
With the evacuation of Akagami and Whitebeard Pirates, Shichibukai disappeared automatically, leaving only the Marines who started to treat the injured Marine and shelter the dead colleagues.

No one does not hurt.

In this kind of high-intensity battle, there is no Marine without injuries.

Go down to Headquarter Ensign and up to Headquarter Fleet Admiral, everyone is wounded.

Kulo is sitting on a boulder, biting a cigar, looking at Marine to-and-fro, while Lida is bandaging him on the side.

“I said there is no need for bandaging, it is almost cured just now.” Kulo said helplessly to Lida.

“No way!”

Leda bandaged Kulo’s head, and then stuck her waist, loudly said: “What if there is any injury that hasn’t been discovered yet, in any case, first Bandage!”

Kuro on the side pushed his glasses, wanting to say that if it is an undetected injury, just bandaging is useless.

But he looked at Lida’s fierce look, and after thinking about it, he still didn’t dare to say anything.

“Hey, give me one.”

Suddenly, a voice came from ahead.

Kulo took a look and threw a cigar over. Smoker took it. After lighting it, he sat next to Kulo and vomited a smoke ring.

“The war is over…”

Smoker looked towards the sky, “but the follow-up doesn’t seem to be so easy to end. The Whitebeard, if he shouted out before he died, it was broadcast live. “


Kulo’s hand was straightened by Lida, watching her cautiously bandage herself, helplessly shook the head, said “Some of you will be busy next, but fortunately, Marine has not suffered many casualties.”

Smoker spit out the smoke again, and after a while, he muttered: “Is that man just dead? …”

Kulo knew he was talking about Straw Hat brat.

Suffering that many injuries, even with Jinbe’s protection behind him, he was still punched through the chest by Akainu, then chased by the precognition, and chased by the Old Master. This is impossible to survive.

In Smoker’s eyes, that Straw Hat is already dead.

“The man who is going to be Pirate King…” Smoker bit his cigar hard, his expression a bit complicated.

Pirate should be dead, but it is undeniable that the man and Pirate in his memory are actually a little different. If he died like this, Smoker didn’t know what to do for a while. What kind of mood to face.

Very sad.

“This kind of thing…”

Kulo picks his nose, flicks with the finger, and flies out a small filth. He doesn’t care about it and said: “A person His destiny depends on his own struggle and the process of history. I don’t think he will die so easily. Maybe he will be alive and kicking again after a while.”

“However, being a Pirate King can It’s not that easy, he has to crossed over first, and he has to not be caught by the police Uncle.” Kulo laughed maliciously.

Smoker gave Kulo a strange look, then shook his head and said: “You are here again.”

In addition to being exhausted, this person often says things that people don’t understand, although I don’t understand the meaning, but the joking in the tone is indeed audible. It is his unique cold joke that people can’t understand.

“What did you say?!”

While Kulo and Smoker were chatting, there was a shouting loudly not far from the battlefield.

Kulo moved his ears, looked over there, and saw Sengoku shouting at a Marine.

“How can it be, what the World Government thinks, one after another, this is the second time!” Sengoku’s green veins were exposed and his face was full of anger.

The Marine had to swallow, cautiously said: “If you don’t hide it, the Government thinks it will affect their reputation, so…”

“Shut up !”

Sengoku glared at him, sitting alone on the boulder, his face gloomy and uncertain.

Kulo retracted his gaze, and looked at Smoker, seeing him also sweating, revealing an incredible color.

“This kind of thing, the World Government actually wants to hide it?” Smoker opened his eyes wide, Sengoku was not far from them, and they could hear the voice.

The Marine said it was about Impel Down. Magellan was seriously injured but not dead yet, but the prisoners on the 6th floor escaped more than the few that Blackbeard brought, obviously fewer. A batch of prisoners, and several prisoners shuddering when they think about it, have disappeared.

Some of these people have obviously been erased by the World Government, and those who have been erased are all vicious existences. Now that the World Government chooses to conceal for the sake of reputation, it will obviously be Many people pay the price for this.

Kulo spit out smoke and sipped: “It’s also a magical operation that you can’t understand.”

If you don’t notify the whole world at this time, and don’t design a bounty order for this, wouldn’t it? Want those Pirates to start from newbie?

That hurt not only those arrogant Pirate, but also civilians and Marine.


Leda patted Kulo’s bandage, nodded with satisfaction: “That’s it.”


Kulo stood up, looked at his mummy-like body at the moment, twisted his arms, and strode out.

“Where are you going?” Leda asked.

“Go home and sleep.”

Thanks to his own blessing, the home has not been destroyed. At this time, what else can I do if I don’t go home and sleep here.


Although the war is over, no one is not busy.

“Mosimosi, okay, okay, the old man knows.”

In Kizaru’s office, this high-rise building was almost half collapsed by the earthquake at this time. No matter what the door is, Kulo can see Marineford in disarray from the outside.

Marine after a simple renovation, those who are not injured or slightly injured, in this brief moment, are all ready to go to the Grand Line or support the world.

Because of the influence of Whitebeard’s dying sentence, the Great Age of Pirates, which Roger started but has been weakening, has a tendency to return to Peak.

Treasure hunters, robbers, those who want to seek strength and power, or those who really want to be Pirate Kings, have gone out to sea one after another, which has caused the pressure on Marine to increase greatly, even if the Marine casualties are not large this time, but The level of trouble has not changed much.

Marine Headquarters is very empty at this time.

Sengoku and Garp went to Mariejois. Although Akainu was injured, he went to chase Whitebeard Pirates yesterday in order to expand his success. Precognition went to Impel Down to solve the trouble because of Magellan’s serious injury. Vice Admiral led the team. Go to deal with those Pirates that are starting to surge all over the world, and Old Master…

“Kulo, do you want to go to Mariejois with the old man? Those Celestial Dragons are now a little scared because of the chaos in the world. Well, I want to let the old man go for a while.”

Kulo rolled his eyes, “Are you kidding me, Old Master.”

“That’s it.”

Kizaru scratched his head and laughed and said, “Then, go on patrol. Now Marine is so busy. The staff is ready for you. Bring your subordinates and patrol on the Grand Line.”

Where are you waiting for me?

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