This blade came so fast that Rayleigh couldn’t dodge it at all, and besides, a laser beam had already fired from a distance.

bang!! !

The laser blew on Rayleigh, and the explosion caused another cloud of dust.

Amidst the dust and fog, a silhouette retreated extremely quickly and slid against the ground for a certain distance, as if it had been shaken off.

Busoshoku unfolded a vertical line from the center of his nose, and disappeared at the same time as the Busoshoku gathered in his left hand.

Because of this, a little blood came out of his nose.

“Jian Hao…” Rayleigh exclaimed.

The laser is easy to block, but the swordsman is hard to block.

Just as Kulo unfolded Busoshoku but was still bleeding and bleeding, so was he. Although it was blocked, the blood still bleeds.

After all, if you don’t stop it, you will be split in half!


The smoke and dust turned into a spiral and blown away. Kulo held [limpid autumn water] in his hand, and Haki was gradually dissipating like a tangled spiral surrounding the black blade.

An old fogey with a long rudder on his head told him that Haki would use it at critical moments.

So as long as he attacks, he will entangle Haki.

What? I’m covered in Busoshoku?

Isn’t it a critical moment when I’ve been hacked? !

Just kidding, he has lived for so many years and almost went to see Roger for the first time by a sneak attack.

He is a Marine, see what Pirate King!

On the contrary, Kulo wants to send him to see his old captain!

Kulo gnashing teeth: “I’ve been in the ocean for ten years, and I haven’t suffered such a big loss. If you don’t cut your face today, I won’t be Lucifer · Kulo!”

On the opposite side, is the sea that has been in and out of the Grand Line for a long time. Great Pirate that is not needed in the world.

Different from Shiki’s Old Guy, although Rayleigh is old, he has no repercussions. Although his strength has declined, he is still a terrifying person.

But Kulo is not afraid, because he has a stronger help!

“Oh~Kulo, your Haki seems to be stronger, so terrifying.”

Beside Kulo, yellow lights gathered, showing Kizaru’s figure, looking surprised Busoshoku covered with Kulo.

This is higher than the first time I competed with him.

This brat, breakthrough is the bottleneck?

Kizaru was a little surprised. The improvement of strength is not that simple.

There are indeed people on the sea who are like two people in a short time, but that is their own talent here.

Equivalent to say a bucket, just fill it with water.

But the increase of true strength is to make the bucket itself bigger. This step is not comparable to irrigation.

Did Kulo get anything?

Kizaru was looking thoughtful there, but Rayleigh on the opposite side was sweating and his complexion was bitter.

Not only did the sneak attack fail, the youngster was also very angry.

The Haki content completely exceeded his estimation.

And this guy Kizaru is…

Now there is another Shichibukai.


Rayleigh looked at Luffy over there yelling at the bear, muttering worriedly.

No matter what, save this person first.

Rayleigh just wanted to rush there, when he saw Kulo put the limpid autumn water into the scabbard, stepped away and held the hilt.

In an instant, Rayleigh felt a chill next to him, and subconsciously raised his sword to block.

“Ittoryu ·Afterimage cut.”


The Kulo standing with Kizaru gradually faded like a reflection in the water, and on Rayleigh’s sword, a black blade wrapped around Haki stood on it.

At the place where the swords were handed over, there was a wave of air, and the air oscillated with just one sword.

“Iaido expert?” Rayleigh asked in surprise.

Is it not only a swordsman, but also Iaido with the most formidable power? !

“The old man should come and mix his hands too.”

Just as the sword was handed over, Kizaru’s figure appeared near Rayleigh, his feet glowing, and a whip kick. Past.


Rayleigh couldn’t react in time. He was kicked in the chest and flew out. At this moment, Kulo retracted the knife into the sheath again, and the silhouette disappeared.


The blade is lightly opened.

“Ittoryu·Heaven’s Line!”

The black blade is mixed with Haki, and a very long black rays of light skimmed on the ground, which is a stroke towards Rayleigh.

Flying upside down, Rayleigh stamped his feet heavily on the ground, stupefied to stabilize his body, and slashed at the black light that looked like a meteor.

Kulo’s silhouette appeared in front of him, the limbid autumn water was blocked by Rayleigh’s long sword, and the surrounding air was trembling with Haki.


At this moment, Kizaru extended the hand pointed out that a laser beam was launched very quickly and penetrated Rayleigh’s shoulder blades.


Under the pain, Rayleigh slammed Kulo’s figure in the air with his hands violently, and then kicked Kulo’s body with a kick .

This kick directly kicked Kulo up.


Kulo fell heavily on the ground, clutching his chest, looking upset.

Even if Haki was defending him, he still felt pain.

Old Guy’s Haki should not be underestimated.


At this time, Kizaru fired a laser again, and Rayleigh instantly slashed it back and opened the laser with a sword.


Kulo now retracts the knife into its sheath, and pulls it out instantly.

“Chop the waves.”

Golden’s flying slash soars into the sky, forming a horizontal crescent shape, opening the laser’s neutral position in Rayleigh, and slash fiercely hits his chest!

Rayleigh’s body was taken by the golden slash and flew out very quickly, and hit a big tree.

The big tree was cut open from its roots and collapsed to the ground with a loud noise.

Golden slash continues to blast away, and continues to sweep forward. Everything it passes is cut open, and forcibly cuts the buildings and trees ahead.

It looks like a leek cut by a sickle, the cut is very neat and smooth.

Kizaru appeared next to Kulo, standing side by side with him, looking at the flat scene in front of him in surprise, “Did you do too much? If you look back when others complain, you will be terrifying.”

Kulo shook the knife, took out a cigar and lit it, holding the knife and standing side by side with Kizaru, he raised his head, spit out the smoke, and said:

“Stop kidding, Old Master “

You kicked the main trunk yourself, and you still have the face to say me?

Kulo shook hands with the limpid autumn water.

This black blade is indeed much easier to use than Huazhou. The formidable power of his earlier chopped wave is higher than the one used in Huazhou.

limpid autumn water is also a heavy katana, with a very heavy blade, which is very suitable for his Juhe drawing sword.

Change the tool to the right.

He lifted the limpid autumn water, said with a smile: “Play for a few more days, you will be in my shape.”


Lida, who had calmed down not far away, hadn’t heard what Kulo said, but watching Kulo’s affectionate look at the limpid autumn water, she felt a crisis shrouded in her head.

Sure enough, that wife is a threat!

Although Kulo has always regarded her as a woman, Lida believes that as long as she stays for a long time, there is always a chance.

Before the opportunity appeared, all the women who appeared next to Kulo would be regarded as rivals by her.

Knife? Knives won’t work either!

What if it becomes a wife!

The smoke and dust were blown away by the wind, revealing Rayleigh’s silhouette. He half-kneeled on the ground, panting for breath while clutching his chest, and blood was constantly flowing from his hands.

The palm can’t cover Rayleigh’s wound.

On his chest, there was a gap in the word’one’ that covered his entire chest.

Rayleigh looked at the one old and one young ahead with a wry smile, said with a bitter smile: “have grown old, this is really…”

One word can be dealt with, For both, he even struggled to defend.

If Luffy hadn’t been there, he would have escaped now, where would he be fighting with these two monsters?

But for Luffy, it is hard to protect himself and cannot take care of it.


“That slash…”

Rayleigh looked at Kulo who was smiling at the knife, maybe it was dazzling, maybe Is injured.

But the more he looked, the more he felt that the man was not Kulo, but a familiar silhouette with long blond hair, laughing at him.

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