The Captains were fighting the Marine elite at the center at this time. Naturally, they couldn’t control this side, but the captains who had just logged in heard this.


A man wearing a crown but wearing a costume similar to juggling looked at Kuro and said, “That’s him.”

This is the captain of Whitebeard Pirates, Amadob.

An older female pirate looked at Kuro and said, “But I don’t seem to see the knife.”

The same captain, Elmi.

“Don’t worry about that many, grab him first, and you won’t know.”

It was a chapter Fishman who was talking with six arms holding a machete, and walked over.

Subsidiary captain, Garuma.

With him, there are a dozen Pirates.

All are the captains of the famous Pirate Ships in New World!

Seeing a dozen captains coming towards him, Kuro hurriedly explained: “No, I am not Kuro, no, I am Kuro, but I am not Kulo.”

“Kuro is right, we are looking for you, what does it have to do with that Kulo.” Rumba held the weapon and approached step by step…

Among the crowd, Lida flew Shigan to kill a Pirate who came over, looked at Kulo and said disgustedly: “Did you use Kuro’s name again?”


Kulo turned sideways, avoided a Pirate’s knife, kicked him in the body with a kick, kicking him away.

At the same time, his fingers stretched out, and a Shigan hit Pirate, who was about to cut to a nearby Marine, and made a hole in his body.

“I remember that I quoted my name. They misheard it. This is also a good thing. They won’t notice me anymore.” Kulo said.

Leda thought of something and said: “Wait a minute…Where did you get photographed before and met Whitebeard?”

About this, Kulo didn’t want to speak.

They are all bitter and tearless ones.

Seeing Kulo’s speechless expression, Lida was surprised: “I really met, then you will be noticed by them.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Kulo’s head tilted, a saber pierced his head from behind him, and Leda pointed a finger in that direction.


Pirate behind Kulo’s forehead was hit by a bullet, his head raised, and he fell down.

“Kuro is the one who is being noticed. What does it have to do with my Kulo.” Kulo said without any guilt.

It was not his intention. He reported to Daimyo. People have to recognize Kuro. What can he do? He is also helpless.

“Kuro is okay?”

Leda jumped to the side, and Kulo kicked in that direction, kicking Pirate into the air.

“Well, he has to rush forward, no matter if he receives a lesson, at the worst, he can still escape.”

Kulo hasn’t retracted his foot yet. Swipe hard to the side.


A slash flew out of his feet and flew towards the Marine who fell to the ground not far from the Pirate sneak attack. Next to Marine, two Pirate was about to kill the killer when he saw slash approaching, hitting the bodies of the two of them, causing them to rise and fall to the ground.

“Thanks…Thank you!” Marine took a breath and said to Kulo in shock.

“If you are injured, go to the back. If you are here, you will only lose one life, maybe you will lose the lives of your colleagues.” Kulo said to him.

There is a medical team, but Marineford’s medical team belongs to the aftermath. Now if they enter the battlefield, they will only die faster.

“But, but I can still fight.” Marine hesitated.

Kulo glanced at his epaulettes and said: “You are just a captain, I am Commander, I allow you to retreat. But if you really want to fight, I won’t stop you, life and death The battlefield is decided, but if you can’t hold it anymore, you don’t have to worry about punishment if you want to retreat. If someone asks, it’s my Lucifer·Kulo’s permission.”

“Yes! I understand, I will obey the Kulo Commander’s orders!”

The Marine stood up, holding his bloody shoulders, hesitated for a moment, moved towards Kulo and saluted, and withdrew back.

He is not the kind of meritocracy, he is injured now, of course, it is the main purpose of saving his life.

Leda looked at him curiously, “Hey, don’t you maintain a neutral attitude towards those who have positions?”

She has been with Kulo for so long, and she knows Kulo very well. For civilians who have no position, he will take care of them when he is capable and based on what he sees.

But for those who have a stand, Marine, Pirate, Revolutionary Army, King’s Army, etc., he never cares.

