Kulo didn’t want to leave at first, because now Marineford has just ended the war, it’s very safe, but after thinking about it, there’s damage everywhere now, everyone is busy repairing, this is a little bit It’s not lively, and you can’t go to the restaurant even after a drink.

The most important thing is that Old Master sent him a sentence, after he went to Mariejois, he would go to monitor Kaido.

This makes Kulo’s memory seem to remember something. Although Kaido was blocked by Akagami, with his temperament, he might come to the headquarter’suicide’ or something.

Here, it’s not safe either.

I gave him a few knives, if I run to Marineford to recognize myself, it would be too dangerous.

On the past few days, he has played several games in a row, and all of them are high-intensity battles. I really don’t want to fight anymore. Let’s have another Kaido, and he won’t be alive anymore.

Without a word, Kulo agreed to the Old Master’s request and set off with Lida and Kuro on the boat.

But before he set off, he went to the armory, and all those broken weapons and firearms were thrown into the sky for him.

When these things are put back to the stove, they are back to the stove. It’s better to give it to yourself. Anyway, if the Government has money, just make a new batch of them.

This time, he doesn’t need to hide anything. Anyway, his abilities are almost exposed. As long as they are not used, he will send them to the sky and continue to stock them.

After all this was done, he went to the port. As a Commander, he didn’t have to take the small eighty-man cruiser that couldn’t be smaller. Now he is equipped with a Battleship of 250 A battleship of ten people can reach three hundred people if it is full.

“Aren’t the people full?”

I boarded the Battleship and asked Kuro to summon all the Marines on the ship. Kulo looked at the full game and counted as many as a hundred. Marine, twitched the corner of his mouth.

“Report to Kulo Commander!”

A captain saluted: “The headquarter is seriously understaffed. Some Marines are undergoing treatment at this time, and some have been taken away by Vice Admiral. It’s done.”

“It’s okay…it’s enough if the supply is full.”

Kulo waved his hand and took a look at these Marines. Well, more than half of them were injured. Everyone was covered in bandages, including the captain.

Old Master gave him a group of wounded soldiers to patrol. This is for him to help.

However, they are all slightly injured, and there is no problem with normal sailing and simple combat.

This mid-range Battleship is different from the cruise ship. Of course, the place is larger and the office is the most luxurious.

“The voyage is up to you.”

Kulo said to the captain and walked to the office.

The captain saluted the military salute again, seeing Kulo enter the Battleship fortress in the middle, relaxed in his heart, and said to Marine: “If Kulo Commander is there, we are safe.”

“Yes, that’s Kulo Commander.”

“A character who can fight Whitebeard, if he is there, this voyage will save a lot of trouble.”

Marine They talked one after another.

Of course, Kulo heard these words.

He shook the head, entered the office, sat down on the chair, and began to rub his eyebrows.


“Kulo, you seem to have become famous.” Leda chewed on an apple and said.

“That’s as it should be by rights.”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and said, “Mr. Kulo’s shots were very high and frequent in this war. High, it will naturally be recognized by the public.”

There are also live broadcasts.

“Shut up, you guys!” Kulo glared at them, then sighed then said.

Being famous for this kind of thing, since he knew that he could not escape the war, he was naturally prepared for it.

But now it’s not hopeless. At most, I am a “famous Marine”, almost similar to Smoker. Over time, his fame may be bigger than him.

Kulo has also made countermeasures for this.

Marine at the bottom level can’t be mixed anymore. His fame goes from “Jiji Wuming” to “small reputation”, so he won’t be included in the “small reputation”, and he will not go to the “famous world”. The direction goes to ascend.

But there are more famous people, down to Smoker and up to all kinds of Vice Admiral are all at this level, at worst, change the environment.

Be a low-key man, stay in the limelight, and mix for a few more years, he will be almost the same as those generals in the headquarters, without being noticed, that’s all easy to say.

There is also the Straw Hat. He will go to New World in a few years. New World is Pirate’s site and has little to do with Marine. He can do whatever he wants.

So the next step is to find a place to put it out, and then mix it up for a lifetime.

Safe and secure.


The navigation of Battleship is naturally purposeless in the Grand Line. They only have permanent pointers to the headquarters, and the others have to rely on recording pointers for island navigation. .

Grand Line says it’s not too big, and it’s not too small. It must not be able to sail on a fixed route, especially now that this knotty eye is blindly touched by the record pointer, because Pirate uses it too. Record pointer.


It hasn’t been a long time since the sailing, just out of the triangular spiral Sea Territory of Marineford and Judicial Island, the captain in charge of the command rushed into the office, loudly said:” I found the Pirate Ship!”

At this time, Kulo put his legs on the desk and slept there with his back up.

Leda is still eating snacks.

While Kuro was looking at recent newspapers there, one day later, the newspaper about major events had been published and distributed to the whole world.

This war was dubbed “War on Top” by those reporters.

It’s quite consistent…

But Kuro is not looking at this. He is a personal participant. What’s interesting. Instead, he wants to see some information from the small page. Come.

At this time, after being so noisy, both Leda and Kuro looked towards the captain.

Kulo was taken aback, shook his head, lowered his head and looked towards the captain, “Pirate Ship?”

“Yes, Pirate Ship was found ahead.” The captain said solemnly.

“Which Pirates?”

“It’s the’flaming sword Pirates’, and the captain is Bounty’s 18 million’flaming sword’ Chenor.” The captain replied.

“Then you can sink it.”

Kulo sighed, “Just don’t disturb my sleep…Kuro, go and solve it. “


Kuro pushed down his glasses, stood up and walked out.

Kulo was going to sleep on his back, suddenly thought of something, and said to Leda: “You go out and tell Kuro, don’t throw the remaining Pirate Ship, wrap it in bread… No, that ship and Pirate’s weapon is left for me. I woke up and took it.”

“Can’t you move your feet by yourself, Kulo.” Lida speechless saying.

“Go quickly, otherwise I want you subordinates to do what.” Kulo waved his hand and continued to close his eyes.

“You are so lazy.”

Lida rolled her eyes and got up and walked out of the office.

bang bang bang!

Immediately, shelling sounded outside.

Kulo is not worried at all. With Kuro’s strength, dealing with a little Pirate of 18 million, it will be laughable and generous if this is about to overturn.

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