenny.

The sixth son, Rockefeller Philip, was born to Alice.

The Rockefeller family now has ten members.

Six sons and four daughters.

Except for Esdeath, no one can be of great use. Even if it is Esdeath, Charlotte will not let her do any tasks. She is still too young.

But Charlotte is not in a hurry.

This is just the beginning! There are still more than ten years before the most chaotic Age of Exploration, and Charlotte is not in a hurry at all.

Although the sea was a little chaotic at this time, it was still within a limited range.

Those top-level warriors were still growing.

And I have become a peak existence, fully capable of protecting my home.


The bright sunshine shone on the castle.

Charlotte opened the curtains with her upper body naked, letting the bright sunshine in.

"Well! What are you doing? Draw the curtains so early!"

A charming voice sounded, as if blaming Charlotte for opening the curtains.

"It's okay! You continue to sleep! I have something to do today and need to go there early!"

Charlotte smiled at Elena, who was lying on the bed with her hair disheveled and a large area of ​​her spring light exposed outside, then put on her clothes and walked towards the door.

With a click.

Charlotte walked out.

Elena, who was lying on the bed, opened her eyes slightly narrowed, but from her actions, it can be seen that she was forcing herself to be energetic.

"Today the sun really rises from the west!"

Elena muttered, and she didn't sleep anymore, and got up and dressed.

In the past, Charlotte always slept until after ten o'clock, and he would never wake up at eight o'clock like today.

Charlotte walked out of the castle and walked towards the camp of the Rockefeller Pirates.

The camp was expanding and expanding, and there were nearly a thousand people living in it.

As Charlotte flattened the mountains one by one, the habitable area of ​​the island became larger and larger.

Charlotte's camp is located in the northwest of Kami Island.

As for why.

Because there is a deep-water port here where ships can dock.

There is no need to squeeze in the port of Kami Island.

In the past, this place was surrounded by mountains, but after being blown up by Charlotte's punches, it became a flat land, just right for building a camp here.

And this place is far away from the town, so it doesn't affect the people in the town.

No one will deliberately approach here.

After all, one is the northwest corner and the other is the southeast corner.

All the towns are in the southeast corner, which is very convenient for ships coming from the first half of the New World.


The giants House and Will, who were sitting at the door, stood up after seeing Charlotte.

Charlotte smiled and walked in.



Charlotte walked in and met more and more people. After seeing Charlotte, many crew members bowed and greeted him.

Then there was a burst of surprise. When did the captain come to the camp so early? It's really uncommon!

But he didn't think much about it. When does the captain want to come to take care of himself? If he has time to worry about this, he might as well think about what to eat for lunch.

Charlotte passed through many checkpoints and came inside.

But when Charlotte walked inside and saw a person, he immediately became furious.

"Caesar~! Wake up!"

Charlotte originally wanted to see the results of the scientific team and also see Esdeath and Caesar, but when she arrived, she saw Caesar lying on a hammock and snoring with drool in his mouth.

He was obviously dreaming about something.

She got up so early in the morning and saw this little beast still sleeping.

Charlotte's loud roar scared Caesar.

He fell off the hammock.

"Ouch! It hurts! Dad? Why are you here!"

Caesar fell off the bed, rubbed his butt, wailed, and then stared at Charlotte with wide eyes.

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