In the deep tunnel, Bolopah’s small size keeps following the tunnel.

The authentic style is very simple and short. Ordinary people can’t get in. Only his size can come and go freely in this tunnel, so it doesn’t need to be too cumbersome.

He is carrying some weapons, long spear, saw meat knife and katana. The weapons that have appeared in the hands of weapons men are all on his back.

He was running while holding a Den Den Mushi in his hand. He was talking on the phone. After speaking, his voice rose by an octave:

“My precious test product is completely destroyed. In short, if the Marine is not handed over to me, then all future transactions will be cancelled!” After finishing speaking, he hangs up Den Den Mushi, this By then he had arrived at the entrance of the cave.

There is a sea in front of me.

This is a shoal outside the island. A speedboat stays outside the shoal, using wind shells from Skypiea as a power source.

“Preserving this tunnel back then was to prevent the World Government. Didn’t expect was forced to use it by a group of Marines, hateful, that Marine… you won’t be proud of it for too long. !”

“How long is too long?”

Above, the voice faintly sounded.

Polopa suddenly raised his head, and in the sky, Kulo was floating in the sky, looking down at him.

“It seems that you are not only short, but also like a mouse. Only you can drill such a small hole.”

“Don’t say I am short!”

Polopa roared: “What’s wrong with being short, even if I am as short as me, I can do something!”


“hahaha, Popa, you dwarf!”

“The Bonaparte family are all dwarfs.”

“I’m three years younger than you, My height is half yours.”

“Polopa, do you still want to fight with weapons? You are not tall enough, come on, this tattered one Give you the dagger, let me use that sword.”

“Polopa, you are not suitable for fighting, let alone fighting with weapons. Give up. Everyone has their own limits. Recognize the reality.”

“The giant sword is three taller than you. It is not suitable for you, hahaha, dwarf Popa.”

A series of memories flashed through Polopa’s mind without hesitation. He gritted his teeth and looked up at Kulo above.

“Because of me, Moe Island can prosper, and because of me, those who are weak are worthy of holding weapons! It depends on these weapons in my hands and my research!”

Polopa ripped off the weapon on his back, and fell to the ground in a squawk.

“I am a’homology person’ who has eaten the’homology fruit’. I can synchronize with the dead, assimilate into their breath and master it. Through this ability, I can understand the characteristics of weapons, And through research to attach these characteristics to living people, only I can do it, and Bergaponke can’t do this kind of thing!”

“You know what it was like twenty years ago Let me tell you that this was a dilapidated small village twenty years ago! Joelman and Sukhnai have been fighting several decades ago. This island is the battlefield, and the people who live here live here every day. After the war, the souvenir here was the corpse and Pirate who was looking for opportunities here.”

“The ruler doesn’t care about anything, he just knows to save himself. It’s me, I saved it. Here! Moe Island has the power to defend itself only after I came. They are willing to give up their lives for my research in order to prosper, because I can let them and this island never suffer from war again!”

“Now these two kingdoms can maintain their situation because they have my works. Once my works are gone, the balance between Jorman and Sukhna will break again, and they will log on to Moe Island again. By then this will be the hell on earth, everything will change back to twenty years ago!”

Looking at Popa roaring there, Kulo silently spit out the smoke, his eyes circled around Moe Island. .

The down town of this island is indeed very prosperous. No matter what forces, they will do business here obediently and honestly. Those residents enjoy the prosperity here and smile from the bottom of their hearts.


“What’s the matter with Laozi?”

Kulo said: “The era has its own development, whether you are or not, it will take advantage of the trend Going forward, the most important thing is…I think you are unhappy.”

Poppa loudly said: “You can’t arrest me, you are a subsidiary of World Government, I have cooperation with your World Government, You don’t have the right to catch me!”

“Bao 啵啵啰啵啰…”

He tone barely fell, and Den Den Mushi on Kulo’s wrist rang.


Polopa smiled triumphantly: “Take the call, your superior is coming to trouble you.”

Kulo scans Glancing at him, the phone was connected.

“Moximosi? Is it Lucifer·Kulo?”

“Which one.”

“I am a senior official of the World Government, you are Moe Island, right? You don’t need Marine to take care of everything on Moe Island. Get out quickly. Everything here is our secret. You are not allowed to stand on that land.”

“I didn’t Stand on the ground.”

Kulo said.

He is not standing on the land of Moe Island.

He was flying.

“You are not allowed to explore anything about Bonaparte Popa. This has nothing to do with your Marine. You are not allowed to arrest him.” The official added another sentence.

“I didn’t catch him…”

Kulo’s words made Popa smile more.

“He was playing in the water and was crushed by a sudden landslide. I wanted to save him but it was too late.”


He tone barely fell , The cliff above Bolopa suddenly collapsed and fell, and a few large rocks fell in his stunned eyes, drowning it.

“Listen, this is the sound of a landslide, Grand Line is a ghost place, landslides and other things are normal.”

Kulo leaned his wrist down and wanted this The officials heard it more clearly.

“Help…Save me…”

Under the rock, a hand came out, and Polopa poked out his head with blood on his face, weakly saying:” I can’t die, I…I still have a dream that hasn’t been fulfilled.”

“That’s the voice of Popa? Go save him!” The officer became impatient.


Kulo’s body fell and landed directly on the surface of the sea. When he reached out his hand, he rolled up a huge tsunami.

“Wow, Grand Line is really weird. There was just a landslide, and there was a tsunami. Listen, the sound of the tsunami.”

The tsunami rose ten times. A few meters, like a giant beast, plunged into the shoal and slammed into the place of Polopa. The dense water pressure crushed all the rocks and rushed into the sea with the fragmented rock masses. .

There is no more silhouette of Popa.

“Aiya, it’s too late. People have been swept into the sea, and there is nothing I can do. Mosimosi? Mosimosi? The signal is not good. Hang up first.”

Kulo hung up Den Den Mushi with a’pop’, with a sneer: “Government officer? What is it? Fleet Admiral and Admiral are the ones that connect with you, and I’m a Commander.”

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