After finishing Polopa, Kulo flew back, and as soon as he landed, the ensign came over with a Den Den Mushi.

“Commander, it’s… Fleet Admiral’s call.”

“Huh? Mr. Sengoku?”

Kulo tone barely fell, that opened Den Den Mushi let out a roar.

“Kulo!! You little demon, what did you do?!”

Kulo twitched his head, and put his fingers in his ears, “What did I do, Sengoku Sir, you are about to retire, do you know if your voice is smaller, the image, the image.”

“Stop playing garlic with me here!” The roar continued over there.

“Garlic? Where’s the garlic? I want to eat garlic bread.” Lida raised her eyebrows and said.

Sengoku: “…”

“What did you do on Moe Island!”

“What did you do.”

Kulo pretended to say: “It was a cordial and friendly greeting with the local jazz. He was a little excited. It is probably because I was too handsome to run around excitedly. I drilled a tunnel and was crushed to death by the mountain, and then was swept by the tsunami. I’m gone.”

“Grand Line, you know, what landslides, earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, and sudden freezing of the sea, inexplicable laser flashes, are all very It’s normal.”

“For this, I feel a moment of silence. He is a very good person, but a little short. Mr. Sengoku, do you know that it is really short, short and fat, like a Like an egg, I will tell you…”

“Enough! Kulo! I didn’t come to listen to your sophistry! The Government called me. Do you understand what this means!”

“I’m about to retire and have to worry about what you disobedient Marines have caused. You are exactly the same as Borsalino. Can’t you save me something! Bonaparte Popa and the Government? There is a deal, and it is also involved with Celestial Dragon. If you kill him, it is difficult for us to explain in front of the Government!”

“Anyway, you can settle the matter of Moe Island. I don’t want to hear from the Government or anyone else. Come to the headquarters to complain again! And…”

“Mosimosi? Mosimosi? It’s strange, the signal is not good, Mr. Sengoku, I will hang up first, and I will talk when I have time.”

Kulo directly hung up the call.

“Commander, is this…” The second lieutenant held up Den Den Mushi embarrassedly.

“Shut up, I have a decision, now call to let Marine who stayed on board take control of Xiacheng!”


The second lieutenant stands at attention and salutes , Hurriedly made a phone call.

“What are you going to do, Kulo?” Leda asked.

“What are you doing? Pirate.”

Kulo sneered, “The people who control here are finished. Those Pirates are not blind. It is impossible to see the movement in the upper city. Once they find out There’s something wrong with the armed forces here, how could it not be looting here.”

“What I did by myself must of course be finished. Didn’t you hear Sengoku say? I’ll make the decision. It’s such a good place. , Holding two shipping routes and dozens of waterways is equivalent to a small shampoo land. It would be too wasteful if you don’t make a Marine base.”

He doesn’t like Polopa’s style of acting. The aftermath, the method for the aftermath is particularly simple.

I’m not afraid of Pirate, afraid of war.

Just be the Marine base.

Kulo’s five fingers slapped on the ground, only to hear a loud’bang’, the fortresses turned into ruins in the upper city were raised uniformly, flew to the sky, aimed at the lower city and began to march.


‘Four Corners Hat’ Bertro is a Pirate who has made his debut for several years. He is from East Blue. He was lucky with a bounty of several million. He has entered the Grand Line, and after years of hard work, he has become a “Great Pirate” with a bounty of 30 million.

In the Sea Territory with an average bounty of 3 million, he is proud of his current bounty.

East Blue is not only producing some rubbish, but also an elite Pirate like him!

To survive until now, he does not rely on military force, but on his own wisdom and keen intuition.

For example, now, the weird noise in the Shangcheng District has attracted his attention.

“Look, captain, the guards at the door of the shops seem to have put down their weapons.”

He pointed to the guards holding the long spear outside the shops, said curiously.

As a neutral zone, the reason Pirate does not take action is because the military force here is too strong. Those who are taciturn and hold weapons have the battle strength of elite soldiers, and they are numerous.

It is thankless to attack here.

But if there really is a chance, no one wants to let go of this rich place.

“I saw…”

Bettrow squinted his eyes, he also noticed this scene, and then thought of the movement in the upper city, and the one that appeared before. The batch seems to be not to be trifled with Marine…

It is very possible that the local ruler has been arrested by Marine.

He knows that the dwarf often buys some slaves and captures some innocent people. Those people have become the standing long spear soldiers in this town. Some faces, he used to Have seen.

“This is an opportunity!”

Betero felt fierce and said: “Call our men here and take this town!”

” Captain?! This is Moe Island. If we rob this place, we will be chased and killed by our peers, and we will be impossible to come here to supply supplies in the future.” The subordinate panicked.

“We are Pirate! Can Pirate still be loved by our peers?!”

Betero glared at him, “Pirate should just want to see the treasure, see If you take the risk, it’s right, or how to call it Pirate! This place hasn’t been fouled for several years, let’s be the first one to make [Pirates, a four-corner hat] famous all over the sea!”

“Ming, I understand!”

The man was stunned, and immediately nodded, “I’m here…”

He turned around and went to the port before he finished speaking. When he ran, his figure was faintly embarrassed.

Betero shook the head, this man is good everywhere, just frizzy.

At this time, you should neither too fast nor too slow, lest other Pirates find out the clues, running so impatiently, and those who don’t know think they are being chased by something.

“That’s why I’m the captain, and you’re just a subordinate. You have to be like me. Keep things in your heart and don’t show it to you. There is an old saying in the flower country of West Blue: Those who face like a calm lake, you can worship the generals of the water army.”

Betero lightly Issho, turned and looked towards the town, “This place, I will be the first to grab, grab… what to drive Just kidding!!!”

He ran away, faster than his men, and quickly surpassed his men, wishing that both hands would be on the ground, where there was no sense of plainness.

In the sky, a large number of fortress clouds flew over from the upper city like dark clouds.

If that thing is smashed down, what kind of tolerance will it be?

Damn, his subordinates didn’t notify him first, and when he got on the ship, he would use Pirate’s rules!

Betero arrived at the port quickly and was about to board the ship, and then he froze while looking at the turbulent sea in the port.

The sea is very clean.

The prosperous situation that a large number of ships drew close to the port has long since disappeared. In addition to sea water, it is still sea water.

“My ship!”

He exclaimed: “I am such a big ship! Where are my men! Where are they?!”

Even if you are escaping, you should be able to see it at this time, but there is still a trace of the ship.

The sea hit a wave, and on the sea in front of him, an iconic sculpture of a four-cornered hat floated over with a few pieces of the ship’s wreckage.

“It turned out to be sunk…”

Betero touched his chest, relaxed, and then his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes popped out.

“My ship was sunk!!!”

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