Some people are born leaders, and they have that aptitude from birth, which attracts heroes and works for this.

Some people rely on great luck and unique personality charm, and they can also attract some powerhouses with poor heads.

Unfortunately, there are many people on the sea with bad heads.

There are also some people who are acquired. After a certain point and awakening, Awakening has their own will, and as they become more convinced of this will, they will also infect other people.

Cass is the last one.

This bearded Marine, who has been in the army no shorter than Kulo, worked hard and diligently at East Blue. In the end, because he met Kulo, he comprehended his will and became more and more convinced.

His conviction made his temperament involuntarily shifted and assimilated a group of people close to him.

Those Marines who are confused at the bottom, through him, those Marines also reproduce this will and turn it into their own will.

That is-tenacious justice!

Will is power.

These Marines, the lowest is a second lieutenant, and the highest is a captain. During this time and Cass’ training, they were assimilated by Cass and involuntarily regarded Cass as their leader.

Through Cass, they exploded the deep-seated power in their bodies.

Cass held the knife and roared impassionedly: “Mr. Kuro deserves to be Mr. Kulo’s subordinate. He dares to deal with more than a dozen captains alone. This justice is worth learning from. Colleagues, Don’t let down Mr. Kuro’s enthusiasm!”

The nearby Marine hearing this, it became even harder and crazy to deal with the captain, and for a while gained the upper hand.

What did I do to me?

Kuro wanted to say that he rushed over his head and was pitted by Kulo. Then he was surrounded by the captain.

But looking at the passionate and passionate appearance of these people, this is really hard to say.

And this group of Marines is a bit strong, one or two seems to be very weak, but dozens or hundreds of them together are very strong.

A group of miscellaneous soldiers actually killed two captains, and they were able to fight back and forth with the remaining captains.

“It’s only you, Mr. Kuro…”

Cass looked around, but didn’t find Kulo’s silhouette, “Well, it’s not the time to meet Mr. Kulo.” “

He said to Kuro: “Mr. Kuro, I have also come to the Grand Line. Unfortunately, I cannot keep up with Mr. Kulo’s footsteps. Fortunately, this war will be I have the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Kulo.”

To Kuro extend the hand, he said seductively: “Sa, Mr. Kuro, let’s deal with these captains together. Use the captain’s head as me Follow the ladder of Mr. Kulo. You will help me, right, for the justice of Mr. Kulo, for the justice of all Marines, for the peace and dawn of the world!”

That sufficient will from this beard The display on his body made Kuro’s heart subconsciously surging with blood, and he jumped fiercely twice.

It’s not fruit power, it’s pure will.

On the contrary, it is more terrifying.

“The Marine is a threat!”

Rumba keenly discovered this situation. That big beard is obviously the core figure of this group of heroic Marines. If you kill him, then everything Will all disappeared.

“Dilkaban Brother!” Rumba shouted loudly.

“Leave it to us!”

Dilkaban brother’s figure flashed, jumped high, and the cat’s claws aimed at Cass and attacked.

Cass raised his head and looked at the Pirate brother who struck without fear, shouted: “Does Pirate only do dirty things like sneak attacks?!”

With sharp and determined gazes, the bodies of the two of them shook, and their movements obviously stopped a little.

After that, the Marines around Cass stood in front of him one by one. Following the attack of guns and swords, they flew the two brothers out, and Brother Dilkaban was there. A flip in the air, sliding several meters on the ground, both lifting heads staring at the group of Marines solemnly.

“What is that…spiritual shock?” Rumba was a little surprised from the side.

He just sensed that strong spirit strength, but he couldn’t tell what it was.

That is not Haoshoku Haki, but a physical attack that is spiritualized.

“Just kidding…”

Kuro looked at Cass in disbelief. Others didn’t know, but he was very familiar. When Dilkaban’s brother attacked just now , Cass obviously showed a style similar to Kuroh’s “crash” style.

But it is not murderous aura, but a passionate will.

Kuro has been around Kulo for so long, often abused, no, trained, only then learned a little essence of Kulo’s high-speed movement.

This Cass has not received the training of Mr. Kulo. Even if he stayed under Mr. Kulo during the time in East Blue, Mr. Kulo should not show his strength. Where did he learn it.

Moreover, I learned the spiritual style embodied by this kind of will.


A captain raided from the rear, flew a few Marines, and came straight behind Cass.


At this moment, several claw blades blocked his attack.

Kuro appeared below the captain, grinning at him, and his other hand swept over the captain’s body, “Rankyaku · Claw!”

Five claw blades Slashed away the captain’s body, carried five slashes, and knocked it into the air.

Kuro stood up, turned and said to Cass: “Well, let’s join hands and get rid of these captains first.”

Although the number of captains is larger, it exceeds him. The plan, but with Cass and this group of people, it can be done in a single pot, and it will be a big success if you are doing meritorious service.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Kuro.”

Cass solemnly nodded and shouted: “My colleagues, this is my most respected person, Mr. Kuro, Mr. Kulo’s direct subordinate! With his presence, we will be victorious!”

“Mr. Cass!!! Mr. Kuro!!!”

The Marines shouted fanatically, the waves The trembling air is rustling.

“This level…”

Kuro was scared to take a step back by the enthusiasm of this group of Marines.

Cass squeezed his saber and pointed it at the captains who had gathered in front of him, loudly said: “The enemy is the captain of Whitebeard Pirates, with great reputation. But we will not give in, because we are …”


The Marines clenched their weapons and shouted angrily at the other captains.

They seem to be heated up, twisting their faces, making their appearance more savage and brave.

“For justice, arrest them!”


Cass waved his saber and rushed out first, and the whole Marine followed closely. Afterwards, a swarm of killings directed at the enemy captain.



The Kulo in the crowd shivered inexplicably, subconsciously looked towards the front shrouded by the Marine current , The sound of fighting around him screamed, and he didn’t know what was happening in front of him.

“What’s wrong with you?” Leda asked.

“I don’t know, I always feel a bit of a chill…Who is thinking about me, Whitebeard? He shouldn’t be thinking about me now.”

Kulo punches and flies. Pirate rushed over, “Still a little bit more attention, don’t be discovered by those Captains.”

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