Kulo once told her that you must be prepared to pay for everything. When Marine, you must be prepared to die when fighting Pirate.

Being Pirate, you must be prepared to be arrested and killed by Marine and be hacked.

Kulo smacked his lips: “A battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people suffers from serious casualties. Some people don’t want to fight and can’t force them to force them.”

Fishing here, of course, is not qualified to force people to fight here, and retreat if they are injured, otherwise, there is no other effect except for one more head here in Pirate.

But if you count on him as a babysitter on the battlefield, it is also impossible.

If you really want to do this, what do you want that many Marine to do? Can’t you recruit a few battle strengths that are fierce?

“Retreat back, get too close, and you will be discovered by the damned old man.”

Kulo glanced at his current distance, and the Marines rushed very fast , Basically under the ship’Moby Dick’, this distance is too dangerous for him.


Leda easily escaped from a Pirate’s attack and put one hand on Pirate’s body, and Pirate went limp.

The two people gradually retreated back in the Marine current, gradually losing sight of the figures.


Ahead, Kuro is at war with a dozen captains.

Kuro’s figure disappeared, and the five claws attacked the captain Rumba like Knight, but the high speed was blocked by Rumba.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Dilkaban seized the opportunity and came in at a high speed.

In desperation, Kuro could only withstand the grabbing of the brothers, and then stepped back and dodged again with a’shave’. Then, as soon as he reached the position, there was a sharp wave behind him. Strong wind.


Kuro’s body flew away, the claw blade of one hand scraped five marks on the ice surface, and the other hand trembled slightly.

In his original position, the chapter Fishman stood there holding six machetes in his hand, maintaining a waving posture, “Oh? Did you hide it? Good skill.”

“After all, the escape was under the hands of the old man and the Captains.”

Elmy and several captains appeared on the other side of Kuro and said: “You can’t take this man lightly. “

“Yes, try to get rid of him quickly, and then save Ace.”

Rumba held the knife and went to the other side of Kuro with the other captains.

In front, Brother Dilkaban and the other captains.

Vaguely, there is a tendency to surround Kuro.

A lot of Marine rushing over lie down around them. This was solved by the hand when fighting with Kuro just now.

These New World captains are not weak.

On the contrary, each one is strong and amazing.

For one or two, Kuro is good to say, but when there are more than a dozen, Kuro may not be able to save it now, let alone taking care of other Marines.

“There is no way…”

Kuro stood up, with his hands lowered, staring at the three captains who were approaching.

If you want to withdraw, it seems that you have to pay a price…


Suddenly, there was a loud and passionate voice next to me. drink.

Immediately, a team of Marine rushed towards the captains on Elmi’s side.

“trifling Marine.”

Elmy and some of the captains smiled and looked towards the group of Marine who rushed over, ready to deal with them.

However, at this moment, a leading Marine rushed over, and the saber stabbed Ermy’s fat body with a press forward imposing manner.

“This impossible, you…”

Armie stepped back after being stabbed by this blade, staring at the person coming, but she hasn’t waited for her to move , Marine behind him besieged, using the gun with the spear, the knife with the knife, and chopped down the fat woman in a pool of blood.


Several captains turned pale with fright, one after another attacked, confronted the group of Marines.

But something different is that these Marines are not comparable to the previous Marines who were defeated at will. Although their ranks are low, they have an unusual imposing manner.

A Marine was stabbed through the shoulder by a captain, but gritted his teeth. The other hand dragged the captain’s movements. With this gap, the remaining Marines attacked and attacked the The captain chopped down with a knife.

For a while, these captains were at a stalemate with this group of Marines.

The Marine who stabbed Ermi first, walked over and pulled out the knife from her body, and said loudly to Kuro, “Are you okay, Mr. Kuro!”

” Ka, Kas?!”

Kuro opened his eyes wide and couldn’t say anything: “Why are you here?”

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