Kulo’s mood is terrible.

After being shot and flying by a bear, no benefits have been lost, even if he can’t stay in the sky, he also encountered Kaido committing suicide.

Forget it, if he can escape the war, he will admit it, it must be a little bit better, right?

As a result, I planned to be beaten by Rayleigh in the shampoo for a long time. After the shooting, I was beaten by Whitebeard, and in the sky I was beaten by Kaido.

At this level of thumping, he felt that he didn’t have to fight so hard to participate in the war.

Moreover, the idiot Kuro was surprised that he raised Level 1 for him.

There is no way for him to even paddle on the edge.

For a long time, go around, he has to go to war.

How does this make him feel bad.

Finally, I had a meal, and I had to be with this group of Shichibukai.

Forget it, he can eat quietly.

However, this group of garbage on the sea is a noisy owner.

How can Kulo hold back this time? Does he even have a quiet meal? !

The thick murderous aura hits those Shichibukai in essence.

The bear did not move, as if he did not sense the murderous aura.

Moria’s face is ugly, he can’t guess that an ordinary Marine has such a high degree of murderous aura.

“Shrimp, shrimp, shrimp…” He laughed dryly and stared at Kulo solemnly.

“Jie hahaha, really a terrifying man.” Teach glanced at Kulo, a touch of terror hidden in the depths of his eyes.


Mihawk raised his head and glanced at Kulo, said with a smile: “As always, amazing murderous aura.”

“Hey Hey…”

After a while, Doflamingo laughed suddenly, his sunglasses covered his eyes, making him unable to see the look in his eyes.

He looked at Kulo for a moment, and suddenly his fingers moved.

The controlled Rear Admiral turned around and slashed towards Kulo.


A suspended short broadsword blocked the blade of Rear Admiral.

Kulo didn’t even look at it, took out a cigar and lit it, and handed it to Mihawk. “Come on?”

“No.” Mihawk shook his head.

Kulo nodded, took a sip and sprayed out smoke.


Another short broadsword came out of its sheath and quickly went around behind Rear Admiral. With the blade picked, Rear Admiral’s body fell to the ground and panted.

The feeling of uncontrollable disappeared.

Crane took a look, and could faintly see some fine silk threads being picked up from Rear Admiral.

“You also show me a play.” Kulo said to Doflamingo.


【Sakura Ten】【Wood Withered】Two Swords spun around in the air, like an arrow from the string, suddenly rushed towards Doflamingo.


Suddenly, the dining table broke out from Doflamingo’s position. His arms stretched out, and Two Swords was blocking him, as if something stuck.

“Hey, hey, strange ability, but it’s useless to me.” Doflamingo said with a smile.

Kulo glanced at him indifferently, bit his cigar, and leaned against the chair.

【Sakura Ten】【Wooden Withered】fired a ball of sparks in the air, suddenly staggered, and stabbed to the back of Doflamingo one left and one right.

Doflamingo frowned, on one side of the body, with arms blocking Two Swords.


Several thin silk threads glowed in the air, blocking the spurs of Yingshi and Mugua.

However, the Two Swords did not stop. After being blocked, they turned away again and attacked Doflamingo from another direction.

One left and one right, one after the other, one up and down, attacking Doflamingo from all directions, let him constantly pose to block the Two Swords, the appearance of constantly blocking, just like dancing .

Crane looked at Doflamingo’s appearance and couldn’t help but chuckle.

Will this arrogant guy have today…

Although the laughter was light, it was still seen by Doflamingo. A blue vein appeared on his forehead, with one hand With a grasp, five lines crossed in front of him, and after blocking the slashing of Yingju and Mu Kui, the other hand suddenly grabbed to Kulo.

“Five Color Strings!”

The slender, almost transparent silk thread shot out from his finger, and as Doflamingo’s arm grabbed it down, the five threads were like animal claws. He hacked at Kulo.

Kulo raised his brows and did not move the slightest movement. Two Swords suddenly flew away and moved horizontally in front of him.


With a crisp sound, Sakuraju and Muku crossed to block the blow.

“Continue to dance.”

Following Kulo’s voice, the two short broadswords swung forward, opening the lines, and continuing to attack Doflamingo.

Sakura Ten and Mu Kui staggered in the air for a while, aiming at Doflamingo and continuing to attack, Doflamingo stepped back, with silk threads on his fingers, constantly resisting the attack of Two Swords.

The toughness of this sword is very good, not an ordinary sword, otherwise he would have cut it long ago.

“Hateful guy!” Doflamingo clenched the teeth, with two hands and five fingers, grabbing at Sakura Ten and Mu with silk thread.


Sakura Ten and Mu Kui flew left and right. Doflamingo’s claws smashed into the space, hitting the huge dining table, leaving a gap in the center of the dining table.

Two Swords staggered in the air, joined together from behind, like scissors, aiming at Doflamingo’s back and making a wrong cut.


Two Swords were twisted together, but there was a gap.

Kulo looked up towards the top, and saw the flamingo leaning against a corner like a spider at this time, with its limbs widened, floating in the corner of the wall.

“You just want to die? Marine.” Doflamingo’s tone became cold.

