Bartholomew Bear, originally bounty gold 296 million Beli, now Shichibukai.

The bounty of their era is completely different from the bounty of today’s inflation.

This is the Great Pirate in Great Pirate.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is possible to dominate the existence of the seven routes in the first half of the Grand Line, even in New World, it is one of the very best.

“How did the bear appear here?”

Sentomaru said in surprise.

Bartholomew ·Bear stood in front of Zoro, and said in a tone as if someone had eaten or not: “If you want to travel, where do you want to go?”

Zoro opened his mouth. Before I said anything, I was palmed by the bear extending the hand and patted it, disappeared.


Everyone shouted.


The exclamation made Kizaru, who was fencing with Rayleigh, turned his head, just in time to see the bear slap the PX-1.

“Pirate is really untrustworthy, Kulo.”

“Huh?” Kulo was taken aback.


Kizaru and Rayleigh collided once again. Rayleigh took the opportunity to retreat, trying to rescue there, but Kizaru was willing to let go, body flashed, and slashed with a sword.

“Go and grab the Straw Hat group.”

Kulo shook his head flatly: “Old Master, I can’t do it, I just got hit by Supernova, so you don’t have any injuries. , But I have internal injuries, which are very serious. It will be very uncomfortable to be touched.”

Chen concubine can’t do it!

Others don’t know if he still doesn’t know if this Bartholomew Bear is an orthodox Shichibukai, he doesn’t know, but it’s true that he is an orthodox Revolutionary Army.

People will fight me desperately in order to protect the young master.

You put this leisurely health care with people, I go to fight people desperately?

If Xiong shoots flying by himself, wouldn’t it be over, the ghost knows where to fly.



Kulo looked over and saw Bartholomew · Bear after shooting the PX-1 flying, his actions continued to shoot a few people disappear very quickly.


Kulo’s eyes shine.

There is a way to escape the top war!

I won’t be over if I was shot flying by him.

No one knows where it was photographed. First of all, just flying can fly for three days and three nights.

When the time comes, it’s the fourth day. When the time comes, I just drag it by myself, won’t the war on the top be over?

Leda and Kuro are just small sergants and sergeants. They were not qualified to enter the war unless they were taken by their superiors.

But their superiors have already flown away, that is to say, no one is attending.

The crisis can be solved!

nice! ! !

Kulo stood up, took out the cigar from his trouser pocket, and after lighting it, his expression was full of confidence:

“Old Master, I think I am suddenly better! No one can stop me from grabbing today. Straw Hat brat!”

He tone barely fell, and Rayleigh’s pupils condensed with Kizaru while keeping in good health.

He has been peeping at Kulo for a long time, and he always feels that this bottomless man will take action.

Is this man finally going to do it?

“No way, go on!”

Rayleigh’s face became straight, his eyes fixed, and a mighty force filled the square.


Kulo’s mind, pressed by this sudden Haoshoku, stopped briefly.


Rayleigh took a palm shot, and the high-level Busoshoku rushed straight into the body. Kizaru couldn’t react enough, and was hit and flew straight out.

He seized the moment of neutral and went straight to Kulo. The long sword in his hand stimulated the black hardening, and he jumped hard and slashed with a sword that covered his head and face.

Boom! ! !

The ground Kulo was standing on collapsed in an instant, and the swaying air wave blew Lida away next to him.


Leda fell to the ground. At this time, she recovered from Haoshoku’s shock and shouted in the direction that was stirred up by the dust.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Kuro was relieved from the shock at this time, looking at the agitated dust mist in disbelief.

He was cut?

Has been cut by the Dark King? !

“What are you kidding me!!!”

Leda’s eyes were red, and she instantly turned into a girl’s posture, her arms aroused Busoshoku Haki.

“Soru Soru!”

With a flash of footsteps, Lida quickly rushed into the dust and mist. This Kuro style was used as a signature style, and she would naturally see it once.

Leda aroused Busoshoku Haki with both arms, and slammed into the dust mist.

She lost her mind, and she no longer has Kenbunshoku.

But in that dusty mist, there must be her goal!

“Energy·Maximum Wheel·Impact!”

The impact brought by the fist directly blows away the dust and mist, and Lida is about to smash it forward, and suddenly her footsteps stop. With wide eyes, looked towards the place where the dust and mist were scattered.

In the deep pit, Rayleigh contained Haki’s sword and slashed on the top of Kulo’s head.

And Kulo lowered his head, his head turned into black and purple.

“Hey, isn’t it…”

Rayleigh was sweating, “My sword, but it took a lot of effort.”

ka ka …

His sword moved up slowly.

Kulo pushed against Rayleigh’s sword and gradually lifted his head.

His head is a bit different at the moment. Busoshoku is not the kind of covering with a wide open face, but covering all of his head. Under his eyes, there are two patterns that look like tears. On the center of the eyebrows, there is a black and purple cross.

A wisp of blood fell from his head, down his forehead, and stained Rayleigh’s sword.

Kulo stared at Rayleigh, squeezing out one by one from the gap between his teeth: “Why hit me?”

His expression was full of anger. Looking closely, there is A little bit ignorant…

Kulo is very ignorant, he just said a word, even if this man doesn’t maintain health, he violently comes over and hit me? !

Who I provoke, I just want to be shot flying by a bear, am I wrong? !

Forget it if you hit, the key is not to hit, but the genuine hack from the head!

If it weren’t for Kenbunshoku’s quick response, I covered Busoshoku at that moment, I guess that sword would kill me.

Looking at Kulo staring at himself, Rayleigh forced a smile: “I said I just want you not to grab Straw Hat brat, can you believe?”

Kulo closes The eyes, Busoshoku climbs down from under the cheeks, quickly covering the whole body.

This time, Busoshoku is thicker than when I faced Supernova before.

Under the pitch black, Kulo’s chest showed an equally black and purplish twisted sun sign, completely shielding his chest.

It’s like wearing a terrible heavy armor.

After getting the fruit, Kulo feels that his physique seems to have become much stronger.

He is no longer the physique of ordinary people. As the Ability User of Devil Fruit, he is naturally a’superman’.

The restrictions that originally belonged to the mortal womb seemed to be unraveled a bit.

As a result, his Busoshoku has become a lot richer.

For example, this is the real full coverage.

“Hey, this is not good.”

Rayleigh’s smile is almost unsustainable.

He felt that he still underestimated this youngster.

This level of Busoshoku…is it really suitable for a person in his twenties?


Kulo stretched out his hand, held Rayleigh’s long sword, and said: “Then you can taste the taste of being beaten, Old Master!”


A yellow light shot from a distance at extremely fast speed.

Rayleigh eyes shrank, with one-handed high-level armed, blocked the place.

At this moment, Kulo held the knife in his right hand, and limpid autumn water drew the knife out, turning into a black glow, which was printed on Rayleigh’s face.

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