Kulo slashed towards Crocodile with a knife that contained Haki, but was still dodged by his elemental transformation in advance.

“Desert Spada!”

Crocodile does not converge. The cut upper and lower body just stand, and the arms of the upper body quickly stretch out and become two huge The blade of sand flew towards Kulo.

“Chop the waves.”

Kulo slapped a slash to offset the two sand blades.

Crocodile gathered his body at this time and continued to rush towards Kulo.

If a veteran Shichibukai really wants to stop him with determination, there will be no victory or defeat in a short time.

Not to mention that Kulo has no idea about Whitebeard and doesn’t want to go.

Furthermore, you can’t take the job of Sakazuki Admiral. They have made it clear during the Mariejois meeting that he is the main force.

The words spoken by such a stubborn person, one spit and one nail, how can Kulo take the favor of others.

Being beaten by Whitebeard…No, of course Admiral came to beat Whitebeard and so on.

If he goes up as a Commander, the world will criticize him for not being qualified enough.

Well, it’s good to be dragged by Crocodile.

At this time, the battlefield near Whitebeard.

At this moment, among the ships behind him, there is still one person who hasn’t come down, and that is Izang.

Lida received a sudden “kidney attack” and was inhaled. He was injured more severely than Marco. Marco’s recovery ability was much stronger than him. He was only Towed to this boat for training.

But now, I have finally recovered a bit of physical strength.

After being able to act, Izang came out, and the battlefield in front of him deeply hurt him.

Izang looked at Whitebeard who was fighting Akainu, and clenched the two guns in his hands.

Daddy and his friends are desperate, he can’t just sit idly by.


Izang looked towards the two guns in his hand, “Just a gun is not enough. Everyone is working hard, I can’t keep it anymore. …”

In the past, the adult was Dad’s partner. He was brought on the boat by the adult. Later, because of Roger, the adult went there, but he stayed there. On Whitebeard’s ship, he gradually called Whitebeard the daddy.

Later, he returned to the country with that highness and suffered the deepest grief.

Since then, Izang hasn’t used a sword to fight, but he practiced that sword technique often.

But now it has to be used to fight.

The two people I respect most, one is dead, and the other is suffering from a huge crisis.

He can’t watch his father and his friends still hesitate when they encounter a crisis.

If you hesitate, you will lose.

He had had enough of this lesson back then.

“His Royal Highness, if you were there, I would think that I was pedantic these years, but even if it is pedantic, I will be loyal to you, but now this loyalty, I must use it for another respected person I’m on my body!”

Izang dropped his guns and returned to the cabin.

On the battlefield, Lida is also fighting Pirate with Marine, she is more relaxed.

It’s not easy for Pirate to hit her. The remote ones can be easily avoided, while the close ones…

“Essence capture.”

Leda avoided a Pirate’s slash, reached out and pressed his chest, that Pirate collapsed and was kicked away by her.

“Strike Whitebeard!”

The Marines rushed to Whitebeard under the leadership of a Vice Admiral.

Leda stepped back. Kulo warned her that the battlefield is very dangerous, especially on Whitebeard’s side. Stay away from him, otherwise it’s easy to happen.

In fact, even without Kulo, she would not rush to Whitebeard.

She can see the gap.

Just when Lida wanted to change direction and continue to look for Pirate, she suddenly felt a sharp sense of sharpness around her, which made her shivered subconsciously.

In an instant, her arms were Busoshoku hardened and crossed to block.

chi chi chi chi!

A few wipes of blade light are like dancing moons, dancing in the middle of the Marine, cutting over the group of Marines.

Lida deng deng deng took a few steps back, held breath cold air, and there were a few more scars on her white and tender arm.

With Haki, he almost couldn’t stop it.

In the middle of the lying down Marine, a man wearing a cross-dressed kimono one-knee kneels down, holding a saber in both hands and holding it in front of him. Behind him, a Marine was cut with a scar on his chest, his eyes turned white and fell down.

The man stood up, held a knife in both hands, and shouted loudly to the remaining Marine: “At this time, it is the moment of showing loyalty! The former Kozuki retainer, now the Captain of the 16th Division of Whitebeard Pirates, [Hua Liu Flow】Izang, join!!!”


Whitebeard and Akainu spelled it out. Hearing the sound, they looked towards Izang and opened their eyes slightly, “Izang…did I use a knife?”

Vista cut down a Marine at this time and turned back to say with a smile: “Oh? Izang used a knife. It’s really rare. I have never seen him fight with a knife.”

“Hua Liu Flow…”

Mihawk on the other side of the battlefield showed a hint of surprise, “There is also Kozuki…the warrior of Wano country.”