“Jie hahaha, it’s really a good show.” Teach said with a big smile at this time.

“Shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, fight, keep fighting!” Moria clapped and smiled at this time.

Kulo glanced at them, indifferently said: “You guys dance and show me.”


He patted the table with his palm.

At that moment, all the silver plates and knives on the dining table flew up and hit the two people over there.

Moria smiled wickedly and was hit by those silver plates with knives and forks. His body suddenly turned black, turning into a shadow and disappearing.

Teach is the palm of the extend the hand, aiming at the silver plates of flying knives and forks, revealing a deep darkness in the palm, sucking all those things in.

Vaguely, Ying Shi and Mu Ku also became trembling under this suction force.

“Hey, do you want to deal with three Shichibukai alone?”

Teach stood up and smiled at Kulo with a toothless smile, “Jie hahahaha, that’s really It’s awesome.”

Besides, the scattered shadows instantly converged and turned into Moria’s appearance again, “Shrimp, shrimp, it’s decided, I want to cut off your shadow!”

Kulo took a look at them and stood up slowly. He held the scabbard in his left hand and flicked his thumb up, revealing a section of the black blade of the limbid autumn water.

“That knife…”

Mihawk looked towards the limpid autumn water around Kulo’s waist, revealing a surprised look.

“limpid autumn water? Why is it in your hands?!” Moria was surprised at this moment.

The knife was clearly stolen from the country of Wano. After he was defeated by Straw Hat, the knife should have been in the hands of Straw Hat’s group. Why did it come to Marine’s hand? in.

Sakuraju and Muku flew over at this time, standing right and left behind Kulo, he slowly pulled out the limpid autumn water, and at the same time that the blade was unsheathed, Busoshoku Haki took his Full coverage of his body, black and purple tears appeared from the corners of his eyes.

“This level of Haki…”

The Doflamingo who was holding it in the air was sweating, Moria was so scared that he took a few steps back, and Teach was stared wide-eyed, Reveal a terrified look.

Isn’t that swordsman?

When will swordsman’s Haki cover the whole body?

“Stop it, Kulo.”

Suddenly, at this moment Crane said something, “This is Mariejois, don’t make trouble here.”

He glanced at Kulo and said to the other three: “And you, if you want to make trouble, go to the battlefield to make trouble. They are both under the World Government. Now is not the time for you to make trouble.”

Kulo glanced at Tsuru and then at the three Shichibukai who were like enemies. Haki converged all over. He took the limbid autumn water back, and Sakuraju and Muku also flew back into the scabbard around his waist at this time.

“As long as it doesn’t disturb me eating.”

Kulo sat down and said to Marine who was already dumbstruck behind him: “Come on, give me two more foods. I’m so hungry. It’s not enough to eat.”

Moria looked at Kulo complicatedly and stopped talking.

Teach wiped the sweat from his head, forced a smile and said: “Jie hahahaha, I thought I was going to be killed, it is really dangerous, you Marine.”

Kulo poured himself a glass of wine, stared at Teach, and said meaningfully: “Let’s lie.”

These words made Teach’s smile abruptly stagnated, and he looked at Kulo deeply. , And no longer speak.

Doflamingo fell from a high altitude, stared at Kulo for a moment, and laughed: “Hey, hey, is there a new blood in Marine? It’s really funny!”

He also He didn’t sit down, put his hands in his pockets, walked forward with a swagger, and said to the surrounding Marine: “I’m tired, arrange a room for me.”


That Marine glanced at Kulo nervously, then took Doflamingo away.

“Jie hahaha, then I won’t be here anymore.”

Teach also walked out.


Moria took a sip, walked in the other direction, and went out.

Shichibukai immediately missed three.

The bear is still sitting there without any sense of existence.

It was Mihawk who glanced at Kulo and said: “limpid autumn water, one of 21 O Wazamono, black blade. It’s really suitable for you, but if you didn’t make it yourself, it might not be suitable, you Would such a man lack this kind of spirit?”

He glanced at the other Two Swords on Kulo’s waist. The Two Swords seemed to be of high quality, which made Mihawk faintly familiar.

“Swords and swords are such an inconvenience, so convenient.” Kulo replied.

He likes to pick up ready-made ones.

hearing this, Mihawk laughed, took a sip from the glass, and then stood up: “Isn’t a sword an inconvenience? It’s a great speech. You seem to have gained the ability, and you are no longer a pure swordsman. , It’s a pity…”

Speaking, Mihawk also left the banquet hall.

Kulo twitched his lips, still pure swordsman? Do you miss being a pure swordsman?

He didn’t become Greatest Swordsman in the World again.

Several Shichibukai left one by one, but the bear remained silent, sitting there like a sculpture.

Without the few skin monkeys, the banquet hall finally calmed down.

He said at this time: “You did good, Pirate is untrustworthy after all. Only with proper deterrence will they know of awe.”

“I just want to be quiet. Have a meal.”

Kulo shook his head, suddenly looked towards the bear, pointed at him and said: “Speaking of which, is this guy almost finished?”

Crane indifferent expression, There was no sound.

Kulo looked at him for a while, but couldn’t help but say: “Bear, Fuck, your grandma, did you hear that?!”

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