It was Shichibukai gathering at this time to eat at Mariejois.

It’s no wonder that Major Job just stopped talking.

Kulo knew that Shichibukai was here before he didn’t bother to eat here.

But it doesn’t matter if it’s all here.

He just has a meal, what else can he do.

Kulo could only smile wryly after listening to Granny Crane’s speech.

“Stop kidding me, Granny Crane.”

Kulo stretched out his hand and beckoned, and ordered Marine standing behind, “Give me some food. There is wine.”

“Yes!” Marine complied over there, ready to go out.

After saying this, Kulo fiercely stared at the bear opposite.

But this tall silhouette, holding the book at this time, said nothing, as if he hadn’t seen it.

It seems that there is not much consciousness anymore.

Immediately afterwards, Kulo felt a scrutiny gaze.

He turned his head and saw that the man with eagle-like eyes, leaning back on the chair, with two legs on the table, was raising his head and looking at himself.

Seeing Kulo look over, Mihawk smiled at him: “long time no see.”

He looked down and saw Kulo’s waist, “You seem to get I have a good knife.”

“Not good, not as good as yours.”

Kulo shook his head quickly.

Just kidding, look at his eyes, as if he was going to do it with himself.

“Oh? Do you know him? A little Marine?”

A tall silhouette not far away looked towards Kulo with a scrutinizing eye, and laughed: “Hey Hey, hey, it’s really interesting.”

The man, sitting at the dining table without an image, with his legs crossed, he is wearing a pair of cropped trousers and a pair of pointed shoes under his feet. Wearing a pink feather coat, he has blond hair and sunglasses, and his whole body exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

Among them, his breath is the most dangerous.

‘Tian Yaksha’, Don Quixote Doflamingo.

Shichibukai, the most dangerous man.

Beside him is a rough man who is eating red bean pie, with several teeth missing in his mouth.

Marshall D. Teach.

Near him, there is still a bandage on his head, and his neck is as long as a demon.


Together with Bartholomew · Bear and Dracule · Mihawk, Shichibukai has reached five.

Kulo didn’t care about Doflamingo either. Quandang couldn’t see. These dangerous men are not the same with him. What’s the intersection.

I wanted to trouble the bear, but now his consciousness is almost gone, so there is no need.

He probably paid the price for the Champagne land.

Soon, the food came up, and Kulo unceremoniously picked up one of the leg bones and ate it in three or two bites.

The crane on the side looked at Kulo, who seemed hungry, and shook her head with a smile. Then she glanced at Shichibukai, who was opposite, and said: “What do you think about it when you meet it.”

Kulo, who was devouring food, stopped moving. Sure enough, the entire upper-level team knew about it.

He thought for a while and answered truthfully: “very difficult to deal with, if it weren’t for some factors, I wouldn’t be so easy to come back.”

He knew that Crane was talking about Whitebeard, Anyway, the senior management knows that these questions can be answered.

Kulo is thinking about how to not get promoted. The others will know when they know it. There is no need to hide it.

Anyway, long ago, his strength was known to the senior management.

It doesn’t matter if you kill Shiki. If he refuses to admit it, Marine has no evidence to impose credit on himself.

In case it is fake, then Marine Headquarters will lose face.

Crane nodded, “After all, it’s that person, it’s normal, but you can come back. The youngster should take more responsibility, and in the future, you have to rely on you.”

Kulo After pulling a bowl of rice, he reached out and picked up the roast suckling pig in front of him, biting off a large piece, and chewing while saying: “Mrs. Crane, please forgive me. You should know me. I really don’t have that heart. “

“Lazy guy.” Crane scolded with a smile: “Whatever you do, just remember your justice.”

Among Marines, people like Kulo are not No, the most famous one is not his superior.

For this, Crane would not find it so unreasonable. Everyone has their own ideas, and naturally they will not force it.

But as long as it is Marine.

Such a powerful battle strength, as long as there is no opposite, it means that Marine’s strength is increasing.

He rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Kulo’s eyes with relief.

