The city guards surrendered! General Solo died in battle, and the Kingdom of Colent is about to be destroyed!"

After Charlotte swaggered into the city with nearly a hundred pirates.

This originally quiet town began to fall into chaos.

Countless citizens were madly scattered on the streets.

Those former villains and gangsters began to fish in troubled waters in this chaos.

Some were robbing, some were killing, some were raping, and countless people released the last darkness in their hearts.

When Charlotte saw this kind of person, he slashed with a sword.

This also shocked his men.

The pirates, who were originally greedy, instantly put away their thoughts.

Led by an officer, Charlotte and his party soon arrived at the palace.

As soon as Charlotte arrived at the kingdom, a cannonball hit him.

Charlotte raised his hand and struck with a sword.

The cannonball exploded in mid-air.

Then another sword struck, and the palace wall exploded!

"Go and rob!"

Charlotte whispered.

The pirates around Charlotte's eyes lit up when they heard it.

"Brothers! Follow me!"

The pirates next to him raised their arms and shouted, and then took the lead to rush into the open gate of the palace.

Charlotte also knew that he was a pirate, but he was still suppressing blindly. Isn't this stupid?

Nearly a hundred pirates rushed into the palace from Charlotte's side.

But Charlotte was not in a hurry at all.

Looking at the trembling officer next to him.

"Take me to see your king!"

Charlotte looked at the officer and said.

His eyes were very indifferent.

"Yes! Yes!"

The officer hurriedly led the way and walked in front.

There were wailing and laughter all along the way!

Charlotte ignored them and walked straight towards the hall.

"Damn it! Damn it! You betrayed your king!"

A middle-aged man with disheveled hair and a resolute face stood in this empty hall and roared.

But there was no one around.

This man was the king of this country. He offended Rocks because he rejected Rocks' conditions and humiliated Rocks on the phone.

After knowing this reason, Charlotte couldn't help but give a thumbs up. This is not the way to die.

Charlotte walked into the hall and looked at the king with disheveled hair.

"Rebel! Rebellious thief! You will not die well!"

The king cursed after seeing Charlotte and then raised his sword and slashed his neck.


The sword fell, and the king knelt on the ground powerlessly without a sound.

Seeing that the king was so tough, Charlotte didn't know what to say.

However, Rocks wanted his head, so Charlotte could only cut off his head and take it back.

"Go! Cut off his head for me!"

Charlotte instructed the officer who was leading the way.

The key point was that his men had gone to plunder.

The originally trembling officer looked at Charlotte in shock.


Charlotte frowned slightly!

"Yes! Yes!"

The officer looked at the king he had been loyal to, and couldn't help the fear in his heart, and picked up the long sword that the king had used to commit suicide.

He closed his eyes and cut off the king's head.

Charlotte was very satisfied.

Although he didn't care, he didn't want to be so disgusting.

After all, beheading is so uncivilized!

"Bring the head with me!"

Charlotte turned around and walked out.

Looking at the chaotic scene outside, Charlotte also had a headache. After all, it was the first time he led people to destroy a country alone, and he was still a little uncomfortable.

He called the two pirates.

"Put this head away, you will take it back later!"

The pirate who was stopped nodded hurriedly when he saw that it was Charlotte, and quickly took the head from the officer's hand.

After watching the two pirates leave.

Charlotte began to gather other pirates.

Fortunately, this palace is not big, otherwise it would be difficult for him to gather them.

More than an hour later!

Looking at everyone holding a large bag of gold coins and jewelry, as well as bags of Bailey.

Charlotte frowned, feeling that it was not enough!

Suddenly seeing the military officer wearing a gorgeous military uniform, Charlotte's eyes lit up.

"Do you know where the nobles gather?"

Charlotte asked.

And the officer became silent after cutting off his king's head.

After suddenly hearing Charlotte's question, he looked at Charlotte in shock.

"You devil!"

The officer swung the king's sword in his hand violently.

Charlotte's mouth curled up.

His right hand grasped the tip of the sword, and his armed color

Domineering aura covered his hands!


Charlotte shook his head! The sword in his hand broke directly.

He grabbed the officer's neck.

He instantly knew where the nobles were.

He also understood why the officer wanted to resist.

It turned out that he was also a noble!

No wonder he wanted to resist after hearing what Charlotte said.

"Let's go! Let's go rob the nobles again!"

Charlotte waved his hand and said.

"Oh! Long live the boss!"

All the pirates shouted while waving their weapons.

The corners of Charlotte's mouth curled up slightly.

He walked out of the palace.

He plundered until the next morning.

He returned to the ship with the treasure of a kingdom.

"Haha! This noble is richer than the king!"

Charlotte sighed as he looked at the treasure on the deck.

He only found about 300 million Baileys in the kingdom's treasury, but he went to the noble area and found 5 billion Baileys.

Originally, Charlotte just felt that it was too little and wanted to go there to beg for more.

But he actually found 100 million Baileys in a count's house.

And this is just the count!

After finding so much money.

Charlotte's greed came up all of a sudden.

All the nobles robbed from house to house.

They robbed all night, and there were still some people who escaped.

But in just one night, he actually robbed Bailey treasures worth 5 billion.

It turns out that money comes the fastest from killing and arson!

"Boss, we're rich!"

Looking at the treasures piled on the deck, the pirates said excitedly.

"Bullshit, half of this belongs to Rocks, and the rest is ours."

When Charlotte thought that Rocks was going to take half of his treasure, he was so angry that his teeth itched.

This is 2 billion Baileys!

Hearing Charlotte gritting his teeth.

All the pirates dared not speak.

"Five million per person, no one is allowed to take more!"

Charlotte saw the greed in everyone's eyes and said lightly.

He was not a person who treated his younger brothers badly.

He didn't want to be like John.

He took all the treasures he robbed, and finally died in the hands of his own crew.

Although Charlotte was not afraid, there was no need.

The remaining two billion was enough for him to survive for a year.

At least as long as there was no urgent need for money, these two billion would be enough for him to spend for a year!

"Long live the boss!"

Although it was only five million, it was enough for them to spend. After these people had money, they basically drank and went to the red light district. These five million were enough for them.

"Return to Hatchinos Island!"

Charlotte said.

"Yes! Captain!"

Everyone responded.

The ship sailed away from the coast, leaving only an island with smoke,

The Kingdom of Colant was also destroyed.

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