As soon as he finished speaking, Kulo’s figure disappeared in place.

Gadi’s pupils on the opposite side shrank, and he subconsciously blocked Bolopa’s, raising his sword to block.

Dang! !

The blade was slashed by the black blade, and a ball of sparks was rubbed. Gardy clenched with one hand and burst out a ball of silver slash, but the slash was hit by the black blade before it was completely swung. Disperse.


Gadi fiercely shook off the that black blade on it, staring at Kulo solemnly, “You are the master of this knife!”

No The same, completely different.

As a swordsman, Gardi can clearly feel it.

He originally thought that the owner of this knife was the little white-haired girl, but there was no sign of using the knife at all, but since the limpid autumn water was held by this man, the breath has changed. .

This guy is better than him!


Gardi took a step back, completely blocking the short Popa behind him, and said: “Hurry up, this guy is very strong.”

“Do I need to go! I have so many works, I…”


Weapons and islands continue to bombard the upper city All of the fortresses were smashed into ruins.

Polopa was silent for a while, and then said: “You are right, I will go first and block him, Gadi.”

Speaking, he rushed into the ruins behind him , Got inside.


Kulo Kenbunshoku sensed that the breath of Bolopa was gradually falling, and he was slightly surprised, his body floated, and flew past the breath.


A silver slash brushed from the ground. Before reaching Kulo, a silhouette jumped abruptly in the air. He swirled around his body and his legs and feet rotated from behind. Get to the front and draw a big circle.

“Tekkai · Waltz!”

There was a slash on the toe, like a knife of the full moon, fiercely hit the silver slash, with a muffled noise, The slash dissipated.

Kuro fell on the ground, pushed his glasses down with the base of his palm, raised his head, and looked at Gadi with disdain.

Gadi breathes deeply, and his gaze bursts into killing intent: “Don’t get in the way, Marine!”

“That won’t work…”

Kuro said “The physique of people and people can’t mention on equal terms, and Mr. Kulo’s anger is different from ours. If I don’t do something, I’m very scared.”

“Then kill you first. !” Gadi placed the long sword in front of him.

“Hey, Kuro, are you okay, the other side is not weak.” Lida asked.

“Just test it…”

Kuro bowed slightly, “shave fast…”


His figure quickly disappeared, a cloud of dust was stirred up on the ground, Gadi’s eyes widened, and his backhand slashed away.



The blade of the sword intersects with a row of sharp claws. The wind pressure of the sharp claw cuts under the long sword, creating five deep ravines.

Kuro has changed at this time. His upper half of his face has become a wolf head, his hands and feet are covered with black hair, and his five fingers are obviously stretched out. The long sharp claw is from the fingers. The toes stretched and opened, with cold glow glowing.

Human animal form.

“Zoan Ability User…”

Gadi’s eyes were low, his arms swung forward to open Kuro, while the long sword quickly changed its angle in the air, looking towards Kuro with one sword. .

“It’s useless!”

Kuro claws towards the long sword, “I became the Ability User, not the weak human being before!”

He was going to grab the long sword directly, but when his claws reached the long sword, the thin and straight long sword suddenly disappeared, showing a triangular shape from all around Kuro.


This triangle completely surrounds Kuro, making it impossible for him to dodge.


Kuro quickly retracted his hands, crossed in front of him, and stretched his body tightly.


Two bloodstains appeared on Kuro’s shoulders and waist, cut his fur, Kuro eyes slightly narrowed, and at this moment a paw struck him. At the same time, Gardy quickly drew his hand, pointed the tip of his sword straight to Kuro, and thrust his sword forward.



Kuro stepped back a few steps, there was some blood on his paws, and there was a small blood hole in his chest.

“Don’t underestimate me.”

Gadi held the sword, scanned the paw prints on his chest, and slowly said: “This sword, [Famous Sword] is cold De, its characteristic is weird. You will always be impossible to know the angle of my sword. This time it is your chest. Next time, I will penetrate your throat.”

“I don’t know the angle of your sword.”

That’s not necessarily…”

Kuro raised his paw, moved closer to his lips, and licked his blood with his tongue.

“Next time, I will pierce your chest.”


This time, Gardy used a long sword to pull out one The irregular quadrilateral rushed towards Kuro.

His style, no one can stop it yet.

As a veteran of the two dynasties, Gadi played for Moe Island when he was young. Back then, he was Knight. After the arrival of Bolupa, he was under 10,000 people here, and his strength was natural. Can match the status.

His sword has caused countless unruly people to fall on this land.

These people are no exception.

“The prosperity of Moe Island will not be destroyed by you!” Gadi roared.


Gadi’s body froze, looking down incredulously, black’s claws opened up, like a long sword, submerged in his chest.

“I said, I will pierce your chest next time.”

Kuro raised the corners of his mouth and said, “I already know all your battle methods and habits.”

This is the “Moon Wolf”. By absorbing the blood of the enemy, you can understand the whole of the opponent.

Even if the angle is tough, as long as it is not crushed, Kuro can completely dodge.

But unfortunately, this Gadi, whether in terms of strength or speed, cannot crush Kuro, who is now in the form of humans and beasts. Even Kuro is much higher than his quality. Minute.

After learning about his battle method, then this Gadi, in front of him, is no different from the skinned and immobile lamb.

One click is enough.

Gadi trembled all over, and as soon as his arm was about to move, Kuro pulled out his hand and kicked Gadi out.

“I have said, now you, no matter what you do, I will know.”

Kuro shook his paw and threw the blood to the ground.

Gadi lay on the ground, took a few breaths, supported his body with a long sword, and stood up laboriously.

“This is all…”

Kuro was surprised. The power of his move just now was not low. It basically destroyed his heart, but he was still able to stand up. And depending on the situation, there seems to be battle strength.

“It won’t let you pass, absolutely not!”

“The prosperity of this island is because the owner is there. If there is no owner, then the island will be restored. In the chaos of war, those unruly people will turn this island into a hell. You… are creating hell!”

“Huh? But your master is not playing with human lives wantonly. Are the people in this town also killed by your master?” Leda was puzzled.

Gardi glanced at her and slowly said: “If you accept prosperity, you will naturally have to pay a price. Even if the master kills one a day, it will only cost more than three hundred a year, and loses the master. This island will be completely deserted. As long as this island becomes better, I don’t care about life or anything!”

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