The chaotic forces, new threats appear every year.

The’Hiken’ Ace two years ago, this year’s [Evil Generation], every year and every year, there will be people with big aptitudes.

In contrast to Marine, compared with Pirate, the new blood is not that many.

Although Garp’s apprentice is good, it takes time to grow up.

Although Smoker and Hina came out, they were still a bit short of deciding the direction of Marine.

Kulo is the one that everyone at the top has been satisfied with in recent years.

He is an old Marine and has been in the army for ten years.

I have a strong sense of identification with Marine. Although I am a tired and lazy guy, the battle strength is enough to offset this fatigue.

“Hey hey hey, so boring, how come that woman hasn’t come here yet.”

Suddenly, Doflamingo called out, “Let me wait impatiently, eh Hey, hey.”

“Hahahaha, you can’t be impatient, you have to be patient in everything.” Marshall D·Teach ate the red bean pie and laughed loudly.

“Speaking of which, two people are missing.”

Kulo glanced at them, then picked up the wine glass next to him, and was about to drink it out. However, at this moment, nearby A wine glass stretched out.

He saw that Mihawk was holding his glass and smiling at him.

Kulo froze for a moment, raised his glass to touch Mihawk, and then drank it.

“‘The Empress’ Boya Hancock was on her way here, but before she came, she wanted to go to Impel Down, and she didn’t know the reason. As for Jinbe…he was locked in because Strongly oppose our actions, let him calm down.”

Crane also stared at these Shichibukai and slowly said: “Pirate can have an official status, naturally because of the World Government, and at this time, he does not listen to the World Government. The official status naturally doesn’t exist.”

“Hey, hey, is this warning us, Crane.”

Doflamingo laughed loudly.” Don’t worry, we have no plans to fight against the World Government, at least not yet.”

“Hehe hehe, Whitebeard, if possible, I want to collect his corpse.” Moonlight Moria also laughed. Speak out.

“Jie hahahaha, then you are really amazing.” Teach glanced at him and laughed.

“It’s really boring.”

Doflamingo smiled, his eyes rolled around, suddenly he smiled, and his fingers moved slightly.

Suddenly, a Marine Rear Admiral near Kulo shook his body and suddenly stood up.

“Why, what’s going on!”

Then Rear Admiral looked terrified, “Why is my body out of control!”

“Hey, Doflamingo , What did you do!” A Vice Admiral subconsciously looked towards Doflamingo, shouting loudly.

“Hey, hey, it’s so boring, how about having some fun.”

With a move of Doflamingo’s finger, the controlled Rear Admiral suddenly drew his knife and faced it. Vice Admiral who was talking cut over.

“No, hateful, I can’t control myself, run away!” Rear Admiral said in a panic.


That Vice Admiral hid a knife, gritted his teeth, and pulled the knife out with a chuckle, facing the Rear Admiral, it seemed that he was preparing to attack.

Doflamingo laughed in a low voice: “Well, that’s the way to have fun. Let me show you a show.”

“Jiehahahaha, that’s really an outstanding What a great show!” Teach ate up the red bean pie and looked at the other side with interest.

“Hehe hehe, fight and kill!” Moria’s smile was full of malice.


Just as Rear Admiral raised the knife and was about to fight with Vice Admiral, suddenly, Doflamingo’s fingers stagnated and a cold sweat fell on his face.

Moria seemed to be pinched on her neck, her smile froze.

“Jie hahaha, it seems that the play is impossible.” Teach chuckled there, and a drop of sweat appeared on his forehead.

They were unified and looked towards the Kulo who was on the opposite side and was eating.

Kulo just happened to eat a roast suckling pig, picked up the napkin at hand, wiped his hands slowly, and then continued to wipe his hands.

From him, a thick murderous aura burst out, and the murderous aura almost turned into substance, impacting Shichibukai on the opposite side.

He stared at a few bastards on the opposite side, and slowly said: “I’m not in a good mood right now, so can you let me finish my meal quietly, trash on the sea.”

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