The enemy was in a hurry.


Charlotte walked to the port with a long sword hanging on his waist, and immediately a younger brother with a gun came over.

"Boss, everything is ready!"

Charlotte nodded, and then handed him a sea chart in his hand!

"You are in this position to plunder!"

Charlotte said lightly.

The younger brother took the sea chart and looked at it for a while.


Then he hurriedly ran onto the ship!

"Brothers! Set off for the Kingdom of Corente!"

Charlotte stood at the bow and looked at the sea in the distance.

Other ships were shocked when they saw this 100-meter-long ship, and saw the flag again.

Locks Pirates, Captain of the Eighth Division!

"Are they going out to sea to plunder as well?"

Countless pirates thought secretly in their hearts.

Because pirates go out to sea not for plunder, what else do they want to do?

I just don't know which unlucky guy is going out to sea.

Bru Bru Bru!

"Hello! Navy Headquarters? The captain of the 8th Division of the Rocks Pirates has set off, and the purpose should be plunder! Please be prepared!"

An agent dressed as a pirate hiding in the port reported.

"Navy Headquarters received!"

The other end of the Den Den Mushi hung up the phone and immediately ran to Steel Bone·Sora's office!

"Report to the Admiral! The Rocks Pirates are taking action again!"

The messenger reported.

"What? Who is taking action this time? What is the target?"

Steel Bone·Sora asked immediately.

"The Admiral is taking action this time with the captain of the 8th Division, Rockefeller Charlotte. The target is unknown, and it is suspected to be going out to sea to plunder!"

After listening to the messenger's words.


"These damn pirates!"

As soon as he heard about plunder! Steel Bone·Sora was furious!

He waved his hand at the messenger and asked him to go down.

Looking at the Den Den Mushi in his hand!

He wanted to call the vice admiral of the New World Branch to arrest Charlotte, but he also knew that there was no vice admiral in the New World who could match Charlotte.

The Navy Headquarters today is extremely short of manpower.

Those powerful men have gone to suppress the four seas.

And he still has to stay in the Navy Headquarters and has to take action.

"Hey! These damn pirates!"

Steel Bone·Sora could only put down the Den Den Mushi in his hand dejectedly!

Without manpower, he could only give up dealing with the pirate Charlotte.

"Why are there so many strong men joining the pirates, but the navy is short of personnel, no! Find the Five Elders to expand the army!"

Steel Bone·Sora had no choice but to ask the World Government to expand the navy's forces.

However, all of these require a long period of wrangling to succeed.


"Boss! We're almost there!"

A younger brother came to Charlotte's bow carefully and reported!

Charlotte opened his eyes! Looking at the vague black spot in front of him, it was enlarging in front of him.

"Prepare for the bombardment!"

Charlotte said lightly.


Charlotte stood on the deck, looking at the busy people.

His ship was equipped with forty cannons, which could only deal with some civilians and soldiers. They were completely useless against real strong men, and were not even as useful as Charlotte's sword.

And the citizens in the port saw a ship coming over on the sea.

Some lookouts observed.

"No! Not good! There are pirates!"

After seeing the flag on the ship, he shouted in fear.

"What! Pirates!"

After hearing the words of the lookout, the people around were stunned and looked at the pirate ship on the sea.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Charlotte's pirate ship launched an artillery attack!

The cannon on the bow fired at the coast of the port from a distance of 100 meters!


Four people were killed in an instant when the cannon fired over.

"Help! There are pirates!"

Countless citizens ran in panic.

"Where are the pirates? Where are the pirates?"

The bombardment of the port and the shouting of the citizens soon attracted the city guards!

A mustachioed general came out with more than a thousand soldiers.

Standing on the bow, Charlotte immediately sensed him with his observation Haki.


Charlotte looked at the general and said lightly.

"There is actually another strong man!"

Charlotte showed a little interest.

But that's right, after all, it's a kingdom, and it's normal for a kingdom of more than 100,000 people to have some strong men.

And the general also saw the pirate group that was parked on the sea and was firing.

After seeing the flag, the general turned pale instantly.

"I knew

! I knew it! The kingdom will definitely bring disaster to the kingdom if it does this!" The general murmured. His eyes were full of despair. Charlotte also ordered the ship to dock. After seeing the young man in the lead. The general's face was already ashen. "Blood! Blood Sword Master Charlotte!" Among the thousand soldiers, there were many soldiers who knew Charlotte and had seen Charlotte's bounty. "Blood Sword Master Rockefeller Charlotte's bounty is 590 million!" The general spoke while looking at Charlotte with cold hands and feet. The greatsword in his hand was also trembling. "Hehehe!" The pirates behind Charlotte saw the ship dock, and they jumped off the boat one by one, greedily looking at the big city and the luxurious palace on the top of the mountain. Bang! The pirate lowered the stairs. Charlotte stepped down the stairs step by step. Charlotte stood at the port and looked at the surroundings. "What a prosperous island! "

Charlotte looked around and sighed, which reminded him of his hometown, Kami Island!

But then he stared at the more than a thousand soldiers standing in front of him.

"Surrender and you will be spared!"

Charlotte said without even looking at him.

Charlotte's voice was not loud, but the younger brothers around him were repeating Charlotte's words.

"Surrender and you will be spared! Surrender and you will be spared!"

Nearly a hundred pirates shouted, waving their swords and guns.

Although there were only a hundred people, they made the more than a thousand soldiers tremble.

The bearded general standing in the front looked at the soldiers around him.

What morale was there?

This won't do!

The general was secretly anxious, and finally gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

"Pirates, stop...!"

The general was halfway through his words.

A white sword energy flashed.

His voice was stuck.

Because he only felt a pain in his body and then lost consciousness.

"General! "

The soldiers around were also stunned and shouted for their general.

Then they all looked at Charlotte as if he was a monster.

The young man just raised his hand and waved, and his general was broken into two pieces.

"What a noise!"

Charlotte drew his sword back into the sheath.




Countless weapons fell to the ground!

The soldiers put down their weapons and stood on both sides.

He didn't dare to resist any more.

Didn't they see that their general was killed instantly by the boy on the opposite side with one sword?

Not only did they put down their weapons, but they also shouted.

"Long live the Rocks Pirates! Long live the Rocks Pirates!"

Charlotte glanced at him with disdain.

Seeing that the shouting were those officers in gorgeous clothes, these people shouted the loudest!

Charlotte looked at him with disdain, and then led his pirates to the gate of the city wall.

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