“I thought you were just a girl with a problematic head…”

Kulo spit out a puff of smoke and said, “It doesn’t seem to be right now, can you give Let me explain what will happen at night and your identity as a prisoner on the 6th floor.”

“How could it be…”

Absolun said in disbelief at this time: “How could you break through my hallucinations so quickly?”

“Ah… as expected.”

Kulo narrowed his eyes, “Is it ability.”

“Hehe, hehe, your gloomy man’s abilities can be quickly cracked one day.”

Sipatia laughed and said to Kulo:” This Marine little brother, if you don’t find it, you can get involved in the evening. It’s a pity that you won’t see what will happen at night.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. , Sipatia.”

Absolun narrowed his eyes, “kill him.”

“It seems that he won’t go back with me obediently, then… “

Kulo bit his cigar and suddenly disappeared.


Sipatia’s hair was blown away, and then he heard a sound of a sharp weapon pierced into the flesh from behind.


Sipatia’s eyes opened slightly, and when he looked back subconsciously, he saw that Marine was holding a black blade and slashed over Absolun with a single blade. Cut from the shoulder to the lower waist, almost cutting Absolun in half.

Blood spattered, and Absolun fell into a pool of blood with a frightened face.

“When you treat me as stupid, give you that ability?”

Kulo throws away the blood on the limpid autumn water, laughed disdainfully, and then turned his head and looked towards his face Sipatia, who was sweating from the top, said, “Can you explain it to me now?”

Sipatia’s body stretched like a cat, with a smile on her face: “It’s really amazing. People, but it’s not that easy to catch me.”

“Ah…you don’t seem to be Pirate, it’s troublesome to chop it up.”

Smoke, from the west Patia wrapped her face behind her back, pressing one hand on the back of her neck.

When Kulo appeared in her, he indifferently said: “So you should come with me.”

He used his hands hard to squeeze the woman, but at this time , I saw a curve of Sipatia’s face flying.

“Hehe, do you want to take a closer look, if you catch it wrong, it will be bad.”

Just as she finished speaking, Kulo was on her hands With a pinch, Sipatia fell down.

He shook his head and was about to take this woman back. However, when he first came into contact with this woman, he suddenly felt something wrong in his hand. This touch didn’t seem to be real.

This made him react. When he wanted to pinch this woman just now, it didn’t feel right.

Suddenly, a chill came from behind him.

Kulo squinted his eyes, and the [Sakura Ten] and [Wood Dryness] hanging around his waist came out of their sheaths and flew behind him.


Obviously there is nothing, there is still a shock from Sword God.

Kulo’s pupils are now more red.

Kenbunshoku focused!

The scene in front of me suddenly swayed like a ripple. The fallen woman and Absolun, who was lying in the back of the alley in front, disappeared without a trace under the ripples.

Where is there who, and what blood is there.

Instead of the crossed daggers, Sipatia held a dagger on top of the daggers, and beside her, Absolun didn’t know when to appear there. , There is no trace of injury at all.

Sipatia saw Kulo look over, retracted the dagger, and jumped back two steps.

“Hehe, hehe, the response is really fast. It doesn’t seem to be that easy to deal with.”

“No wonder I didn’t feel good when I cut you just now. It turned out to be cut. The air is up, that ability can shield my Haki?”

Kulo stared at that Absolun, feeling a little weird, but he drove the Kenbunshoku all the way, but he was still caught.

He didn’t care about it this time, but as Haki, who can predict danger and sense others, he realized it only after he had a backstab.

A smile appeared at the corner of Absolun’s mouth: “Kenbunshoku Haki, in fact, is the sharpness of the senses, and I am the “wrong person” who has eaten the “wrong and wrong fruit.” A person has an illusion.”

“Sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch, I can make him have an illusion, so when did you happen, you cut my illusion What?”

“The prisoner on the 6th floor, it’s really not simple…” Kulo spit out smoke.

“The youngster nowadays, have you forgotten my fame? It’s a pity that you didn’t have a chance to ask your senior, otherwise, you can hear my legend, I [Magic Hero] Absolen My lord’s legend, I played against you Sengoku Admiral.” Absolun said lightly.

When Sengoku was mentioned, there was a trace of hideousness on his stiff face.

“In a while, the sea will raise my fame again, the man Sengoku, I won’t make him feel better!”

Absolun’s stiff face was expressionless There was a trace of hideousness on his face.

“Correct it, it’s Fleet Admiral Sengoku.”

Kulo extend the hand, press against the wall of the alley, “It looks like it’s an old bastard again. If you escape, behave.” It’s not enough to return to hermitage. You have to come out to find something. Your adult hasn’t taught you. Is it impolite to cause trouble?”

“Brat, you’re just playing tongue-in-cheek now.”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Absolun’s mouth, “How long can your Kenbunshoku be with me? Soon, you won’t even know where I stand.”

Kulo grinned. “Don’t play garlic here and fight Fleet Admiral Sengoku? Don’t say so tall, if I guess correctly, the old man is perfectly restrained, right? The five senses that control people are in his great Buddha spirit, but It’s useless at all.”

“I do know your ability, but…you are standing here right now!”

His hand is from the wall Loosen the top and squeeze it hard, “Lionwei·Bijuan Jizo!”

hong long long!

The earth shook suddenly.

The walls on both sides of the exit of the small alley suddenly extended inward, stitching the exit together, and at the same time a high stone wall was formed on the ground, making the blocked exit thicker.

At this time, this deep alley has no other exit except the sky.

Kulo’s feet gradually moved away from the ground, farther and farther away from them. He soared to a high altitude, looking down at the two people who were in shock on the ground, his palms floated, and he combed his hair.

“Do you think you can sit on the sky with a big back? Today I will teach you what is called sitting on the sky!”

“Hey, kidding Right…”

Sipatia looked up at the sky, finally there was no laughter on his face, showing a deep consternation and solemnity.

There were a lot of black spots on that sky, and the black spots fell from the sky very quickly, allowing the two of them to see the specific appearance of the black spots.


That is a lot of weapons!

Swords, spears and axe, all fall like rain in a moment!

Kulo is unable to resist Absolun’s ability. That ability cannot be said to be able to completely control his five senses, but the influence is definitely there.

This makes Kenbunshoku unable to sense the two of them, but it doesn’t mean that he has no move.

In such a deep small alley, with an exit, then there is such a big place for them to move, such a small space, it is not too easy to hit a few people.

“Want to make a name? I have raised all the ashes to you today!” Kulo said with a smile.

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