The plan is to let Whitebeard be buried in the surrounding wall. For this reason, even the little Oars was chopped down by him. The fear is that this huge body can hold Whitebeard, but he has forgotten. There is such a ship.

At the moment when it was surrounded by sea water, the ship seemed to be in it, through the coating, but the sea water lost its threat. As for the ice, there was no way to stop Whitebeard from shaking.

“Is there a breakthrough…” Sengoku’s face was not good. “Hateful, it would not be nice to let him go to the square.”

“Obviously did this It’s detailed, really…”

Garp whispered: “If breakthrough surrounds the wall, then the surrounding wall is likely to become an obstacle to us.”

“Finally Come in!!!”

The coating on the ship cracked, and the Pirates raised their weapons and cheered.

“Goo la la la…Ace, head is still on your neck.”

Whitebeard jumped off the boat, glanced at Ace on the platform, and held it with both hands Staying at Naginata, he mentioned later, “Wait, I will let you out immediately!”

The shock wave emerged from Naginata and swung out suddenly.

hong long long! ! !

Marineford experienced a great shock. The shock wave shook away. Except for a few Vice Admiral, the Marine in front was blown away and crashed into the collapsed building.


Pirates rushed forward in the clearing cleared by this shock wave.

Sentenced on platform, three Admiral extend the hand palms, with Haki to resist the shock wave.

There is one more place, and the same is true.

Kulo appeared on the left side of Marineford, with golden lightning glow on the blade, slashing before the shock wave of the shock, and dividing the shock wave into two, rushing to the sea, rolling up the tsunami, and the other One side entered Marineford’s interior and destroyed the building again.

But the building behind him is still intact.

Because his home is in that direction.

He smacked his mouth, bit his cigar and spit out a puff of smoke, “This is not easy…”

However, it has nothing to do with him next, his own role It’s almost done, and if he rushes over without thinking, if he is targeted by Whitebeard, he won’t be pleased.

Just now, I blocked him with a knife in the surrounding wall, and his body is still a little uncomfortable now.

Next is the matter for Admiral.


Just as he thought about it, a cloud of sand appeared next to him, and it rushed toward this side at a swift speed.


Kulo raised the knife subconsciously, blocking the attack of a golden hook.


Kulo was taken aback, “What are you coming to do with me? Do you want Whitebeard’s head?”

“Shut up , Lao Tzu is in a bad mood now, the previous golden slash…Alabasta, it’s you, right.” Crocodile said gloomily.

Originally, Kulo took the black blade, Crocodile was not sure yet, but the slash that slashed at Jinbe made him sure.

The mysterious swordsman Alabasta met, who almost made him give up thinking in the rain, and who gave him a knife in the end is this person!

“Alabasta? I haven’t been there.”

Kulo slashed the Crocodile away, cut it out again, and cut him in half.

“Don’t lie, desert sword!”

Crocodile’s body was filled with sand. He directly stretched out his hand, his arm sanded out to form a machete, and went straight to Kulo.

Kulo dodged to his side, avoiding this slash, the sand fell directly on the ground and stretched along the ground, cutting the ground into a huge smooth incision.

“Ah…good terrifying.”

Kulo gritted his teeth, swept a touch of Haki on the blade, and slashed it over. However, Crocodile was obviously prepared long ago, and this blade is just Cut an empty space and was avoided by Kenbunshoku Haki.

He really feels terrifying, not fake.

Kulo never underestimated Shichibukai, and he never thought that Shichibukai’s so-called “weak” can be weak, especially the old Shichibukai.

Since the birth of the Shichibukai system, they sit firmly in this position, not because they are’Shichibukai’, but because they have never defeated, they are called’Shichibukai’.

Even if Crocodile is defeated by Straw Hat by chance, its strength cannot be underestimated.

If it is careless, he will be sucked into a mummy.

The battle of Powerhouse has always been a waste. At the level of Crocodile, it is impossible to solve the battle instantly.

This guy obviously retains a lot of stamina. At this time, the battle is obviously serious again, and his attention is on himself. It is not so easy to hit him.

Marine and Pirate are fighting together again, which is not the same as the small fights on the ice. These Captains have no reservations, and they all rush to the nearby Marine, which is stronger than before. Where to go.

Whitebeard was about to swing the knife again, but the precognition appeared suddenly and quickly froze Whitebeard. However, the freezing had no effect under the shock. body of precognition.

He was stabbed through.

“This is useless…”

Precognition held the handle of the naginata, and the frost spread quickly, and beside him, several ice spears appeared.


Suddenly, an extremely shiny silhouette slammed him away, smashed into a pile of fragments and flew out, fell to the ground not far away, and turned into a human again.

“‘Diamond’ Jozu…”

Precognition’s face is a little gloomy, and a trace of blood spills on the corner of his mouth.

Just now, I was hit by Haki.

“Hell la la la, frozen little demon, my son is not so easy to deal with!”

Whitebeard laughed, and suddenly moved forward, waving his naginata, ready to go again Hit a blow.


One foot blocked his blade.

Akainu put his hands in his pockets, facing Whitebeard and said solemnly: “If you do anything wrong, this island will not be able to bear it.”

“Then you will guard it, magma little demon.” Whitebeard said with a smile.

“Ace, wait for me!”

Almost half of Marco, who had recovered, turned into Phoenix at this time and flew high.


Kizaru was surprised, his fingers stretched out, and several laser shots hit Marco’s body, just in the form of Phoenix. Kizaru’s laser is not very useful.

“Is it terrifying good recovery ability, in that direction, is it going to save the prisoner?” Kizaru said.

As soon as Marco flew to the execution platform, Garp flew up and knocked him down with a heavy blow.


Sengoku was surprised: “No one is forcing you to do it, you want it yourself.”

“Stop talking nonsense, old man It’s Marine after all.”

Garp fell below the execution platform and sat in the middle of Admiral’s position, said solemnly: “If you want to pass here, kill the old man first, boys!”

“Even Mr. Garp took action.”

Kizaru appeared in front of Marco and extended the hand, “The old man can’t let you pass anymore.”


Sentenced on platform, Sengoku overlooked the battle, face somewhat gloomy.

Akainu is facing Whitebeard.

Precognition is held back by Jozu.

Kizaru blocked Marco.

And the Kulo, who had the power to decide the battle, was blocked by the bastard Crocodile at this time.

The situation is very bad. The Pirates are obviously full of momentum. Although they have a large number of Marines, they cannot consume too much here.

The longer the delay, the greater the loss to Marine.

He rolled up his sleeves and said solemnly: “It seems I can do it too.”

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