Kulo was also attracted by the sound, looked over there, and saw a few scars on Lida’s arm, and his face was a little ugly right away.

“Don’t glanced around when fighting with Lao Tzu, the desert sword!”

A cloud of sand is rolled up on the ground and turned into the shape of a giant sword, piercing it straight towards Kulo.


Kulo raised a knife, smashed the desert giant sword, slapped his lips, looked towards Crocodile, “You are so annoying.”

“The annoying thing is still behind. , Marine!” Crocodile said with a smile.

“I’m too lazy to deal with you now…”

Kulo’s figure is slightly low, his palm is on the ground, and he swipes a knife suddenly, “Chop.”

The golden slash cuts Crocodile’s body in an instant.

“This style is useless to Lao Tzu!” Crocodile deserted in the vicinity and was about to fight back when Kulo’s palm on the ground was raised.

“Go and play with the rocks, poisonous snake.”


Under the ground, a large wave of rocks was set off, covering the sandy Crocodile Pressing it down, and then squeezing his palm, the rock wave that lifted up instantly twisted and shrank into a twisty stone pillar, mixed with sand, and fell to the ground.

However, it is also the skill of this battle, Izang has already attacked Leda.

His body seemed to be dancing, and the knife he swung couldn’t find a standard angle. It was obviously a horizontal cut, but it made a weird bend and appeared above or below.

Leda hardened Haki with her hands, she could only resist.

With a knife, she can’t touch Yizang’s body at all.


dong dong!

Leda blocked two blows, stepped back a few steps, shook her arms with a few more wounds, and barked her teeth and said, “It hurts. , You this bastard!”

Izang ignored her, holding the knife in both hands, starting from the lower left side and moving up to the top of his head, and then starting to swipe down the right foot. The blade light does not disperse. Gradually a circle was drawn around him.

“Hua Liu Liu·Wu…”

“Fast speed Soru!”

Suddenly, a silhouette suddenly appeared behind him, and Kuro came to hide Later, a Shigan stabbed him in the back.

“Idiot Kuro, get away, that’s a style that can’t get close to you!” Lida was surprised.

But it’s too late.

Izo, who was about to be hit by Kuro, had no tendency to evade at all. His eyes were slightly closed, the blade fell on the right foot, a complete circle was drawn, and the last two words were spoken.

“White Moon.”

In an instant, Kuro felt that his hairs were trembling all over his body. He subconsciously stood up, his hands folded around his waist, and shouted: “Tekkai!!! “


Kuro’s chest was puffed up from bottom to top of blood, and the soles of his feet were half an inch off the ground with the force of the cut. The eyes began to turn white, but finally clenched the teeth sharply, his feet fell heavily with a thump, and a fist struck him like lightning.

“Tekkai · Gun Punch!”

This extremely fast punch went straight to hide the heart, but he flashed sideways, and his fist slid across his chest. , Yi Zang floated a trace of disdain, and slashed it over.


At this moment, two black shadows agitated in the air, with splitting the air sound, quickly moved towards here.

Izang eyes shrank, the cutting edge of the past instantly changed its direction, drew a semicircle, and slashed towards the rear.

Two short broadswords were broken apart by this blade, spinning suddenly in the air.

Before waiting to hide the knife, a dark shadow appeared in front of him.


Yizang’s body moved back several meters, groaned, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

His hands holding the knife trembled slightly. At this time, the knife edge in front of him had a gap.

“Oh? Is it blocked? The sword technique is good.”

Kulo appeared in front of Lida, waved the limpid autumn water, and said to Yizang: “Just follow Like dancing, you didn’t practice dancing before?”


Yizang gritted his teeth and said: “You really are not from the country of He, if you were there. People should understand that [Hua Liu Liu] is originally a kind of dance.”

“Well, that kind of thing doesn’t matter.”

Kulo scratched his head and glanced at Lida. Said: “I told you not to run around.”

Next, he looked towards Kuro, who was on his knees and panting constantly, “How?”

” Still… still alive.” Kuro gritted his teeth.

“Leda.” Kulo said.


Leda walked over, reached out and held Kuro, “Essence feedback!”

Kuro shook all over, feeling huge Essence surged forward, he slowly stood up, moved his hands and feet, the injured place was not so painful, and the blood no longer remained.

But the wound is still there, now it’s just more energy for him to move normally that’s all.

“Please pay attention to the current battlefield. If you are a little careless, you will really die.”

With that, he looked towards Yizang, “This is also a Tricky characters, looking at the sword technique, they are very good at dealing with enemies around them. It’s like a ball, it’s hard to get close…”

The one holding the gun is totally different from the one holding the knife. .

