Kulo opened his mouth, and was still sighed in the end. He sat opposite Kizaru and unceremoniously took away the cigar from his desk, leaning against him with his legs upturned. .

“When you come back this time, you will not be dispatched for the time being. Stand by at the headquarters and save snacks for the old man.”

Kizaru watched Kulo take the cigar and lit a series of smoke. After the action, said.

Kulo spit out a white cloud, “I said old fogey, you find a place for me to stay, I promise not to cause trouble.”

He didn’t want to cause trouble. The ghost knows where that many things come.


Kizaru thought for a while, “Yes, the G-5 branch lacks some manpower, and there is also the G-1 branch. Sakazuki will be transferred back. You can go there and have a look.”

“When I didn’t say it.”

G-5? G-1?

Isn’t that New World?

Don’t go anywhere to New World.

“Calling you to come back is not just to let you stay here, you know, Portgas·D·Ace has been arrested, and Whitebeard Pirates is beginning to stir. A war is about to come. It’s here.”

Because he knew that the war was coming, he wanted to seek release!

“If you come back, you and Sentomaru will talk a lot. Sentomaru, learn from Kulo. He is… a very strong person.” Kizaru said with a strange expression.

“I understand.”

Sentomaru said resolutely: “I am now the bodyguard of Begapunk, but I will officially join Marine in the future!”

Begapunk, known as the Peak scientist with 500 years of wisdom beyond the world, Kulo certainly knows.

He has no opinion on this wisdom that has surpassed the world for five hundred years.

Being able to put Devil Fruit’s factor on the weapon, and also made a peaceful Pacifista this thing, it is naturally called a Peak scientist.

“Speaking of which…”

Kulo glanced at Sentomaru and said, “As Captain of the scientific force, what are you doing here? That top scientist, you don’t need Protect it?”

Sentomaru said: “This is confidential. Although you are also Marine, there are some things you can’t say. I, Sentomaru, is the man with the tightest tone. I will never tell you. I’m here. It is to test the experimental results of the’Peace Pacifista’.”


“Isn’t this said it?”

“Ah… .”

Sentomaru froze for a moment, and then said: “Just now I wanted to say, I don’t want to say, no one can let me say.”

“Yes, yes.. .”

Kulo is helplessly nodded.

“Peaceful Pacifista…”

Kulo thought for a while, he remembered this thing, Bartholomew · bear’s body is the model, Kizaru’s ability is the benchmark, made out Fighting robot.

Kizaru said: “Peace Pacifista, the cost of a top-level Battleship is required. It is a terrifying tool. His appearance will greatly change the current marine battle ecology.”

The battle strength of Heping Pacifista, in the eyes of Kulo, is to condense a thousand-person Battleship. Above the sea, of course, the destructive power of the Battleship is the most, but on the land, it condenses the entire Battleship into The battle strength of an individual cannot be underestimated.

But that’s what happened.

At most, it can change the game of ordinary Pirate, and the cost of this kind of construction is destined to not be completely popularized.

“He was made with the body of Bartholomew ·Bear, and Old Master’s “laser” ability, very powerful.” Sentomaru said.

“That kind of thing, there is always a chance to experiment. You are now a major, go get your own papers, and then stay in the headquarters, don’t run around.” Kizaru laughed.

“I see.”

Kulo took away the cigar box on the table, and then directly reached out, “Old Master, the stock is running out, give me some. “

After a bit of greeting, Kulo came out of Kizaru’s office, and Sentomaru came out together.

Sentomaru was with him. It was arranged by Kizaru. The purpose was obvious. Look at yourself and don’t let yourself run around.

“It’s really not enough…”

Kulo sighed, the Old Master looked at himself like this, it was obvious that he couldn’t escape from the war.

Thinking about it this way, he feels very depressed.

“Kulo, are you unhappy?” Sentomaru asked in confusion.

“No…I feel sorry for this damn world.” Kulo sighed miserably.

“Anyway, get the paperwork first, and then go to dinner, Sentomaru, the first time you meet, you can treat me.”


Sentomaru crooked The head, I don’t know, so he said: “It’s okay, but… why I’m asking. Speaking of it, Old Master always says that you are very strong, and I want to try it too. How about the winner being the big brother. “

He is also a direct subordinate of Kizaru. Kizaru often praises Kulo. He has always been curious about what Kulo’s battle strength is like.

After all, I have seen that Buck Arlo before, who can force more than 300 million Great Pirate to surrender. It should be very strong.

However, Sentomaru was a bit dissatisfied. Under the command of Old Master, he should be the strongest.

I have never seen Old Master praise a person so much, he wanted to try it.

“Oh? You want to compare with me?” Kulo glanced at him.

“This Uncle is the man with the strongest defensive power!” Sentomaru proudly said: “I won’t lose!”

It just happened to be a hit.

Kulo showed a mysterious smile: “Sure, the Little Garden behind Old Master is very good, just hit it casually.”


For a while, Kulo walked out with Sentomaru with a bloody nose and swollen face with a pleasant smile.

He failed to touch Kulo.

Sentomaru will be a high-level Haki, whose name is’foot empty alone’, but this move requires Kulo.

Kulo naturally doesn’t use abilities, just relying on speed alone, he beat Sentomaru.

It’s very refreshing. The depressive mood just now was completely liberated.

“Kulo big brother.”

Listening to Sentomaru screaming obediently, Kulo smiled and patched the arm of the tall man, “Very well, treat me to dinner, Sentomaru brother. “

At this time, Lida and Kuro also came back. Kuro was holding large and small bags. Lida was licking ice cream on the side. He happened to see Kulo and said hello.

“Introduce, my new brother, Sentomaru. Sentomaru, this is my direct subordinates, Lida and Kuro, one is headquarter lieutenant and the other is headquarter second lieutenant. Today Sentomaru celebrates our promotion. Inviting guests to dinner, we go to get the promotion papers, and then find a place.”

It’s just a dinner party, why are you so excited…

Sentomaru doesn’t quite understand it. Why don’t you have a dinner? How much can it cost.

After receiving the paperwork in the headquarters, Kulo took a group of people to the rear city of Marineford, but at this time, he heard a familiar voice in the harbor.

An old smoker with his hair combed upside down came down from the boat swaggeringly, and was talking to the lady behind him with glasses holding a knife.

Seeing the visitor, Kulo was in a good mood just now, but it was not so wonderful right now.

“S, Mor, Ge!”

Kulo’s eyes were wide open, and his whole body turned into an afterimage, and went straight to him.

The person who came down was Smoker. He was talking to Da Siqi, and he heard a shout.

The voice made him feel a bit cold. Before Smoker could react, a figure appeared in front of him and grabbed his arm.


Kulo’s wrist is covered with Busoshoku, grabbing Smoker’s wrist to prevent him from elemental transformation, and grinning at him: “I want to kill you, Smoker!”

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