This Sea King category, of course, is not a problem of Lida littering.

I often walk by the river, how can I not wet the bed.

Long-term travel to and from the Calm Belt, even if it is wrapped in Kairosaki, there will always be bad luck and Sea King.

So generally not many people dare to take a boat to Calm Belt, let alone such a small Battleship.

Generally like this, the Sea King type will eat one ship when it meets it.

But this time, the Sea King class seems to be miscalculated.

Kulo fiercely stared at the corpse, “I’ll eat seafood at night!”

In fact, he even wanted to eat monkey brains.

Having resentment towards Kizaru, Kulo returned to the office alone.

The resentment can be smelled from far away.

Leda and Kuro looked at each other and walked in.

Kulo sat down on a chair, lit a cigar, and froze there.

He has been in a daze for a long time.

For a long time, he said: “Kuro…”


“I have always believed in you.”


For no reason, Kuro is a bit cold.

He has some conditioned reflexes now, as long as Kulo speaks to him in this tone, it must be fine.

“I have a friend…Forget it, I don’t have a friend, it’s me, you can think of a trick for me, how can I avoid staying in the headquarters.”

Participate in the top What, of course, is nothing serious, of course, if you can avoid it, you must avoid it.

He can’t think of it alone, but isn’t there someone else?

Even if Lida, the brainless person, has no good suggestions, three stinky eggs can always top a good egg.

And isn’t there Kuro?

“In my eyes, your IQ is very high. It is a character comparable to Hugh Jack Mann.”

Hugh Jack Mann?

“Who is that?” There was a question mark on Kuro’s glasses.

“No, it’s Ben Beckman.”

Kulo thought about it, and remembered the name, “It’s Akagami’s ship mate.”

Although in his eyes, this so-called high IQ seems to be not much different from the recklessness of the Vajra wolf…

“You are overwhelmed.”

Kuro pushed his glasses,” I just have some immature ideas. Compared with the sea emperor’s ship mate, it is still a lot worse.”

However, he was still a little moved.

In the eyes of Mr. Kulo, is his role so great and his position so high?

“It’s just such a thing anyway.”

Next moment, Kulo waved his hand indifferently, “Just think of a way for me.”

“Mr. Kulo , Forgive me to speak bluntly.”

Kuro said: “You have inherited everything from the Legendary Great Pirate Shiki, in terms of sword technique, ability, and physical skills. You are not inferior to that Legendary now. Great Pirate, why are you still so disgusted with Grand Line. With your strength, you should pursue a higher position.”

Kulo looked towards him and said: “Ha? I think you are floating.”

“What does it mean that I am not inferior to Shiki? Do I have the ability to Awakening? Do I dare to say that I am an Ability User without Awakening? Am I Greatest Swordsman in the World? My physical skills can match Garp? Is my physical fitness comparable to Kaido and Charlotte Linlin?”

“No, nothing! Besides knowing a little sword technique and being able to fly, what else do I have? What am I?!”

Kulo is sincere on this point.

He really felt that he couldn’t compare to these powerhouses.

He is at best picking up rubbish in the use of abilities.

And this ability is not BUG.

It’s not as powerful as those BUG fruits.

The battle of One Piece World doesn’t have any pure subordinates and superiors. If you are a little stronger than a human, you can say that a spike can be said to be a thing. There is no such thing.

When reaching a certain level, the gap between powerhouse and the weak is not so obvious.

At most, it is the difference between robust man and juvenile. Robust man can sling juveniles, but you can’t say that juveniles can’t fight back against robust man.

It is Admiral, who will suffer even if he is not paying attention on that battlefield.

Too dangerous, too dangerous!

“Sorry, I couldn’t think of it for a while.”

Kuro thought for a while, and said: “There is no good way for the time being.”

Kulo waved his hand. Now, let’s go out. I’ll calm down myself.”

“Hey, what about me, ask me!”

Leda felt that she was ignored and jumped up uncomfortably.

“Oh? Do you have a way?”


“Go and eat your snacks!” Kulo said ill-humoredly.

After the two went out, Kuro pushed down his glasses, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Lida raised her eyebrows when she saw this, “What are you laughing at? Have you figured out a way?”

“Of course, I just can’t say it now.”

Kuro said: “There are ways, but now Mr. Kulo is too impatient, the position of trifling major is not enough. He can apply to be the head of the base, but if it is just a major, he can’t be the head of the Grand Line. As for Going to the four seas is impossible. Mr. Kulo made no mistakes. If he went to the four seas, he was given out.”

If it were not for Kulo to forbid them to say that Shiki was killed, maybe it would not be so troublesome.

But Kuro can also understand that, once Shiki is killed, the trouble will not be so simple.

There are many powerhouses on the sea.

“According to the plan, we go to Pirate, let Mr. Kulo be promoted to Captain, he can apply for external release, oversee a certain base of the Grand Line. When the time comes, Mr. Kulo’s dream meeting Finished, our dream will be realized.”

Kulo wants to be safe and comfortable.

Leda also wants to be safe and full.

He Kuro wants to be safe and calm.

In Marine, although certain rules must be followed.

But if the position reaches a certain level, you can ignore it.

Captain, it is enough for Mr. Kulo to arrive at Captain.

As for Kuro, he only needs to be at school level.

School level, there will be a lot of autonomy.


One day later, Marineford.

Battleship docked at the headquarters, the sergeant saluted Kulo and took Marine to the training report.

This time off, they also relaxed a bit. This is enough. As Marine, they cannot indulge in ease.

“Go play by yourself first, I’ll find Old Master.”

Kulo smacked and sent away Lida and Kuro, and went to the headquarters alone.

Marineford is a Marine city, the headquarters is just one of them, of course there are shops and restaurants here.

Kulo went straight to Kizaru’s office.

After arriving at the office, Kulo unceremoniously pushed the door, “Old Master!”

Inside, apart from Kizaru who was sitting and drinking tea, there was also a tall silhouette wearing a red belly. .

“Yo, Kulo, you’re back.”

Kizaru’s tea-drinking action gave a slight pause, “It seems to have grown a bit taller.”

” Are you there?”

Kulo looked down at himself, but he didn’t really notice it.

Sentomaru stared at Kulo suspiciously, “Is this real Kulo?”

“Oh~ I will introduce to you, this is my subordinate, Sentomaru, you want Get along well.” Kizaru laughed.

Sentomaru walked over and said: “The name Sentomaru is under the Marine Science Captain. I met a Pirate who pretended to be you, so I knew you.”

“Disguise One of my Pirates?”

Kulo was stunned, “Wait, did you meet that Buck Arlo?”

“Yes, I will meet with Old Master next Yes, that Pirate, I heard that you let him surrender, I admire it!”

Sentomaru righteously said: “This kind of justice, I have to learn from the next!”

I learn from you a MMP!

Come on, he knows what’s going on.

If you are met by Kizaru, you can only surrender if you don’t want to die.

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