It takes time to deal with this character who has exploded with all his strength.

“It’s hard to get close, you can try it and see it, thief.”

Izang raised his knife to the top of his head, and said solemnly: “limpid autumn water, I must get it back. !”

Kulo laughed: “I have used this knife smoothly. If I return it, I will be very uncomfortable.”

“Hua Liuliu…”


Izang just opened his posture, and [Yingshi] and [Wooden] floated in the air again and shot towards Izang.

“Snake Dance!”

Disappeared as a hidden body, the blade light bends like a snake in the space, avoiding the Two Swords that stabbed him, and rushed to it quickly Kulo’s side, cut it open with one knife


Kulo made a sharp chopping and withstood Izang’s this blade, and the blade and the blade trembled slightly.

The blade was tangled together, making Kulo frowned visibly.

He felt his knife stuck, like a snake wrapped around it.

“The angle is tricky, the sword technique of Wano Country is really a bit of a doorway.”

Kulo hooked his finger, and immediately returned to the [Sakura Ten] and [Wooden] in front. Charge behind Izang.


At this moment, a giant man covered in flashes quickly rushed, smashed the two short broadswords flying, and moved towards Kulo. While clashing.


“Ah la la, sorry, Kulo.”

The precognition not far away came back and said that he now has a few more Captains and captains around him, and he is entangled. .

“You give me serious, bastard!”

Kulo cursed out of anger, looking at Jozu who was hitting at a rapid speed, and said: “Lida.”

“Give it to me!”

At this time, Lida pressed Kulo’s back, “Essence is collected!”

A lot of essence, from Kulo’s body Passing into Leda’s body, she stretched out her other hand and aimed at Jozu who was about to hit him at this time.

With Kulo’s stamina, he is naturally not afraid of Lida sucking, and he can knock Jozu away with the impact.


“Stop it!!!”

However, just as Lida was about to release, there was a sudden sound in the square. Lida’s movements were interrupted by a yell of, and her spirits were obviously shocked.

That voice, with a tyrannical imposing manner, made people slow down, and time seemed to have stalled.

After the stagnation, whether Marine or Pirate, all fell down at this moment, including the two soldiers who were preparing to execute Ace on the execution platform.

Sengoku stared at Luffy running in the square, “That’s…”

Just when he ordered the execution of Ace, the grandson of Garp, An incredible imposing manner broke out.

“Oh~ good terrifying.”

Kizaru looked surprised and glanced over there.

“Hey, No way.” The precognition showed cold sweat.


That is Haoshoku Haki!


Lida felt a huge collision before she had time to relax under the Haoshoku. Jozu reacted faster than her, and slammed Leda away.


Leda spurt a mouthful of blood, was knocked out and fell to the ground.

The collision contained Haki, coupled with Jozu’s huge power, but it was not so pleasant.


Kulo eyes shrank, looked back.

“It’s done!”

Jozu was right in front of Kulo at this time. He turned his head and grabbed the gap. The diamond-wrapped fist raised back and brought Holding Haki, he hit Kulo’s head with a punch.

This man is not an ordinary troublesome. If that ability is not solved now, when the time comes, it will be even more troublesome.

Boom! !

this fist, hitting Kulo’s face straight, the huge force caused a wave of air, swaying a circle of dust around.

Kulo took off his hand holding the limpid autumn water, his whole body was smashed by this fist and then moved continuously, his feet plowed two ravines on the ground, and withdrew more than ten meters away. The body was able to stop.

His upper body is leaning back, but his feet are stuck to the ground like roots. They are straight and have no meaning to fall down.


Lida, who had only slowed down a little bit, saw this scene before she straightened up, and she screamed.

“You guys!”

Leda pupil shrink, her white hair fluttering without wind behind her head.

Suddenly, the stopped body moved, and a hand moved towards Lida swayed.

Kulo’s leaning back body slowly straightened up, his right hand was covering his face, and Busoshoku could be seen on the edge of his fingers, but even so, blood still flowed from under his palm .

He lowered his head, his face covered by his hands made people blind to his expression, but he could faintly see that his body was shaking.


Like a sharp blade out of a sheath, a pair of constricted pupils appeared between the fingers, with extreme anger in the eyes.

“I really want to make Lao Tzu laugh…”

A low voice came from Kulo’s mouth. He let go of his hand, revealing that nose and mouth are flowing. A very gloomy face with blood.

Kulo stared at Jozu and Izang, his pupils began to stain red, and he slowly said from his teeth: “Good job, very good job! You two , And the Haoshoku!”

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