Zanpaku knife?

Very novel name.

Leda has never heard of it, but since Kulo said it, there must be.

If you own the Zanpakuto, you will have a wife?

Leda is alert.

She secretly kept this name in her heart, and if she encounters something’Zanpakudao’ in the future, she will sink it into the sea and prevent Kulo from seeing it.

And this one!

Leda stared at the limbid autumn water on Kulo’s waist. This black blade is also very dangerous. Who knows if it is also a “Zanpaku”, so I have to guard against it.


Kuro just stepped out to shave here, turned into an afterimage and chased after him, he saw Rayleigh pull out the long sword and waved it aside.

Kuro immediately felt that hair stands on end, on one side of the body, the cat’s claws crossed and stood in front of him.


His body flew upside down and glide on the ground for a certain distance before he could stop.


Kuro stared at Rayleigh gloomily, “The legendary Pirate will bully the junior?”

“Enough chasing soldiers I can’t let you mix it up.”

Rayleigh looked over, froze for a moment, and said: “In addition, Pirate is of course free and unconstrained, and the look in your eyes… Pirate.”

Kulo was surprised: “You can see this? Old Pirate is different.”

At this time, Rayleigh noticed the one standing behind Kulo and Leda.

With just one glance, Rayleigh’s complexion was bitter, and a drop of cold sweat came out of his forehead.

“This time, I may be desperately old.”

Just as Kulo saw that Rayleigh was an old monster at a glance.

Rayleigh also saw that this young man hides extremely deep power.

Genuine’s monster level!

Before seeing him, Rayleigh thought that among the younger generation, the outstanding ones were Luffy, Kid, and Luo.

Especially Luffy, he is the most optimistic.

But now after seeing Kulo, he doesn’t feel that way anymore.

He was a little happy to see the three people in the human trafficker before. He felt that the younger generation of Pirate had already led Marine on aptitude.

But this youngster…

For the so-called “Evil Generation”, it is a crushing level.

Although Luffy is good at aptitude, it takes a lot of time to beat him.

Where does such a monster come out on the sea!

“Oh~ can’t let them run.”

At this moment, Kizaru closed his hands and stirred up a group of rays of light, “The eight-foot mirror.”

The beam of light excites a ray, refracts it from the tree on the side, and rushes directly in the direction of Luffy.

Kizaru’s body turned into yellow light, even if it moved along with the refracted light.


Rayleigh then suddenly swung a sword to disperse the rays of light that Kizaru had transformed, revealing his figure.

Kizaru stood staggered, standing still, surprised: “It’s dangerous, Haki.”

His cheek has a very small scar.

“I haven’t used the sword for a long time, it’s a bit rusty.” Rek held the sword with both hands, his body stretched tightly.

“Stop kidding, Kusanagi.”

Kizaru stretched out his hand to wipe away the tiny traces of blood, then made a fist with his right hand and pulled out a lightsaber from the left. , Waved at Rayleigh.


The lightsaber collided with the long sword.

The two old guys competed there with you one sword and the other, and it was a great time to play.

While saying that, Kulo also knows that it is not so simple behind it.

An old Pirate who has retired a long time ago, in order to catch him, he must not only be fully thoughtful, but also be prepared for casualties.

I really want to fight, Sabaody Archipelago must be gone.

Moreover, this kind of monster, except for Kaido, who only has a rash person in his head, is there no such thing as a good grasp.

You are just two Admirals coming over. People can’t run if they can’t beat them.

For such a monster, it doesn’t seem to be a problem to take revenge on Marine after escaping.

Especially at this juncture, there is no need to cause trouble.

Even when Kulo was in the headquarters, he occasionally heard the rumors of’Dark King’ Sylbaz Rayleigh on Chambord.

The senior management must have known it a long time ago. If you didn’t catch it, it wasn’t because you didn’t think it was worthwhile. Anyway, he didn’t cause trouble. Roger was dead for twenty years, and he didn’t know where his ashes were.

And Rayleigh’s idea is similar, he is a retired person, and there is no need to really mess with Marine Headquarters, but Kizaru can’t let Luffy attack.

The two sides can only mix up like this, and they don’t want to be true, so let’s just calculate the problem together.

“Lida, take your question.”

Kulo smacked, and Shun picked up Lida’s backpack, took out a bag of potato chips from it, and sat on the spot.

“Hey, my snacks!”

Lida grabbed her small backpack with her backhand, held it like a calf, and stared at Kulo vigilantly.

“You are not allowed to eat my snacks! You just trade your wife, I will not let you touch my snacks!”

“What a mess.”

Kulo rolled his eyes, “Listen well, there is an empty swimming pool. It takes fifteen hours to fill the pool with water pipes, and it takes 20 hours to release the pool water, then the problem is here. …”

“The pool manager who filled the water while filling the water felt bored after seven hours, and found another iron pipe that could be filled with water after thirteen and threw it into the pool. , But the force of throwing was relatively large. It took a forty hours to smash a hole in the swimming pool to leak the water. At this time, the pool administrator was very curious as to how long the water in the swimming pool would take to shine.”


A big question mark floated on Leda’s head, “Are you talking human words?”

“Why not human words, it’s just about the swimming pool The problem of water release.

Kulo looked towards the two pool administrators who were fencing with each other, and said.

Leda really thought about it for a while, and then more and more thought about it , The more I go around, the more I think about it.

In the end, Lida’s little head was a little dizzy and weakly asked: “I don’t understand, it’s too confusing, Kulo, what is the answer? “

“The answer? “

Kulo gave a malicious smile: “The answer is to press the pool manager in the pool and choke to death. Why do you have to think about it?” “

Violence can’t solve the problem, but it can solve the person who raised the problem.

However, the two elderly pool administrators in front of him can choke them to death.




Kizaru and Rayleigh continue to collide. Every time after fencing, Rayleigh always I have to take a look at Kulo.

This makes Kulo feel a little unfathomable mystery.

“Why does this old man look at me? “

He looked at himself. He was poor and white. He didn’t have any clothes to wear. Cloak is now a jacket. He wears the same clothes as Smoker.

Why? Want to invite me to your senior pool. The calculation group?

Sorry, I have a swimming pool myself.

Two people are calculating their problems, and something happened on the other side. Sentomaru and PX-1 have chased Luffy and they , Formed a trend of encirclement.

For a peaceful Pacifista, the Straw Hat regiment is fine.

But one more, plus Sentomaru, they naturally won’t work.


Not to mention that at this time, behind them, another peaceful Pacifista appeared.

“Hey, Kulo, that peaceful Pacifista is different. He has a book in his hand. “

Leidara pulled Kulo’s sleeve and pointed to the peaceful Pacifista that suddenly appeared in front of him. “Remove people should be distinguished by decoration?” “

Kulo glanced over there, poured all the residue of the potato chip packaging into his mouth, chewing and said: “That is the real thing, the real Bartholomew Bear. “

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