“Kulo Kulo, that’s the one, cranberry juice.”

Walking to the street, Lida suddenly grabbed Kulo and pointed to a shop with excitement: “That thing is delicious.”

“Did you mean [Scarlet Berry Jelly]?”

The lieutenant said at this time: “It’s indeed a famous drink here. I didn’t come. If you have passed, you can try it.”

“Is it so delicious? Kuro, a drink per person, I treat you, you pay.”

Kulo took a look at these dozens Marine, talking to Kuro.

Why did I pay for your treat…

Kuro tugged at the corner of his mouth, and a black line appeared on his forehead.

Although, as a steward, Kuro is in charge of finances, Kulo’s words obviously don’t mean that, but really let him pay for himself.

But, there is no way to refuse…

Who made him a direct member of the family?

Sighed Kuro took some Marines to the store to buy drinks, but for a while, a group of people came back with a glass of drink in one hand.

This kind of drink is only a cup of 500 Beli, which is surprisingly cheap, because the drink also comes with a cup.

The cup is a transparent glass with a beautiful appearance. The pattern on it alone is worth a lot of money when sold.

In the glass, there is a thick juice like blood, which is swaying, but it does not stick to the wall of the glass. It looks pretty good.

Kulo pinched the cigar, took a sip with a straw, and immediately opened his eyes.

“It tastes good…”


Leda said with a smile satisfied: “I haven’t drunk this for a long time. I really miss it…”

“Okay, let someone buy more and keep it for storage.”

Kulo said to the captain: “Write this down Live.”


The captain saluted.

Of course they are willing to do such a good thing. The other Marines were all smiles when they heard this. This thing tastes very good. It is very good as a boring mediation when sailing.

A group of people continued to move forward. Kulo was drinking a drink while observing the residents here.

The color of their clothes is very monotonous, either black or white. Men wear black robe and women wear white robe. They either have a book in their hands or a star-like hanging around their necks. Ornaments, from time to time, someone is holding that ornament, mutter incantations.

“They are praying.”

Seeing Kulo’s curiosity, the lieutenant explained: “People here have the custom of praying, as long as they feel necessary or uncomfortable, They will pray, which will keep their moods normal.”

Kulo laughed, “It’s funny.”

Due to the change in the magnetic field, the Grand Line makes almost every island They are not interlinked, which leads to different levels of technology and customs of each island.

No wonder, after all, there are still cannibals.

While Kulo was observing the people here, a man wearing a black robe approached him and bumped Kulo shoulder to shoulder.

It’s not just him, he bumped into the shoulders of several Marines behind Kulo continuously while passing by.

“Hey, be careful when you walk.”

A Marine turned back and shouted immediately.

The black robe man didn’t care, and each minding their own business walked forward, and soon disappeared into the crowd.

“This guy…wouldn’t you apologize if you hit someone!”

“Okay, don’t you guys get hit, what’s the matter? “

Kulo stopped the Marine who was about to chase over, frowned: “It’s not to be disadvantageous to you, just a collision. As Marines, how can you behave like this? Be generous. Do you know magnanimity? Look at me, it’s very big…”

He didn’t finish his words, and suddenly he felt a little swaying in the cup in his hand. When he looked down, he saw blood inside. The juice suddenly surged and turned into a small terrifying head.

This head has no hair, but features similar outlines. At this time, he opened his mouth wide to Kulo, rushing from the cup, as if to bite him.


Kulo exerted subconsciously force in his hand, crushing the glass together with the weird villain.


At the same time, the appearance of those Marines who were hit by the black robed man just now has changed. Although they are still wearing Marine uniforms, their faces are also changed. In order to see the specific facial features and without any hair on the face, he opened his mouth facing Kuluo, sending out a dull roar.

They extend the hand, like zombie, seem to attack Kulo.

This sudden change made him eyes shrank.

“Kulo, Kulo?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded, his eyes changed again, and the Marines looked at him in doubt.

Leda looked up at him, “What’s wrong with you? Are you tired of drinking? Then don’t crush the cup casually.”

Kulo lowered his head, there is no terrifying Only the glass shards crushed by him and the juice flowing down his fingers to the ground were his face.

“Play with me?”

Kulo complexion sank, pupils turn red, Kenbunshoku opens, covering the entire town.

“Kulo?” Seeing that Kulo’s face was not right, Lida asked quickly.

“Wait here, I’ll go get that impolite person back.”

Kulo gritted his teeth and came, and his steps flashed immediately. Disappeared extremely quickly.


The Marine next to him stared blankly at the broken glass slag on the ground, a little strange.

How about being generous?

The black robe man came to an unmanned alley, standing on the wall in front, with his back facing motionless.

“Hehe, Absolun, don’t turn your back to me every time you meet me. It’s terrifying.”

Behind, a vibrant voice rang stand up.

The black robe man slowly turned his head, revealing a pale and stiff face in the shadow of the alley. He stared at the woman for a while and slowly said: “Sipatia.”

That woman is the same Sipatia I met before.

At this time, she also held a cup of [Scarlet Berry Pulp] in her hand, shook it at Absolun, and said: “Sure enough, Marine is coming, and that fool of Gugas didn’t handle it properly. There are three people who don’t have the ability to match me, but the effect is not big. At night, there will be a good show.”

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Absolun’s stiff face: “Those Marines, I met. If nothing else, they are now killing each other.”

“Oh? Did you use hallucinations, it’s really bad…”

Patia hehe said with a smile: “You deserve to be a prisoner from the 6th floor, but you do it during the day, aren’t you afraid of causing trouble?”

“With my ability, no one can wake up during the day …” Absolun said indifferently.

“Hehe, hehe, but somebody was sober yesterday.”


Abu Soren complexion sank,” Don’t challenge my authority.”

“Okay, let’s not talk about it.”

Sipatia bowed one foot like a girl and took a sip of her drink. The tongue was stained with the blood-like juice and wrapped around the lips, and laughed: “If there is a good show, then go and see it, I, but I like watching people fight together.”

“It’s up to you, but you can report the progress first, can you tonight?” Absolun said stiffly.

Sipatia put his fingers around her hair, her eyes turned towards the sky, thinking for a while, and said: “Um…according to his fable, tonight should be the end.”

“What’s the last?”

“Of course it is the last madness, blood, fighting, despair after sober, tsk tsk tut, it’s really great!”

West Patia grinned, the arc had reached the base of her ears, and the energetic face was unusually ferocious at this time.

Then she found that Absolun’s face was not right, and the man stared closely behind her.

And the words just now did not seem to be spoken by Absolun.

Sipatia turned his head slowly and saw Kulo remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs standing there at the entrance of the alley. He took out a cigar and lighted it silently. Then he raised his head, and the smoke floated up his face.

“Yo, how are you guys.”

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