The old man was very happy.

"Hmph! If I hadn't come, I wouldn't have known you slept so well! You're still sleeping even when the sun is shining!"

Charlotte snorted coldly when she saw Caesar's appearance.

This kid knows how to be lazy every day. He has such a good physical talent, but he uses it to sleep every day. He is really a rotten wood that cannot be carved.

But no matter how angry he is, he is still his son.

If you don't carve jade, you won't make it into a useful tool. If you don't teach him a lesson, he will never learn a lesson.


The iron fist of love hit Caesar's forehead.

Instantly, a big bump appeared on Caesar's forehead!

"Asshole! Get up and run around the camp!"

Charlotte hit Caesar's forehead with his right fist and yelled at Caesar.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Caesar stood up and ran towards the camp in a hurry.

In his opinion, he would rather run than face Charlotte's fist.

Seeing Caesar's embarrassment, Charlotte felt much better.

Then the people in the camp saw a small figure, a child about 1.3 meters tall, crying and running around the camp.

Those who knew looked at Caesar and laughed.

"Caesar, kid! You've been taught a lesson by your unscrupulous father again!"

A group of big men looked at Caesar and laughed.

"Asshole dad!"

Caesar saw that everyone around him was laughing at him, his face turned red, and he cursed his father in his heart while waving his fist.

If Charlotte knew what his son was thinking, he would definitely give Caesar two more punches to let him know what fatherly love is.

Charlotte walked to Barrett's camp.

Seeing that Barrett was still training his physique every day, Charlotte just smiled and watched quietly for a while before stopping.


Seeing Charlotte, Ivan came over immediately.

Seeing the account book in Ivan's hand, I knew that Ivan was counting the revenue.

"How is it? Is the revenue this month okay?"

Since Charlotte decided to start with weapons, he has been constantly using his relationship in the dark world to start with the king of usury and use his power to find buyers for his weapons.

In a year, Charlotte's Mosin Ganna was sold, but this world is not called this name.

Charlotte added his last name to it.

Rockefeller 1486.

That's right, Charlotte shamelessly wrote his name on it.

As for Caesar Courant, let him stay where he wants.

After selling arms, Charlotte found that guns did not account for the majority of the arms business, and the real majority was ammunition.

These ammunitions are the real big money.

"Boss! This month our foreign trade business has made 300 million Baileys in profit, and it is still expanding. Now our guns are very popular in various kingdoms in the New World. All kingdoms are replacing our weapons. If it weren't for the manufacturing that couldn't keep up, it would definitely double!"

Ivan was immediately excited when he heard Charlotte asking about this month's revenue.

"300 million?"

Charlotte frowned after hearing this number, which was a bit below his expectations.

"Boss! 300 million is already a lot. Our guns are basically a one-time deal. The big money is ammunition, and the materials and manufacturing costs required for the guns, so our profit is not big. Those raw materials need to be purchased from outside the island. This is thanks to the help of the Shipping King!"

Ivan looked at Charlotte and said.

"Shipping King?"

Charlotte was surprised again.

Charlotte gave all these to Ivan, and he didn't know the details.

How did he get involved with the Shipping King again?

"Boss! The Shipping King wanted to meet you several times, but he was always delayed by trivial matters. Recently, I have more time and want to meet you to get closer to you." Ivan suddenly looked at Charlotte and said. Charlotte was silent after hearing this. He was thinking about why the Shipping King left him. Ivan saw that the boss was silent. As an old man who had followed Charlotte for ten years, he understood what Charlotte was thinking. "Boss! I heard that Charlotte Lingling in the Totland Sea holds a tea party every year and invites many people from the dark world!" Ivan looked at Charlotte and said suddenly. "What does this have to do with Charlotte Lingling?" Charlotte certainly knew that Charlotte Lingling had a good relationship with those emperors in the dark world. Every year at the tea party, those emperors of the dark world would prepare generous gifts for Charlotte Lingling. "Boss, do you have any questions?

I don't know! There are disputes in the dark world, and not every emperor has a good relationship. There are always some contradictions. I guess this shipping king actually wants to cooperate with you, the boss, to resist the pressure from other dark emperors! "

Ivan analyzed as a dog-headed military advisor.

But his analysis is indeed reasonable.

I have been dealing with the dark world frequently in the past year and have learned a lot of situations.

"Is that so? Okay! I am free at any time, and I can ask him to come over. Isn't this just an important transfer point for him! We are also old acquaintances. "

Charlotte nodded and said to Ivan.

But what Charlotte said was right. Before Charlotte went out to sea, he had already indirectly dealt with the Shipping King. Remember that the other party wanted to use him at that time?

But Charlotte didn't resist that kind of use. Isn't it mutually beneficial?

The mayor Chamberlain took the initiative to withdraw from his position and returned to the Shipping King after seeing him come back, which saved Charlotte a lot of trouble, although this was not a face trouble for Charlotte.

"Okay! I will convey your meaning, boss! "

Ivan nodded, and then he continued to report other things with a notebook.

Charlotte came here today to see the camp and understand the situation this month.

You can't really be a hands-off boss!

He didn't even know he was deceived. Although Charlotte was a little Buddhist, that was just a little. Charlotte never took things that concerned him.

Ivan reported a lot, all aspects, and Charlotte also observed Ivan's expression from time to time to see if he was lying to himself.

Even if he had been with him for ten years, Charlotte would never completely trust a person.

It's best to stay vigilant.

"By the way, boss! In the past year, a group of pirates came to the central part of the New World and made a lot of noise. They robbed a lot of kingdoms and our goods!"

After Ivan finished reporting, he suddenly remembered something and said to Charlotte.

"Oh? Who else in the New World dares to rob my goods! "

Charlotte frowned, put down the teacup in her hand and looked at Ivan.

"It's the World Destroyer Bondi World, the World Destroyer, who was previously hunted by Shiki the Golden Lion. "

Ivan took out an old newspaper from his arms, looked at it, and handed it to Charlotte.

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